DBZ Saga's. Gamecube game warning.
Blog Entry: DBZ Saga's. Gamecube game warning.
Blog Entry: DBZ Saga's. Gamecube game warning.
Posted by: boykingkilla
Posted: March 21, 2008, 11:18:15 AM
Mood: Somewhat irritaited.
Eating: Nothing.
Drinking: Dr.Pepper. ^.^
Currently: tracing and playing harvest moon ds.
Listening To: My anime music on my ipod.
Posted: March 21, 2008, 11:18:15 AM
Mood: Somewhat irritaited.
Eating: Nothing.
Drinking: Dr.Pepper. ^.^
Currently: tracing and playing harvest moon ds.
Listening To: My anime music on my ipod.
This is the warning, For those of you wanting to play a gamecube game called Dragon Ball Z Saga's. DON'T! It is so sucky! That is all I am going to say.