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Gambit and Rogue - Alternate Realities

Blog Entry: Gambit and Rogue - Alternate Realities

Blog Entry: Gambit and Rogue - Alternate Realities
Posted by: VampireWarith
Posted: September 4, 2022, 8:47:03 PM
Updated: October 3, 2024, 4:53:39 PM
While they have ended up together in some alternate realities, but Gambit and Rogue don't have a very good track record on that, this will be covering comics, animation, films and video games.


X-Men Millennial Visions #2 - X-Men Reborn

GAMBIT AND ROGUE – Married, and finally seeing eye-to-eye.

X-Men: The Animated Series
Gambit and Rogue had some nice moments in X-Men: The Animated Series, but not much else.

It wasn't developed, it didn't go anywhere, they never actually became a couple, whatever personal problems they had, they solved themselves, so neither one provided anything to the other's life, it was pretty much a one-sided so-called relationship from Gambit for the most part. The only time in which Rogue ever did anything for Gambit was only because she was simply helping or she was worried about him, it wasn't out of love since she never said those words. There was never a reason given in the show as to why they should even be together, flirting and banter is not enough, that's not an indication of love, that's what strangers and close friends do, whereas in the comics they actually did give reasons. Because we saw that they had similar backgrounds, they went through similar struggles in their lives, each one helped the other get past difficult problems that they were going through at the certain times, although Gambit did that more than Rogue in the comics. But nevertheless, the comics did a better job at that, whereas the 90s animated series barely did anything with them.

The team, including Rogue, just turned their backs on him in episode Days of Future Past when they instantly believe Bishop that he was the "traitor"... based on no proof, that whole plot didn't make any sense. Wolverine stated that he was never straight with them, even though that was never once seen or even implied in any way before that episode, so that showed a complete lack of trust from not only the team but from Rogue. Rogue even let Mystique off the hook, even though she was about to make Gambit the most hated mutant, so she put others before him. This episode was based on X-Men #8, but it was the complete opposite, everyone stood by Gambit's side.

Gambit just came across as if he annoyed Rogue, we didn't see any real developing feelings from her, she just out of nowhere became worried about him in episode The Final Decision, but it just came across as forced.

Rogue only cut off ties with Mystique when she interfered with her life in episode A Rogue's Tale, she pushes Gambit away, she doesn't want his help with this and even says to him at the end of the episode, "I like you sometimes Gambit", meaning what? That the other times she doesn't???

While Gambit did say that he loved Rogue in episode Reunion Part 2, but she never said it back during or after that episode. Scott and Jean, the bland boring couple that got too much attention (along with Wolverine), getting to say "I love you" several times, but not Rogue, do we have to assume she said it to him off screen??? If that's the case, then that's just bad lazy writing.

Rogue doesn't hesitate to help Archangel in episode Obsession, granted she absorbed his memories the last time she saw him, but once again she put others before Gambit, even though he tries to warn her that his quest for revenge is going to take her and anyone else with him, Rogue doesn't listen, but Gambit is proven right. The naivety that Rogue has throughout the show and the comics has always been an eye roller.

The event from episode Reunion Part 2 was pretty much forgotten, episode Love in Vain had Rogue nodding her head that she loved Cody, even though the only thing those two shared was the fact that they only had one date and one kiss. But she knew Gambit much longer and knew that he loved her or should have known... like I said, it was forgotten or even ignored.

So, while Gambit loved Rogue, but at the most, Rogue only cared about him in the 90s animated series... she was never once seen returned his feelings the same way he did. I only see people making piss poor desperate assumptions and excuses for this under develop writing, mainly because nostalgia is clouding their judgment.

X-Men '97
Episodes 1 and 2 pretty much shows Rogue only sees Gambit as a close friend, she likes the attention, but she doesn't really love him, he allows Rogue to do and say whatever she wants, doesn't hold her accountably for anything, she showed more affection to a manipulating terrorist who has done nothing but attack them and everyone else than for someone who been there for her since day one. She's so naïve, that it makes no sense as to why Gambit wastes his time with her or why he chooses to stay on the team who don't trust him and allows a murderer to lead them… they never apologized for not beveling him when Bishop accused him of being the traitor. If it was the other way around and Gambit was flirting with someone else, people would be shouting of how much a cheater he is, double standers rank pretty high in this day age, especially with women.

As always, the Romy fan base, or what's left of it, are just making endless excuses for it, as if she's just a poor little victim who's confused (always an excuse, never any accountability), because women can do no wrong, and it's only wrong when a man does it. Trying to exaggerate it by making it seem to what very little scenes that Gambit (who was just in the background, doing nothing) and Rogue had in the episodes were just so intense… that they really, really do love each other… since this fan base is mostly female, it's nothing more than a coping mechanism that they've been using since the mid and late 2000s when hacks like Rodi (Rogue #4 2004), Milligan (X-Men #185 2006) and others were destroying their relationship and ignoring others calling this out for what it is. But like most women, they live in a fantasy land of delusion and false hopes.

To make Rogue look this naive and dumb, not caring how this effects Gambit destroyed her character and their "relationship", it's been tainted beyond fixing now. Anything else is just going to make Gambit into a cuck / simp where Rogue just uses him whenever it suits her.

There's hardly a version of Gambit that doesn't simp for Rogue or where he has to almost, in a way, beg to have his arc built around her. In the comics and in the animated series, Rogue is always written as cruel and plays with him like a puppet. She hardly ever fights for him, doesn't put any effort into building a relationship with him… any man with self-respect would have wised up, be done with her and simply walked away… this series is simply terrible. It also has the usual woke cliches, even though Mag is a terrorist, having killed millions, but he's not punished, they do whatever he says, there were two love triangles going on, the women take more focus, yet their shallow and petty, the female villain is of course more sympathetic and justified in her actions. The real leader of the group (Cyclops) suddenly becomes a punk and weak kneed, Gambit hardly does anything, he gets emasculated by wearing a short cutoff pink shirt, they take the most alpha male characters and teasing gayness (that awful shower scene involving Morph and "Wolverine").

X-MEN 97 | How Long Before It All Comes Crashing Down?

Rogue's character has become very hated, as she should be or anyone who acts like this.

Rogue's reasons are as petty as it gets, Mag groomed her when she was 13-years-old (who was barely wearing any clothes with someone who was twice or three times her age), but it's made to look as of that was a good thing since she has no problem dancing and making out with him… right in front of Gambit… how the hell is that supposed to be showing Rogue choosing Gambit over Mag???? In the most insulting way possible... Rogue didn't suddenly become an adult, she already is one, she didn't suddenly develop a conscience, which she already had in the original series, didn't suddenly becoming aware of the difference between right and wrong, which she should already know, didn't suddenly become aware of someone who was not only there for her since day 1, confessed his love for her, but she did nothing but ignore that and only cared when he died... she willfully and knowingly knew what she was doing, no one and nothing made her do that, she's got no one to blame but herself... but like I said, there's always excuses for her and never any accountability, that she should just be forgiven and rewarded… even though she deserves none of it. Like most modern women and male simps, they feel that they don't have to take any responsibility or pay any consequences for their actions.

The woke hacks showing that women can just do whatever they want, that grooming is perfectly normal, and as always, what's left of this pitiful Romy fan base is just coping, making every known excuse for Rogue, that if Gambit comes back, he should just simp her, who cares what she's said and how she's treated him, anyone calling her out on this are just misogynist and incels, because heaven forbid people criticize a female character for bad behavior… where do these "Romy fans" every drawn the line when it comes to Rogue???? The youth in the west is too stupid and has sunk too low to know how a relationship works, the honesty and respect both are supposed to give to each other. Since this is mostly a female fan base, they never look at it from a man's point of view, at least not someone who is a decent man, but if he's a goodlooking psychopath with a sad story… then they do…

The only time Rogue shows any real "feelings" (I use that word loosely) for Gambit… is when he's dying or dead… I felt nothing for her in that scene, I was given nothing to care about with her, she's too much a self-center oblivious shallow dumb petty dog. I was glad that Gambit doesn't have to put up with her or this worthless team anymore, Rogue made her choice on who she wanted to be with, and it wasn't Gambit, she just used him, like she always does. The storytelling is too fast paced, they're trying cram in too many plotlines that makes no sense, the characterization writing is simply awful, these are not the characters from the 90s series, it's reconning everything, Gambit had no real character development, I don't care if he went out as a hero, anyone could do that. Just like in the comics, his only real purpose is to be the butt of jokes or to be killed off. Once again, like with other series from the past, this just proves that if you shove enough fanservice into a show, your audience won't care what they're watching since the exceptions and standers have been lowered so much.

However, it's very satisfying seeing more and more people be on Gambit's side, that he deserves better than Rogue, they see through all of this bullshoot and I haven't seen Rogue be this hated since the late 2000s and 2010s, after the Legacy storyline, that's probably the only good thing to come out of this whole mess.

X-Men 97, except Gambit stands up for himself

X-Men Evolution
They had very little screen time in X-Men Evolution, they waited too long to introduce Gambit, but their interactions with each other wasn't very good or memorable, nothing went beyond than just being friends and even that felt forced. The writers and developers didn't have any interest on getting them together at all, one way or another they were pretty determine on getting Rogue together with... Scott... even if that didn't make any sense. Rogue's past and personality didn't match up with Gambit's, which is what made the comic version of them being a believable couple in the beginning, but it also didn't match Scott's character either, the two couldn't be any more different from each other. A terrible series with hacks who had no grasp on the characters at all.

X-Men Films
They never met in the live action films, but I can't see the film version of Gambit having any interest in her at all, she's the most boring, dullest, depressing, ugliest, useless out-of-character version of Rogue there has ever been. Compare that to the strong will, feisty with a hot Southern-accented woman with the body of an Amazon who could fly and had super strength from the comics and the original animated series. Saying that however, this version at least never went behind her boyfriend's back, lead him on or humiliated him in front of everyone like the 90s animated version did, nor does she verbally abusive him like the canon comic book version.