Blog Entry: BLogyness
Blog Entry: BLogyness
Posted by: explodingwaffles
Posted: March 10, 2008, 9:55:01 AM
Mood: llama
Eating: RAMEN!!
Drinking: uh...glue...
Currently: DANCING!!*dance*
Listening To: Sirj Tankian-EMPTY WALLS!!!XDDD
Posted: March 10, 2008, 9:55:01 AM
Mood: llama
Eating: RAMEN!!
Drinking: uh...glue...
Currently: DANCING!!*dance*
Listening To: Sirj Tankian-EMPTY WALLS!!!XDDD
Yah i just saw Sweeny Todd(the play not the movie the play)
Oh MY GOD!!It was soooo cool!Yah and i got in free cause my
friend works there she took me back stage and i got to see
the fake blood she put some on her finger and licked it and
then she let me try some IT TASTED LIKE MINT!!! Yeah then we went to taco
bell and got 7 layer burritoes.Yeah it was fun...Well looks like i just wasted a few seconds of your life! Now go Advertise!
Oh MY GOD!!It was soooo cool!Yah and i got in free cause my
friend works there she took me back stage and i got to see
the fake blood she put some on her finger and licked it and
then she let me try some IT TASTED LIKE MINT!!! Yeah then we went to taco
bell and got 7 layer burritoes.Yeah it was fun...Well looks like i just wasted a few seconds of your life! Now go Advertise!