Working my way through them all..
Blog Entry: Working my way through them all..
Blog Entry: Working my way through them all..
Posted by: TnFDESIGNER
Posted: August 4, 2010, 1:28:43 PM
Mood: Rushed
Currently: working in photoshop
Posted: August 4, 2010, 1:28:43 PM
Mood: Rushed
Currently: working in photoshop
well i am currently working on digital piece number 5, out of the 24. my deadline has been crunch to next week and i really dont think ill be done but im still going to work on my brand new list of drsgons and fantasy creatures,im looking for there to be a few updated mermaids,fire godess and hopefully a few new creatured that ive never created yet such as pheonix,gryphin,kirin,fantasy wolf etc....