The Best of Youtube, and More
Blog Entry: The Best of Youtube, and More
Blog Entry: The Best of Youtube, and More
Posted by: TheGameArtCritic
Posted: November 12, 2008, 4:50:34 PM
Updated: November 13, 2008, 1:06:49 PM
Mood: :)
Drinking: hot, sticky fluids
Currently: searching Youtube
Listening To: VG MUSIC!
Posted: November 12, 2008, 4:50:34 PM
Updated: November 13, 2008, 1:06:49 PM
Mood: :)
Drinking: hot, sticky fluids
Currently: searching Youtube
Listening To: VG MUSIC!
1. Aladdin and the Cave of Cheeseburgers - link:
I know it's not Youtube... but you can find it on youtube, and it is hilarious. Rating: M (mature)
2. Deepercutt's Poops - link (sample):
Deepercutt, along with Walrusguy, and KroboProductions are the best Youtube Poopers out there. To learn more about youtube poops, visit
Rating: M
3. Sonic Is Stupid In School - link:
It just speaks for itself.
Rating: PG
4. Foamy Silver's Life Lessons - Nuts For You - link:
For fans of Foamy the squirrel. The icing on the cake appears when Shadow starts talking.
Rating: PG 13
5. Sonic Next Gen (poop)?: repetition - link:
It's the truth in here that's so funny. Behold the marvel that is cheesy backround music, combined with the same words being used over and over and over again, by different characters.
Rating: G
6. Very Uncensored Winnie The Pooh - Link:
One of THE dirtiest things I've ever seen involving a little kids show, and I've seen quite a bit of dirtyness. Not for the faint-hearted. This goes down and dirty from the first scene. A crack-up, no less.
Rating: M
7. Rejected - link:
An animation masterpiece by none other than Don Hertzfeldt. Starting on 0:08, Don uses the rejection of fake company advertizments to animate loads of random crap put together. It doesn't make sense, it's sick, and it's beautiful.
Rating: PG 13
1. Aladdin and the Cave of Cheeseburgers - link:
I know it's not Youtube... but you can find it on youtube, and it is hilarious. Rating: M (mature)
2. Deepercutt's Poops - link (sample):
Deepercutt, along with Walrusguy, and KroboProductions are the best Youtube Poopers out there. To learn more about youtube poops, visit
Rating: M
3. Sonic Is Stupid In School - link:
It just speaks for itself.
Rating: PG
4. Foamy Silver's Life Lessons - Nuts For You - link:
For fans of Foamy the squirrel. The icing on the cake appears when Shadow starts talking.
Rating: PG 13
5. Sonic Next Gen (poop)?: repetition - link:
It's the truth in here that's so funny. Behold the marvel that is cheesy backround music, combined with the same words being used over and over and over again, by different characters.
Rating: G
6. Very Uncensored Winnie The Pooh - Link:
One of THE dirtiest things I've ever seen involving a little kids show, and I've seen quite a bit of dirtyness. Not for the faint-hearted. This goes down and dirty from the first scene. A crack-up, no less.
Rating: M
7. Rejected - link:
An animation masterpiece by none other than Don Hertzfeldt. Starting on 0:08, Don uses the rejection of fake company advertizments to animate loads of random crap put together. It doesn't make sense, it's sick, and it's beautiful.
Rating: PG 13