Worst Scare of my Life...
Blog Entry: Worst Scare of my Life...
Blog Entry: Worst Scare of my Life...
Posted by: TouhouProjectFan22
Posted: March 23, 2011, 8:07:25 PM
Mood: Scared
Currently: Feeling sick to my stomach...
Listening To: Our fan
Posted: March 23, 2011, 8:07:25 PM
Mood: Scared
Currently: Feeling sick to my stomach...
Listening To: Our fan
Hi.... I'm still shaking fromwhat has to be one of the greatest scares of my life. We almost got hit by a tornado. We stayed in our tornado room for less then an hour, don't know what time we went down. The reason why I'm so scared is because the tornado was SO close to our area, even though it wasn't in our area. We were just taken precautions. I swear I almost might of had an accident if we stayed down there any longer. My older sister did her best to keep me calm during the thing, but I didn't calm down till just now. Strange thing is, I think I predicted the tornado unknowingly. We driving to Sam's to do a little shopping earlier today, and I was looking out the window. For a few seconds, I thought I saw a grey outline of a tornado that sorta conected to the clouds. I dismissed it till now. Another strange thing is, tornado's never hit us. I guess we chose a good spot to live. *smiles nervously* I have to go to sleep now, cause of ARMT testing tomorrow, so bye.