Hooray for strange dreams!
Blog Entry: Hooray for strange dreams!
Blog Entry: Hooray for strange dreams!
Posted by: aeris7dragon
Posted: June 5, 2008, 12:00:04 PM
Mood: ^^
Eating: PB&J
Drinking: Root Beer
Currently: FMA
Listening To: Nemo by Nightwish
Posted: June 5, 2008, 12:00:04 PM
Mood: ^^
Eating: PB&J
Drinking: Root Beer
Currently: FMA
Listening To: Nemo by Nightwish

Good morning!!!!
I always enjoy going to bed at night. Reason being: I get to have strange dreams. Strange dreams are the essence of sleep; they help me get through the night without boredom. And they give people great ideas for pictures, songs, books, etc.
Take a few months ago; a couple days before I started the story Dreams of Chaos. I got the idea for that story from a dream I had; hence the name. Basically, Sun (you all know Sun, my favorite OC) gets trapped underwater because somebody puts materia in a glass of water after pushing her in a pond. Not very inspired, kind of stupid, but hey; all great things start out stupid. Example: Albert Einstein.
And now for last night's installment of aeris7dragon's weird dreams: Pink and Blue Crystals. (Yes, I title my dreams. Makes it easier to locate them in my dream journal.)
I had to walk home from school (a whole city away; glad it didn't actually happen), and I met my sister on the way. We stopped at the entrance to the freeway because we noticed something weird: a live crystal. (?) It was pink. We followed it to a couple of rooms, where there were lots more; pink ones and green-blue ones. The pink ones were evil, and the blue ones were good. I followed the blue ones to their room; it was all spread out, like the basement in Final Fantasy 7, and there were rat bones all over the floor. I thought it was cool. Then I went to the other room, where the pink ones were, and I was disappointed because it was all clean, more like the inside of a nice house. (I guess I prefer the rat's bones. ^^)
Doesn't really make sense, does it? Funny where the mind will go when you're asleep.