It's a miracle!
Blog Entry: It's a miracle!
Blog Entry: It's a miracle!
Posted by: kittyshootingstar
Posted: February 4, 2008, 7:46:56 PM
Mood: Elated
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Listening To: A commercial on the tv
Posted: February 4, 2008, 7:46:56 PM
Mood: Elated
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Listening To: A commercial on the tv
Yeah, my mom agreed to let me get my ears pierced.
Sometime in March. Because she wants me to get it done after this big test, 'cuz she doesn't want any distractions, "pain" included. She has also turned a deaf ear to all of my friends with earrings who have said it stops hurting within a day. But, I'm just so glad it's going to happen before I'm 16 (her original answer). It took forever just to get up the courage to ask, then I was almost in tears when she said no, not until you're 16, but I kept it together. I strategically waited a half hour then asked her if she didn't want me to get them done because of her own bad experience (Think ice cube and darning needle), and she went on with this whole speech about how mature and responsible I am, and how I never ask for anything more major than a video game, etc. etc. etc. So, sometime in march, since the test is at the end of February.
She was also really confused as to why the girl who hates wearing jewelry and has the lowest pain threshold in the universe would want that. My answer: Necklaces give me neck cramps, bracelets get in the way, don't get me started on rings, I want some ornamentation that I can actually stand.
I refrained from using the absolutely 100% proven backfire of, "All my friends are getting theirs pierced". But then, that's not really true, because only 4 of my 5 friends have pierced ears. And I'm talking real life, not online, by the way. Trust me, using that line is a 100% guaranteed way to get you an hour-long lecture on "If they jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?" (By the way, when I did get that lecture in an answer to a question about my allowance, my reply was, "No, I'd call the paramedics.")
So, my closing question fo you is: Should I redesign my hedgie to include earrings? And if I do, should I keep them simple or change them with each drawing to reflect the one's I'm wearing in real life?
Sometime in March. Because she wants me to get it done after this big test, 'cuz she doesn't want any distractions, "pain" included. She has also turned a deaf ear to all of my friends with earrings who have said it stops hurting within a day. But, I'm just so glad it's going to happen before I'm 16 (her original answer). It took forever just to get up the courage to ask, then I was almost in tears when she said no, not until you're 16, but I kept it together. I strategically waited a half hour then asked her if she didn't want me to get them done because of her own bad experience (Think ice cube and darning needle), and she went on with this whole speech about how mature and responsible I am, and how I never ask for anything more major than a video game, etc. etc. etc. So, sometime in march, since the test is at the end of February.
She was also really confused as to why the girl who hates wearing jewelry and has the lowest pain threshold in the universe would want that. My answer: Necklaces give me neck cramps, bracelets get in the way, don't get me started on rings, I want some ornamentation that I can actually stand.
I refrained from using the absolutely 100% proven backfire of, "All my friends are getting theirs pierced". But then, that's not really true, because only 4 of my 5 friends have pierced ears. And I'm talking real life, not online, by the way. Trust me, using that line is a 100% guaranteed way to get you an hour-long lecture on "If they jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?" (By the way, when I did get that lecture in an answer to a question about my allowance, my reply was, "No, I'd call the paramedics.")
So, my closing question fo you is: Should I redesign my hedgie to include earrings? And if I do, should I keep them simple or change them with each drawing to reflect the one's I'm wearing in real life?