Armidillo Flushing!
Blog Entry: Armidillo Flushing!
Blog Entry: Armidillo Flushing!
Posted by: TouhouProjectFan22
Posted: October 2, 2010, 5:35:04 PM
Mood: Anxious
Eating: Pizza
Listening To: S complex
Posted: October 2, 2010, 5:35:04 PM
Mood: Anxious
Eating: Pizza
Listening To: S complex
The title tells almost all. My dad tried flushing an armidillo in our yard.Here's how it went: he got a smoke grenade and a shovel.He lit the grenade(which brought out orange smoke)and threw it down the hole. The armidillo didn't come out. Then, my dad used the shovel to throw dirt into the hole.Still, the armidillo didn't come out.He then filled in the entrance to the hole. The armidillo never came out.It never came out later.In fact, the armidillo probably wasn't home! There is 2 possibilities. It wasn't in it's home, or it was in the hole deep.I just hope it doesn't come back!