Myth's Story
Blog Entry: Myth's Story
Blog Entry: Myth's Story
Ryzet, Sinita, and Mystyc were a happy Austrailian family until a fox named whisper showed up. she kidnapped Ryzet and Sinita to England where they learned she took them there because they were heros, Myth and Myst, who needed help. serious help.
She had been trainig them in the evil way, making them learn the dark magic and telling them lies- Adva, the cyborg, is bad... Syassia, the bird, is BAD... we must fight against them. Syasia and Adva were none too happy about this. All of them together defeat Whisper, though they could not help Myst. she was good and bad, because whisper's teachings. they could never fix her.
to this day they save the world side by twin side, from shadow or shade or even if chaos posseses morph. they will be there, and they can help... you will see...