My mom's blog
Blog Entry: My mom's blog
Blog Entry: My mom's blog
Posted by: aeris7dragon
Posted: March 3, 2009, 5:16:56 AM
Mood: Hungry
Eating: Nothing, that's why I'm hungry!!
Drinking: Nothing
Currently: Being annoyed by the cat
Listening To: puuurrrrrr puuurrrrr
Posted: March 3, 2009, 5:16:56 AM
Mood: Hungry
Eating: Nothing, that's why I'm hungry!!
Drinking: Nothing
Currently: Being annoyed by the cat
Listening To: puuurrrrrr puuurrrrr

Hey, people!!!! Go look at my mom's blog; she has subarashi pics!!!
Mom and my stepdad went to Goblin Valley and almost to Four Corners (Utah and Colorado and two other states I can't remember off the top of my head) and when they got back, Mom found out she had taken over 2000 pictures!!! They're really kuhl, too. Go check them out!