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College much?

Blog Entry: College much?

Blog Entry: College much?
Posted by: XxZadrxX
Posted: May 2, 2010, 9:25:53 AM
Mood: Lazy
Eating: Nothing...currently
Drinking: Nothing
Currently: IMing Kaira :)
Listening To: Harder to Breathe--Maroon 5
Haha, so I do officially go to college now! Yes, I am 14 years old, but I'm not lying. I go to a school called Transmountain Early College High School. It's here in El Paso, Texas. Google it, you'll find it. They only accept the best kids! I feel so nerdy! That, and I get free access to the library. I even have my own college I.D. card! ^^ The library is cool. Books and books and books after books after books after books galore. I sit there until it closes looking at books with killer bacteria and Manga. Yay, killer bacteria. And Yaoi...lots and lots of Yaoi. Yuri is disgusting, it needs to go to burn and then get blasted into outer space, but Yaoi needs a medal. Oh my God, try saying that to a boy. Damian almost ripped my head off. He hates Yaoi, but we're friends anyways. And El Paso Community College has a Subway. Subway is the best! Although, being vegetarian, I usually just get a Sprite or something. No more turkey sandwiches. No more chicken or beef or bacon. *GASP!* I know, I know. But I never liked bacon anyways xP. Perhaps, I'll make another blog with the reason why I'm a vegetarian. So, back to my college. I know you college students don't really care, and want to get out as soon as possible, but I'm going to have an Associate's degree when I'm seventeen! :D You know, if I live that long. 2012 is gonna kill me before I'm seventeen. :) Do I care? Nope, not a bit. I'll probably laugh when I get set on fire. Then, I'll scream, and then cry. Yay, 2012! But college is fun. A lot (A LOT) of work, but fun. I know a lot of people. That's a good thing for when you forget your lunch monies. Wow, am I talking too much? I tend to do that when I need to do something other than homework. Not that my grades are bad or anything. No, actually, they're pretty damn good. It's just now that it's the end of the school year that I'm getting lazy. It's the last six weeks, how bad can my grade get? And I still do the homework... eventually. I'm just missing the Tomb-of-what's-his-face on Google SketchUp...which I haven't even bothered to start. I'll just get on my hands and knees and beg him to let me do something that isn't so...big. Erm, is it me or did that sound waaaaaaaaay more wrong than I intended it to be? More wrong? Is that proper use? I don't think you can have wronger. But the spell check didn't make a squiggly red line under it, so it might be proper use.

1. not in accordance with what is morally right or good: a wrong deed.
deviating from truth or fact; erroneous: a wrong answer.
not correct in action, judgment, opinion, method, etc., as a person; in error: You are wrong to blame him.
not proper or usual; not in accordance with requirements or recommended practice: the wrong way to hold a golf club.
out of order; awry; amiss: Something is wrong with the machine.
not suitable or appropriate: He always says the wrong thing.
(of clothing) that should be worn or kept inward or under: You're wearing the sweater wrong side out.
Okay, maybe it is proper usage. just doesn't seem right. No, it seems wrong...get it? Do you get it? Wrong? Wronger? Oh wow. Must...go...bang head against wall...