My Thoughts
Blog Entry: My Thoughts
Blog Entry: My Thoughts
Posted by: kittymobile
Posted: February 20, 2008, 6:30:19 AM
Mood: Annoyed
Eating: Cereal
Listening To: TV
Posted: February 20, 2008, 6:30:19 AM
Mood: Annoyed
Eating: Cereal
Listening To: TV
Well...i decided to come back to this site for the first time in a while and uploaded an image...only to have it rejected as it 'isn't in the correct category' (fair enough) and doesn't have an age specified (there isn't even a field for that?!??!!?!) When i then tried to resubmit my image it had an error and said 'Access Denied' i know why i left this site -.-.