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more nin's robots

Blog Entry: more nin's robots

Blog Entry: more nin's robots
Posted by: inbari
Posted: May 18, 2009, 11:55:04 AM
these doesn't have enough ''personality'' to be considered as characters

STING- a bee-like robot. have wings, a sting full of deadly viruses and ex-ray vision. it's designed to sicken and to weaken the enemy

LEX a borken bad-quality robot. nin made it whene she was bored. really want to help in evreything, but can't do anything

GREEN, RED AND YELLOW (GRY) three robots that working as a team. there minds are connected to each other.GREEN have big claws, RED have a plasma gun and a matel chain with a thorny matel ball at the end of it ,and YELLOW shoots lasers from her chest

NAKa ''strong and silence'' robot. have a amazing strength, but can't talk. his emotions are seen on a small screen on it's forehead

LON an aggressive robot. have two spining blades and amazing speed. insane and bloodthirsty