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Gambit and Rogue (X-Men Comics 616)

Blog Entry: Gambit and Rogue (X-Men Comics 616)

Blog Entry: Gambit and Rogue (X-Men Comics 616)
Posted by: VampireWarith
Posted: July 27, 2020, 3:25:10 PM
Updated: October 3, 2024, 7:10:08 PM
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This is a couple that I'll most likely never draw, I just can't work up the energy to do so, mainly because I really don't like Rogue's character, how she's been written and how she's treated Gambit throughout the years, from the comics to animation and the those who simp for her and hardly ever drawn the line on her behavior.

Broken Fan Bases
I used to be a fan of these two, but because they've been being off and on, breaking up, dealing with the same problems that they started with back in the early 90s... they've become an unlikable pairing that are being forced together despite all the terrible things that Rogue has done and keeps doing. I also don't care for the majority of the Romy fan base, or what's left which is just the bottom of the barrel since most fans left in the late 90s due to the damage that was done to them and are not coming back. I've seen enough comments on message boards and blog posts to see what a mess it is, filled with mostly women and men who simp who are hypocrites, compulsive liars who are too easily amused and have become desperate for anything, X-Men '97 pretty much showed that they're a worthless woke fan base who have yet to realize that the people at Marvel and Disney+ are not they're friend and don't have anyone's best interest, only themselves. It's gotten so bad that they praise and even want "writer's" who have openly stated that they hate the pairing, the character (Gambit) and have written them so poorly, yet they want them to come back and write them again. These so-called fans will even make piss poor excuses for it instead of calling it out for what it is, those who did call it for what it was are long gone due the deliberate destruction of characters and storylines and rightfully so, no one should waste their time and money on this crap. But unfortunately, what these characters are left with are fakes and grifters who just give them lip service and want more of leftist virtue signaling and pushing the message. Others just want to see Rogue come out on top and they could care less about Gambit, when given a mediocre story, they will kiss Marvel's @$$ for it and beg for more, only when it gets to the point of character assassination, they'll come across as if they care, but only for a short time.

For example, to them it's perfectly fine for Rogue to be friends with psychopaths, think about other men, spending time with or even flaunt herself and flirt with other men, treat Gambit like crap, rather than working on her relationship with him since she hardly ever does that. However, if Gambit starts doing any of that, well then, he's just cheating and he's bad to her, as long as they get their little "Romy fix" of them kissing, sex, as long as Gambit reminds her little plaything that they can fantasize about… that's all they really care about, not story or characterization. They'll be upset at first if one or both gets written badly, but they'll quickly forget it, especially with Rogue, she's allowed to get away with almost anything. If they did care, then being left to die in Antarctica should have had been the end of them (to be fair, a lot did, like I said, many dropped all the X titles and Marvel altogether after '97) or after Rogue got control of her powers, she chooses to sleep with Mag and that should have had them being broken up permanently… but no, even if Rogue gives a half @$$ excuse or none at all, Gambit should just beg her to come back and forgive her, no matter how many times this type of thing keeps happening, they don't care. They want to believe in that "love conquers all" Disney princess fairytale fantasy bullshoot so badly. Many don't have any real understanding of them at all and are just fans because "they look cute together" or "Gambit's hot"... that's as far as their reasoning goes...

Not much can be said for both the Gambit and Rogue fan bases either, many Gambit fans have become too jaded to care anymore, he's been reduced to such a weak minded simp, they can't tell the difference between early 90s Gambit and what he's become today. Others want him turned into a Chad / Tyrone ladies' man, acting as if he's still in his late teens, never committed to anyone, no real goals, no growth or development and are too easily amused even when he makes a pointless cameo or when a rumor comes up. As long as it's not flat-out in your face character assassination, they could care less, as long he makes appearances, that's all that matters to them. Like I said, they'll be upset at first, but they'll get over it pretty quickly and when enough time has passed, they'll act as if it wasn't that bad. About a year or two ago, a lot of these so-called fans were talking about how better it would be for someone of color to play Gambit in a live action film. Because of X-Men '97, the so-called new fans of Gambit are just vapid bimbo Rogue fans because Gambit is hot and he's just an accessory for their princess who needs to worship her no matter what. These are the kind of people who are constantly online and the type of people that the developers think they need to appeal to... that's pretty much what's left with this fanbase.

Rogue fans are suffering from several mental illnesses (like most of the female population in the western world), to them Rogue is the victim who can do better, she can do no wrong and it's all a man's fault (the modern woman of this day and age), since the character has been written so badly in how she treats Gambit, they're not able to admit any of that, so instead they have to be very vague, exaggerate or lie about they're history or they say that she's justified in doing anything she wants just because. The delusion and the entitlement from these fans are off the charts. They also pretty much want her with either a boring bland character that she can't relate too, or a psychopath who treats her and everyone else like crap and they still want her to act like someone who always runs away from her problems, as if that's a good character trait. Neither fan base can argue worth a damn, if you call them out of any of this, they'll just ignore or ban you, but then again, I could say all this for countless fan bases that are shells of their former selves.

There's plenty of good fan art of the two, but when it comes to fan fiction... oh god... it's bad enough that Marvel treats them both like crap, especially Gambit, and while most fan fiction in general is garbage (I'm no great writer by any means), the so-called fans with their piss poor writing skills are even worse than the hacks at Marvel or any known comic book publisher and that's saying something. Any fan fic author calming to be a supporter of a known pairing usually ends up being a liar, they state that just so they can get reviews. Calling them out on that, or on other such things like plot holes the story has, and any inaccuracies, you'll be called a troll... in other words, they have no counterargument to make because they know their full of shoot. That type of fan fiction is not the alternative, but desperate "fans" will cling to anything. The basic story elements you'll find with these two in fan fiction is that Gambit is just a dumb weak worthless cuck / simp, Rogue is a victim, Mag and Mystique may be bad people, but all their crimes are hardly ever mentioned, there nothing more than an afterthought and they were pretty much justified in all their actions. The very things the fans criticize Marvel for, they do the exact same things themselves, that's just how hypocritical and shootty these fan bases and many others have become...

I'm not trying to make it seem as if I'm the only one person on the planet who understands them, but like I said, from what I've seen with others over the past several years… I just don't see a large number of people who have any real understanding of them or even a basic concept of love and romance in fiction at all, western culture has sunk too low for that.

Some of the reasons why these two went through so much unnecessary drama and keeping them apart was due to a lot of "writers" either having no idea how to write romance, women, or hating one (usually Gambit) and loving the other (fans boys with gigantic egos who picture themselves with Rogue). The very idea of a ladies' man is just not PC, or they hate the idea of a loving stable couple, marriage, having kids and so on. Just like leftist, liberals, progressives and ideologies have taken over books, movies, TV, and video games, they have done the same with comics. Starting in the mid-2000s and into the 2010s with all their hipster preachy style writing, a backwards view on justice, right and wrong, one-sided political agendas, affirmative action with gender, race, shoving feminism, SJW, PC crap down everyone's throat. I wonder if some of these male writers were geeks growing up, they didn't get the girls and therefore resent him for that or something? With the woke female writers, they just see him as a creep, maybe it's because they had no father figure in their lives, men didn't approach them... who the hell knows...

From 1991 or 1992 to Now
Now I'm not making this list because I'm the biggest fan of them, I just want it to be known that for the past 30+ years, Gambit has been the only one who's been putting any effort into the relationship and Rogue has done next to nothing. She really doesn't offer anything to the relationship other than drama, there's barely a handful of times in which she fought for him or did anything to build their relationship. Real Gambit fans have been saying this for years, but because of that crappy 97 series, more and more people are starting to see that as well.

5 Reasons Why Rogue and Gambit Have a Relationship That Works
1. Rogue's Powers Never Scare Gambit Off
2. Rogue and Gambit Have Evenly Matched Sarcasm
3. Both Rogue and Gambit Have Gone Through Similar Struggles
4. Rogue and Gambit Have a Lot of History
5. Rogue and Gambit are Each Other’s Best Friend

While there is or was something to base their relationship on, such as their past and personality, but since the late 90s, the mid-2000s and the early 2010s, none of that matters anymore due to Rogue's behavior. It's gotten to the point of her just being thoughtless, verbally abusive and keeping secrets from him most of the time to him (Gambit gets accused of that all the time), and other such things that she just keeps repeating over and over again for the thy most selfish reasons.

Their very first kiss technically happen on Muir Island when they first met when they were under the control of the Shadow Kind (Rogue & Gambit #2).

Mag tries to manipulate the X-Men into siding with him, against each other and against Earth. The reason Gambit and Rogue's true personalities broke through was because they displayed an obvious attraction to each other (X-Men #3).

The famous basketball game that started their playful banter that still goes on to this day and when Gambit took Rogue for a ride on his motorcycle for their first date (X-Men #4).
This is something Rogue remembers fondly (X-Men #171).

After fighting a small group of the Thieves Guild, Gambit and Rogue relive their first date by going for a ride on his motorcycle, along with the dress that Rogue wore back in 1991, to finish the date since it got interrupted (Marvel's Voices: X-Men #1).

Rogue and the others defended Gambit when Bishop accused him of being a traitor (X-Men #8).

Going out on a date (2nd time) such as the famous picnic date and she still defends him.

They have a quick talk in their playful banter at first, starting with Gambit giving Rogue, who's wearing a bathing suit, a compliment. But Gambit wants a serious talk with Rogue where he mentions his former wife Belladonna and her past with Longshot (X-Men #12).

When Rogue had lost her sight, Gambit tells her that she needs to depend on the people who care about her. Just before she walks off a diving board, he catches her and warns her that since she's in a vulnerable state, she can't trust anyone (X-Men #17). Gambit would be proven right because such people like Mag would try to take advantage of Rogue when she was in a vulnerable state, more than once (at least 4 times), which shows what kind of scumbag he is.

When she needed someone to hold her, to stroke their finger through her hair, to promise that everything is going to be fine, that all the cuts and bruises are worth it in the end. More than anything, she wanted that person to be Gambit (Uncanny X-Men #297).

Going out on a date (3rd time) to a fancy restaurant, they then go on a horse-drawn carriage where Gambit tells Rogue that names don't matter, what counts is what's on the inside.
Rogue: "Ah... Ah can't. Ah want to, but Ah can't. Ah'm so afraid that Ah might hurt you like did to Cody when Ah was little - Ah kissed him. It was the first and last time Ah kissed someone out of passion an' if Ah hurt you, Ah know - Ah'd want t'die."
Gambit: "Then we don' kiss, Rogue. Simple as that. Maybe thas' jus' fine right now for you an' me. Maybe we both have t'learn there's more t'love than th' physical. Let me take those tears from ya eyes, belle. Maybe this will work even better in th' long run, neh? Maybe we'll both end up learnin' what love really means. An' I can't think 'bout anyone else I'd rather try t'learn with, Rogue."
Rogue: "Remy - mah real name, it's..."
Gambit: "Hush. Names don' mean nothin' t'me. Names don' make us what we are inside. An' I know what's inside you, chere, an' that's all that matters." (X-Men #24).

Rogue tells Wolverine that she loves Gambit, it's the first time she admits her true feelings for him (Gambit #1 (1993)).
She imagines the two of them kissing and what that would feel like (Gambit #4 (1993)).
She finally says, "...I love you Remy." to him, but he's distracted.

After getting hit by an energy beam that sends Gambit flying into the air, Rogue catches him.
Rogue: "Is this trip really necessary?"
Gambit: "Rogue! Glad t'see y'weren't bad hurt by that blast before."
Rogue: "Us Southerners have to stick together, sugah."
Gambit: "The South gonna rise again, huh?" (Avengers West Coast (Vol. 2) #101)

Looking into Rogue's mind during that event, Gambit can see that even back then, she had fallen for him.
Rogue: "You sure know how ta pick'em, girl. Can't touch anyone, can't connect with anyone, and you pick th' most handsome snake in the garden, one that can't nobody pin down, to fall head over heels for. And you think you'll pin your future all on him? Stupid girl. You think you'll pour all your love into him an' that'll make a difference? You think you're something special that he'll stay around for? Even when he can't touch you? Your heart is gonna get smashed into a millions pieces... and you handed him the hammer. But it's too late. There's no gettin' out now. No matter what you tell yourself, girl, it's over. You love him. Only way out is through. An' just hope you survive." (Rogue & Gambit #4)

When their dancing at the wedding, someone tries to cut in, but Rogue doesn't let him.
Rogue: "Nothin’ personal, sugah, but this cajun's the only one I cha cha with." (X-Men: The Wedding Album (1994) also called X-Men: The Wedding of Cyclops and Phoenix TPB Part 3).

Even though Gambit would like to kill Sabertooth, a serial killer who made him choose who to save when he was younger, but he's not going to since that's what Creed wants, to ruin him with the others. Gambit is not going to let him stand in his way of being with someone, mainly Rogue, or what being a part of the X-Men has meant to him, he's worked too hard to throw that all away.
Gambit: "Every part a' the man I was says I should push my bo-staff through your thick skull but de problem with dat solution is that I'd be givin' you exactly what you want! Best way t'beat you down, Creed, ain't t'bet you up. I worked too hard, care too much about bein' here, learnin' how t'love for real, an' bein' an X-Man t'let a loser like you take it away from me. So, I know the best way t'win the fight against you is for me an' Rogue t'be happy together." (X-Men #38)

When Rogue thought, the world was going to end, she kissed Gambit (X-Men #41).

Rogue explains that she couldn't die without ever kissing him at least once. When the world didn't end, she couldn't live thinking that she's never be able to do so again. Rogue also states that she fell in love with Gambit when she first laid her eyes on him and that he was everything she expected him to be (X-Men #45).

During a time of uncertainty in their relationship, Gambit tells Rogue just how important she is to him.
Rogue: "Ah...saw what ya did. It must have been hard on you."
Gambit: "No, Chere. Not having you in my life...? Dat was hard."
The two hug each other (Uncanny X-Men #336).

When Rogue was being taken over by the Phalanx, she was asked to express her last organic memory.
Rogue: "G-Gambit. Gambit ah loved you. Ah... always... loved you."
Gambit comes to free her, she tells him to get while he can, not to throw his life away, but Gambit replies
Gambit: "Girl, don' you ever listen? Without you... I don't have much of a life!"
This brings her to tears (Uncanny X-Men #343).

When Rogue wanted Gambit to hold her (Rogue #2 (1995)).

Even though they were under the influence of the Gamemaster, they were all living out their dreams and Gambit tells Rogue that his heart only belongs to her (X-Men Annual 1997 Vol. 2).

During the character assassination of Gambit and the retcon of the Morlock Massacre just to ruin the character simply because the hack writing the issue didn't want to write him... Rogue tells Gambit that no one has ever touched her heart the way he did.
Rogue: "Ah love you! Unconditionally!"
Rogue: "But an... ah've never had anyone touch my heart like you did... never." (Uncanny X-Men #350)

When they were apart, Rogue keeps dreaming about Gambit.
Rogue: "The dream is always the same. The sensation of her fingers lightly caressing the skin of one of her X-Men teammates...wrapping her in a loving embrace she knew for far too short a time... tracing the familiar lines of his rough-hewn face... circling his eyes, red with a desire that burns through her dream like wildfire. The dream is always the same, as is its result. The dream is always... woken."
At the end she has the dream again.
Rogue: "... The dream is always the same..." (Uncanny X-Men #359).

Reuniting after being left for dead in Antarctica by Rogue and the rest of the team, Gambit wanted Rogue to know that he didn't hate her and that brings her to tears.
Gambit: "...Because I couldn't bear the thought of dyin' wit'out seein' you again."
Rogue: "Oh Remy..."
Gambit: "I don't hate you Rogue... I could never hate you..."
(X-Men #81).

Their first time is described as the gentlest touch Rogue had ever known and a passion so intense that the ice heart of Antarctica could not withstand it (X-Men #82).

After being knocked out, Prof. X wakes everyone up with his telepathic powers, Gambit and Rogue joke with each other.
Gambit: "Oh th' pain."
Rogue: "Hush, cajun, an' get up!"
Gambit: "Mus' be paralyzed."
Rogue: "Convenient position."
(Uncanny X-Men #367).

Rogue states that she loves Remy (X-Men #91). She also stated how stupid and wrong she was for thinking that there was any good left in Mag and how right Gambit was about him.

Xavier messes with everyone's mind, making Gambit think that Rogue was killed.
Rogue: "We had out moments, sure... plenty of 'em... an' ah loved... every single one of em..."
Gambit: "I love you, Rogue. I've always loved you. You need to know that..." (Uncanny X-Men #375).

The Brood Queen makes Rogue see what she loves most: Gambit, "She has eyes and ears solely for the man who is her heart's desire." (Contest of Champions II #4).

While rescuing Rogue from X-Cutioner, Gambit walks right into a synaptic scrambling field surrounding Rogue, which stuns him. It's enough to make Rogue break her confinements and come to his rescue, but they both end up saving each other. After coming through a stargate, they lay on the ground just looking at each other while Gambit holds Rogue's gloved hand and kisses it (Gambit #5 (1999)).

In an epilogue, by the year 2028, their married (Gambit #10 (1999)). Nothing in the story states or implies that it's an alternate reality, but perhaps a possible future that could have happen.

When Gambit is self-reflecting on his life, he says how important Rogue's heart is to him, but at the time they were going through some difficulty times.
Gambit: "As for you, Rogue, I play fast an' loose wit' many t'ings… but never wit' your heart. Your heart, it means more t' me than my own. You choose not to see dat, it's your loss." (Uncanny X-Men #382).

Gambit was there for Rogue when she needed support, that she did the right thing and needed to be held (Uncanny X-Men #385).

Even though they have an argument, Gambit still gives Rogue a gift that's so beautiful that it brings her to tears (X-Men #109).

During the invasion of the armies of Khan, an inter-dimensional conqueror, Shaitan uses gems and Gambit's abilities to open a portal. Gambit's plan is to sacrifice himself in order to close the portal, however Rogue has other ideas. She tries to free him, but can't, when they're about to be stabbed with a sword, Rogue shields Gambit's body with hers, knowing that it will it kill them both, but she choices to die with him (X-Treme X-Men #16).

Both survived, but Rogue goes on a rampage to get even, Sage gives her the ability to tap into every single power she's absorbed over the years (X-Treme X-Men #17).

Both are taken to the hospital where Rogue literally pulled Gambit from the gates of heaven (X-Treme X-Men #18).

Rogue says to Gambit that she wants a lifetime with him (X-Treme X-Men #19).

After that they lost their powers and left the X-Men for a time, it was shown that they could live together, for a whole year, without unneeded drama and angst (X-Treme X-Men #31, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46).

Rogue offers herself to be used as bait, but Gambit is having none of it (X-Treme X-Men #1 (2022)).

Rogue reminds Gambit that she pulled him from the Gates of Heaven for a reason.
Gambit: "You boss now, sugar?"
Rogue: "Ah dragged you back from the Gate of Heaven for a reason, Gambit. Time t' prove ah did the right thing. Leave Galere t' me." (X-Treme X-Men #5 (2022))

Gambit is given a choice, to be with a dream version of Rogue that he can touch and with none of the problems of the real Rogue, a perfect woman. But he choices to stay with the Rogue he knows.
Gambit: "Sorry, chere. It be a very nice fantasy, but Remy Lebeau be a man... and a man must have reality, flaws and all."
This brings a tear to Rogue (Rogue #6 (2004)).

Gambit leaves chocolates and flowers in Rogue's room, she playfully asks how he go into her room and Gambit says that he's full of surprises. He gives her his coat to wear since it's kind of cold and they then go for a bike ride (Gambit #10 (2004)).

Rogue is able to see into Gambit's mind (taking place during Gambit's 2012 series) and knows how hurt he was when for the first time, she didn't believe in him.
Gambit: "Look at her. Loved her as much now as the first time I laid eyes on her. I was doomed that dat day. Luckiest man alive, most cursed. But love hasn't been the problem for a long time... in fact, love has never been de problem. But it woulda been nice if you believed in me. Hard to come back from that, people not believing in you. When the people who know you best still think the worst of you, after everything... where do you go? Thought I'd prove who I was to de people dat matter to me, most of all. 'Cause what good de love 'tween us if there's no trust, no respect. I don't hold it 'aginst her. Got nothing but love for her... but for the first time since I fell for her, I also don't if we got a future worth fighting for."
Rogue is brought to tears and is nearly lost for words (Rogue & Gambit #4).

When Gambit and Rogue kiss, memories of them kissing each other throughout the decades is shown (Rogue & Gambit #5).

Gambit and Rogue official got married in 2018 and as Gambit puts it, not a vow but an affirmation.
Gambit: "I love you with every piece of me, Anna Marie. I haven't always been a good man. But we've been through hell and it's changed me. You've changed me. You see in me the man I hope I am. And that's my vow to you... to always be worthy of your love and respect."
Rogue: "Remy... we've been through so much, you and I. We've faced challenges a lotta other couples never have to face. But we always keep finding ways back to each other. So that's what I promise you... that no matter what, I'll always find my way back to you." (X-Men Gold #30).

Rogue goes over the most important events in her life, one of them being with Gambit, that her fear, not her powers, is what kept them apart at certain times. When Rogue is finally able to control her abilities on her own, she tells Remy that she's ready for everything, she wants it all (Mr. and Mrs. X #9).

Rogue gains control over her power, stating she wants it all and when they return to their world, before anything can interrupt them, they make love to each other (Mr. and Mrs. X #10).

When Gambit and Rogue are caught by the Thieves Guild, at the time this was happening, Gambit thought that Rogue would be helping Cyclops and Wolverine with the X-Men, but she explains to Gambit that her place is by his side.
Rogue: "Neither Scott nor Logan are my husband, Remy. You're the most important thing to me. And I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. By your side." (Mr. and Mrs. X #11).

Rogue: "I'm sorry for all the times I made you prove yourself, Remy. But that's over now. Whatever else life brings, I know you, and you know me. Nobody has to prove anything anymore. Right?"
Gambit: "They're sweet words... but I'm not sure it is that simple. It's up to us, isn't it?"
Rogue: "Yes. Yes, I suppose it is. Sides, we gotta make this marriage work. We got these three furry babies to care." (Mr. and Mrs. X #12).

Unfortunately, nothing of any real significance has happen since then to push their marriage forward, but their entire history dwarfs anyone else that either has been with and the moments they've had together had far more meaning in their lives.

Rogue is worried that her encounter with Carol could go wrong, that everything that's they've achieved up to this point could be lost. Gambit can see this in her eyes and reminds her that she'll make the right choice.
Gambit: "Mon Coeur?"
Rogue: "I'm okay."
Gambit: "Rogue, your pulse if fast. Your eyes are sliding around. What's goin' on? Talk to me"
Rogue: "Ah—ah don't—want to mess up with Carol again. It's taken so long to get to this point for us, and… this seems like it could go sideways real easy."
Gambit: "Rogue, you'll do the right thing. You'll know what's right when it comes. You always do."
Rogue: "Ah love you."
Gambit: "Pour toujours, mon coeur."

The two kiss, later Rogue looks at Gambit and says,
Rogue: "I know what to do. I always do." (Captain Marvel #49 (2019))

Final Thoughts
Having listed all those issues and explaining what happens in them, that doesn't mean I think all those storylines and characterization writing were well written, far from it actually. Chris Claremont, Jim Lee, Howard Mackie, Fabian Nicieza, Marjorie Liu, Gail Simone, Kelly Thompson and others threw in all sorts of problems that they never bother to fix, or they just gave half @$$ excuses for. Most Romy fans like Gail Simone, but she's only celebrated for her politics and ability to play the victim, but she can't write, she's been a big proponent of the whole "Don't need no Man." She tried writing about the opposite of that in Women of Marvel #1 (2024), but there was nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking about that issue, males and females have been supporting each other since time began (Voices books are only meant to be virtue signaling cringe, nobody buys them, they never crack the top 50 in sales). She likes to trolls Romy and Gambit fans, so she has no respect for them.

They also view Kelly Thompson (an admitted feminist who got triggered by a so-called drawn "sexiest comic cover" from Gambit's 2012 series and tried to get the artist cancelled) as their lord and saver that has come to solve all their problems who can do no wrong (I don't) …but she didn't really solve anything between them, her writing is terrible, she just focuses on Rogue (who she prefers), does next nothing with Gambit's character, others have called out her bullshoot writing, but most Romy fans just make endless excuses for her. This is what happens when a fan base gets desperate and most left during the late 90s, the Mr. & Ms. X series got cancelled after 12 issues, it didn't sell enough to make it keep going. The irony of that is that the 2012 Gambit series sold more issues and last longer. The Romy fan base is just too small, others are just giving lip service, and it's not getting any bigger since a lot of people have dropped Marvel altogether.

While the "ladies' man Gambit" was fun back in the day, but that needed to end, Gambit can't act like a teenager forever, that's not good character writing, it's not really a fulfilling lifestyle for anyone to have. I say that because I want these characters to be written as real, not as cardboard cutouts or one or two dimensional, when a character becomes stagnated, going nowhere, that's when there's a problem. Sleeping with a lot of women or men is not some sort of achievement to be proud of, and the thing is, Gambit is not someone who wants to remind a teenager all his life, he wants to belong to a family and be with someone to have a family of his own. Marriage and having kids should not be a prison death sentence that the western world has made it become, that being a wife and a mother is somehow degrading for women. Rising kids, teaching them the rights and wrongs of the world, giving them values to live by, the strength they'll need later in life, the sacrifices that one makes for their husband, wife and kids is not a bad thing, if anything all that should make you a better person. Just because you're not the boss of a major CEO or commanding troops in the field doesn't make someone less of a person, and just rising a four-legged animal is not the same thing.

It's because of this lady's man lifestyle of his that a lot of people say that Gambit will just cheat on Rogue (despite the fact that she's been with a lot of guys and was usually the one to break up their relationship) or on whoever easily and that's never been the case since they can't name a single issue to back that up. The only time that would happen would be because a writer is trying to undermine someone else's work, they hate the character and want to ruin him because like I said, he doesn't fit into they're SJW / PC woke world, or they hate the very idea of marriage and just want to show why they think it's terrible and why men suck.

Gambit and Rogue's wish to have kids and start a family.

I've seen a few people say that this couple is "dysfunctional", "toxic", "volatile", that they even hate each other, but the person who comes across like that is Rogue, because some talentless hack somehow thinks it's going to make Rogue look good, but it doesn't, she comes across as the villain and most of the time, Gambit fans and non-fans of the pairing are the ones who end up pointing that out. While she's had far more history and meaningful moments with Gambit, whenever I see people trying to pair Rogue up with others, it doesn't surprise at all me they don't make any arguments for it, no reasons given, they don't go into details from the comics on their history, what they have common, what they can relate to, their personalities, attitudes, goals, so on etc., because this is what makes a couple believable, it's what gets them together and keeps them together.

Especially when these other characters are maniacs, psychopaths, murderers with huge death tolls and have completely different personalities, somehow these characters are good or better for Rogue, this is what they think that she looks for in a man... why would she find these characters applying or attractive in anyway makes no sense given to what type of character she is and like I said, the people who support these pairings don't even bother to make any sense out of it at all. The so-called explanation is always very vague, exaggerated or they just lie their @$$ off because they've got nothing to argue with and they know it.

It's been Gambit who's always been there when Rogue needed someone, always supporting her, always encouraging her, never giving up on her and so on. No other so-called love interest has done that with her; however, Rogue hasn't really done the same with Gambit, but any real criticism about them would have to be about the writers (hacks), like I said all those storylines and characterization writing wasn't always very good, many times, they choose to do nothing with them but just create unneeded drama and angst, always putting something coming in-between them. It happened too many times throughout the mid and late 90s until Chris Claremont came back in 2001 with the X-Treme X-Men storyline. But once he left… they went right back to where they started when others took over and that hasn't really changed, even after they got married in 2018, no one has taken their marriage life anywhere, whatever problems they've had in the past, have not really been addressed or fixed and Marvel doesn't have anyone with the talent to do so. Getting married has made little difference, they have no real goals, whether they're dating, broken up, or married, nothing has change between them, it continues to be a one-sided relationship / marriage where Rogue from time to time treats him like crap, she gets to make all the decisions, and Gambit just sits there and nods his head to everything, having no real opinion of his own. If they were to split again… I honestly wouldn't care…

The person who has been written to cause the most problem in their relationship is Rogue, the hacks of Marvel who just added drama on top of drama. She would give Gambit mixed singles; from filtering to "don't touch me, my powers!" She never once considered wearing a power blocker, she may not have liked wearing it, but in a relationship, you're supposed to make some sacrifices or seeking out other means. To treating him like a doormat, she would run away from her problems to figure things out, but her problems were never solved. To thinking about being with other men, giving them more attention right in front of him, despite the fact that both said they loved each other, but it was Rogue who pretty much took that back to which Gambit had to keep proving himself to her time and time again. She and others would judge him for his past while ignoring her own and others who had done far worse and hardly ever defending him from others. Yet, a lot of people think he's the one who isn't good enough for her, Rogue fans and most Romy fans don't care that he gets treated like this. Those who think that men are to blame for everything, and women are innocent little victims who can do no wrong. If it was the other way around and Gambit was written to be like this… there's no way this pairing would be liked at all.

"Romy fans", or what's left of that pitiful fan base, ignores all of this and more, they want it to be seen as a perfect pairing.

Fall of the House of X #2 (2024)

X-Men – The Wedding Special #1 (2024)