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Blog Entry: rhehhh

Blog Entry: rhehhh
Posted by: pixiepumpkin
Posted: June 5, 2010, 9:10:46 AM
Updated: June 5, 2010, 4:25:23 PM
Zim reached out blindly through the darkness as he tried to scout out GIR. “GIR, GIR, are you in here?”
-a quiet sniffle.
“GIR...?” Zim quietly knelt down in front of the table. “GIR, is that you?” A pair of wide, teary glowing eyes looked back fearfully at him. Zim’s mouth creased a little. “GIR...” He reached out to the little SIR unit, but he quickly pulled back with a scared whimper. he afraid of me now?</i> That was all he needed. “GIR, are you hurt?” He could make out a very faint nod. Zim sighed. He really hoped that he hadn’t worsened GIR’s injuries from what Darkbooty had caused. He lightly pulled the SIR unit by the arm and towards him, inspecting his metal skull, and feeling greatly sick to his stomach when he noticed an ugly dent on the side of the robot’s head.
“Mother Irk....did I do that?” As he held the robot’s head, he noticed GIR’s mouth was drawn up in fear, and looking ready to burst into tears every time Zim touched him. “GIR, don’t be afraid of me; I didn’t mean it, honest!”
“Really?” GIR asked meekly, “you promise?”
“Of course,” Zim sighed, a hand on the SIR’s head. “I’d never hurt you.....on purpose. Zim is just..sad,” he said quietly.
The little robot’s lip stuck out a little. “Why ya sad?” he asked in his innocent childlike voice as he climbed into the irken’s lap. “Is it ‘cause’a yer nightymares?” He blinked when he felt Zim’s grip tighten on his arm.
“H-how did you know that, GIR?”
The sad little robot looked up at him, touching his face. “You c’wy in yer sleep at night sometimes. Yer eyes leak even though they not open, and you twist an’ turn an’ shout ‘Mameen’ ovah and ovah again. Sometimes you shout my name too.”
Zim’s grip tightened more, his antennae back in horror. “...What.....else do I shout, GIR?”
“You say ‘no, no, no, over an’ over,’ then you scweam.”

“I’ll be gone for a while, Zim. Are you sure you can handle the kids and the house by yourself? Are you sure you’ll be....well enough for it?”
Zim casted Dib a dark glare from the corner of his eye. “I’m not insane or sick, human,” he snapped. “I’ll handle the smeets and the ‘Con-do’ just fine!”
Dib sighed, rubbing his temples. “Yeah, you sure proved you were sane yesterday!” He stepped back a little when Zim gave a threatening growl, looking like he wanted to tear out his throat and brain and start gnawing at it.
“Why, you horrible-!”
Minimoose flew between them. “Nya!” Stop it, you two! You’re going to upset the smeets!</i> His little nub pointed back into the living room, where the two young ones played.
‘The smeets’ were engaged in a summersault contest, to see who could perfect the best tumble from the couch to the television set. Both looked to be too involved in their game to realize what was going on, thankfully.
Zim changed the subject, not wanting to upset GIR anymore than he had the previous night. “Where are you going, anyways?”
Dib zipped up a duffel bag and threw it over his shoulder. “To my cousins to pick up something. I’ll be back sometime tomorrow. You’ll have to look after the kids until then.” He glared at the alien. “And curb your temper when you’re around Talia, for goodness sake, she’s very sensitive.” He handed Zim a crumpled piece of paper of things that needed to be done. “Both Talia and GIR will need baths, meals, play time, outside time, story time, snack time...” He gave a startled “yip”, as Zim flicked him hard on the nose.
“Shut up, Dib-stink, I know how to take care of smeets! You’re forgetting I used to be one of them. I don’t need to be told how to look after them, especially with GIR. He’s been with me for about three years, for Irk’s sake!”
“Okay, okay! Look, I’m just worried you might have another bad breakdown or something.”
Growl. “Get out.</i> Get out, get out! For the Tallest’s sake, LEAVE already! I’ll be fine! The smeets will be fine! Now GO!” Without even waiting for Dib to respond, he slammed the door in his face.
GIR and Talia blinked, startled, looking up at him.
“What are you staring at?” Zim griped, leaning against the doorframe. “I have news: Dib will be gone the entire day and has left me in charge of you both.”
“Yaaaaaaaaaay!” GIR cheered, throwing his hands up in the air. “We gonna have so much FUN!”
“Oh, definitely,” Zim spat out bitterly, “because there’s nothing I’d rather do on a Saturday afternoon then babysit some stupid smeets!” His narrowed eyes widened a little in response to the way their heads drooped so sadly. Grumbling a bedgrundging apology, he plopped himself down on the couch and glowered at the two children as they came up and sat beside him. “What’re you lookin’ at?” he snapped towards Talia, and she quickly averted her eyes. “It’s bad enough I’m stuck with you two for a full day, but do you have to sit beside me?”
Talia and GIR shrugged to each other and slipped off the couch, toddling over to the front door. “We’z gonna go and play on da beach!” GIR shouted back to Zim.
“Okay, be back in- wait, no, not okay!” zim bolted off the couch and towards the front door, blocking it. “I don’t think so, you two! That terrible burning water is way too dangerous for little smeets to go in it alone! I have to do the...” He glanced down in reminder to his list. “...’l-aundry.. and I can’t watch you. You both are to either stay in the front yard, or stay inside.” His eyes narrowed in the “you-better-obey-me-or-else” expression. “Understand?</i>”
“.......Yep,” GIR responded, rocking back and forth on his feet. “We’ll stay ‘nside and play..”
Still keeping his eyes narrowed in suspicion, Zim turned foot to the laundry room and began rummaging through cupboards, wondering aloud how to do laundry.
“Come on,” GIR whispered to Talia, waving her over to the front door. “Let’s go play in da ocean!”
Talia blinked in response. Did GIR not hear not hear what it was Zim said? He had strictly told them no, and Talia took that ‘obey-me-or-else-‘ tone and look serious. “Awe you c’wazy? He said nah!”
GIR’s eyes twinkled mysteriously. “He’s said no to lotsa things. He doesn’ haffta know we left; we could get back b’fore he finishes the laurndry!”
Talia looked a little reluctant, glancing back at Zim. “Ah dunno.....he’be pr’tty mad..”
GIR grinned, sticking his little tongue out to the side. “Not if we don’t tell ‘im we left, now come on!” And with that, he grabbed Talia’s arm and dragged her out the back door.

Poor Zim felt as if he had been run ragged. For over an hour he had done laundry, sweeping, dusting, vaccuming, and now was carefully preparing the kid’s dinner. “Just what does Dib think I am, a maid?” he thought crossly. ‘Irk, I may as well be wearing tight curls and an apron, carrying around a little tea tray!”
“Oh, the laundry is done.” He glanced back down at his list. “I’m supposed to....hang it outside? Bleh! Gross! Doesn’t Dib know how polluted the filthy earth air is? It’s almost as bad as Irk! And the bugs could be crawling all over our stuff!” he shuddered. “Oh well, I suppose while I’m out there, I can check on the smeets.” He went and stepped out onto the front porch, beginning to hang theTalia’s little dresses and Dib’s coats up on the line. Suddenly, the sound of distant laughter caught his attention, but it was more so where the laughter was coming from that really had him alert. Is that...GIR?</i> He could hear a squeal of “I’m going to get you!” and then loud giggles and laughs - Talia’s</i> laughs!
Zim’s fist clenched and he hurled what he was holding – Dib’s coat – into a bag of cow meneur for the garden. They went to the ocean!!</i> Anger and fear clutched at Zim. How DARE they disobey him! ....But, more...
”Zim, make sure the kids stay far away from the water today. The waves are strong, and there could be riptides.”
“Rip-what? What are those?”
“Oh, dangerous currents that could easily suck someone under. I almost drowned because of one when I was five.”</i>
Eye twitching insanely, Zim dashed from the porch, knocking the entire clothes basket as he did, and towards the beach. Sure enough, Talia and GIR were splashing each other in medium depth water, laughing and oblivious to the danger they could be in. “GIR!!</i>”
The little SIR unit froze to the dreaded sound of his master’s voice, and he cowered at the amount of rage in it as well.
You....</i>” Speechless in anger, Zim bared his teeth, mostly at GIR, figuring he was behind this. “Inside. NOW.</i>” His widened in surprise to GIR’s defiant glare and response:
Twitch. “Excuse me?</i> GIR, you get over here now or ELSE.”
Talia hesitated between the two, watching as a furious storm began to brew. She threw down the sea shell she was holding and scurried quickly over to Zim, her head down, eyes on her feet.
Zim nodded his silent approval to the child, then turned back to GIR. “You’re next. OUT of the water; I told you it’s too dangerous to be in here by yourself! Now, get out!”
GIR pouted, crossed his arms, and turned away. “No!”
Shaking with silent fury, Zim was ready to swipe GIR from the water himself. If he had enough paste to cover himself, that would have already been done.
GIR grimaced as something seemed to tug fiercely at his legs, was he wrapped up in seaweed? A loud yelp escaped his metal lips as his leg was yanked at more. Arms flailing desperately, he cried and twisted against the sea’s grasp. It felt as if his legs had been shackled to the ocean floor and chains were trying to pull him down. “Mas-!” He went under.
Feeling his heart skip a beat, Zim watched as an unseen force yanked his robot down. A Warpatho? Don’t be ridiculous, those were dreams! A riptide has him!</i> Spider legs retracted from his pak and bounded into the waves, towards the flailing little robot in the water. “Hold on, I’m coming!” Zim’s eyes darted around frantically, for GIR had just been pulled completely under. “GIR!!”
Striving and crying out for air, GIR spluttered up to the surface, and desperately clung to Zim’s spider leg, trying to get away from the sea’s hands. “Help-!”
With a strained grunt, and a huge yank, the irken managed to successfully pull the sobbing SIR unit from the water. He stumbled back to the shore, clutching the wet little android. Despite how angry he was, Zim found himself patting the back of GIR’s head lightly and speaking in quiet tones. “Are you alright?”
GIR hiccupped a little sob, nodding quietly. He flinched in response to Zim’s hard glare.
“I TOLD you not to go near the water!” Zim growled, “come on!” He took a hold of Talia’s hand, and marched both kids back to the house. He closed the door and sat both Talia and GIR in front of them, hands on his hips. “Who was the mastermind behind the plot?”
..........GIR’s hand went up slowly.
Scowling, he flicked a wrist to Talia. “Smeet, go off and play. I need to speak with GIR alone.”
Panicked, GIR glanced towards the door as Talia left. Don’t leave me!!</i> Antenna falling back in defeat, he kept his eyes on the floor and averting them from Zim.
Zim sighed, glowering at the little robot. That stupid...smeet could have gotten himself killed out there! And Talia as well.</i> He pondered for a minute. What would Mameen have done if it was me that disobeyed?</i> He grimaced. Oh, he knew what his mother would have done, but GIR just wasn’t ready for that yet. It was really only his ‘first offence’ after all. “GIR, what did I tell you about going in the water?”
“.....To not...”
“And what did you do?”
“.....I did...”
“And after I forbade you to?”
Zim narrowed his eyes. “I make little rules, but the rules I do set down I expect to be followed!” he barked. “You aren’t used to consequences, I’m sure. Up until today I let you get away with everything, but that must stop. ...Especially when your life could have been the cost of your actions.” He took a firm hold of GIR’s wrist and began pulling him towards a corner. “Now, you stay there, and don’t get up until I tell you to!”
GIR drew his knees up to his chin, resting his cheek on his leg.
Zim found Talia in Dib’s bedroom, playing with her dollhouse. “Smeet, you are to go without the dessert Dib left for you two, and don’t let GIR pull you into anything else stupid like that!” He watched as she bobbed her little head, murmuring a little apology. The irken walked back outside

Zim's antennae slowly lifted when they caught the sound of gentle pitter-patters coming from down the hall. He growled quietly to himself. Tell me that isn't Talia.. But he knew that GIR's footsteps weren't that light. That robot was never able to sneak around; his feet were metal. Narrowing his eyes, Zim quietly crept towards the hall, and hid behind the wall frame, waiting for her.

She crept out, clutching her stuffy, her purple nightgown trailing behind her, as well as her long purple black hair. She looked around cautiously, making sure no one was watching. Satisfied that she was completely alone, the toddler advanced out into the hall – immediately being stopped by a very angry looking alien with his hands on his hips.

“And just what do you think you're doing, smeet?” he demanded, sharply, stepping forward, and causing the little girl to fall on her rear.

Talia just pouted angrily, crossing her arms. “I wanna pway!”

Zim glowered down at the child, and she glared right back, which seemed to surprise him. Hm. She's getting bolder... He didn't back down, and both seemed to be tying in the glare contest. “Back to bed, smeet,” he ordered, “you may have the organs of an irken, but you have the brain of a human, and it needs recharging.” He flicked his wrist, expecting her to obey the command. “Go.”

She stayed firmly, and adamantly planted there, shaking her head. “Nuh-uh, I won' go!”

Zim's glare became fiercer .”I said go, smeet, before Zim gets mad..” He quirked an eyebrow. “How did you even get out of your quarters, smeet? Zim locked the door!” He looked thoughtful. “At least, I think I locked the door..”

Talia glared at the ground, and slowly pulled a small plastic screwdriver from her pocket.

Zim smirked a little. Well, at least she's honest. He reached out his hand, expectantly. “Give Zim the screwdriver.”

Talia shook her head defiantly and stepped back, clutching her toy tool. “Nah!”

Zim spoke through clenched teeth. “Smeet, give Zim the screwdriver..”

She worked her tongue to perfect every toddler's favorite word. “No!”

“Right now, smeet!”


“Before Zim gets really mad!”


“Talia!” he snapped, dropping the 'smeet' adress. “Now!”

“NO!” She tried to shove past him and attempted to dive under his legs, but Zim was faster. Swift invader reflexes and years of military training came in handy when you're trying to handle an insolent little toddler. He grabbed her around her waist and lifted the squirming child, giving her half a dozen stinging smacks on her little bottom, and taking sure to use the palm of his hand; irken claws could cut through flesh in a minute.

Talia squalled and squealed, finally starting to wail around the fourth smack.

Angry, Zim put the swollen tear stained faced toddler back on the ground. “Bad smeet!” he scolded, “back to your quarters!”

Crying and not wanting to provoke Zim's wrath further, she scurried back to her room and slammed the door.

Zim groaned as he slid back against the wall. Kids... He rubbed his temples. Zim did not sign on for this..

on<Cryssy-miu>YO GIRL!!
<Cryssy-miu>Ice craem makes me hyper/
<spleeDoodlez>and ur bored, rite?
<Cryssy-miu>And hyper. :la; With ice cram!! WEEH!!
<Cryssy-miu>How have you been?
<spleeDoodlez>I've been well...can't seem to finda job again, so looks like it'll be another summer of no working -.-
<Cryssy-miu>Oh mna, yeah I wanted a job too, but I'm not well enough. blah
<Cryssy-miu>Anyways, I was talking to you about the I earthquake RP I wanted to do.
<Cryssy-miu>and I'm awaiting approval for a new DA group
<Cryssy-miu>wantto do it?
<spleeDoodlez>what's the group?
<Cryssy-miu>Okay, so basically, it;'s kinda like the scenario of the first IZ rp we did with GIR getting beaten by booty.
<Cryssy-miu>It's called "fight for My Heart": a group for deviants strugglign with an unknown illness
<Cryssy-miu>';s a little different. It's more so a fight (not physically) zim and GIr get into other than Zim just being really mean to him. GIR goes for a walk somewhere in the park, and the earthquake sudden;y strkes)
<Cryssy-miu>splitting up Zim, GIr, Talia, and Dib
<Cryssy-miu>and I was thinking maybe have a tree fall on GIR.
<Cryssy-miu>(O\m so mean to him!)
<spleeDoodlez>yes you are
<Cryssy-miu>I just love showing the soft side of Zim.
<spleeDoodlez>hey, a lot of ppl abuse the characters they love
<spleeDoodlez>I do too XD
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, yep.
<Cryssy-miu> should the fight begi...
<spleeDoodlez>i dunno
<Cryssy-miu>Oh, maybe it has another thing to do with zim's inventions, and it unexplainably breaks of course when GIR touches it.
<spleeDoodlez>lmao that's always funny
<Cryssy-miu>But maybe GIR suggests that it wasn't built right or something and it really ticks Zim off.
<Cryssy-miu>\Oh, and maybe Zim later realizes it actually wasn't built right! XD....Sorry, I'm hogging the ideas.
<spleeDoodlez>it's fine!
<Cryssy-miu>Okay, shall we start?
<Cryssy-miu>You want to be Dib or Moose or Talia? Besides zim I mean?
<spleeDoodlez>I'll be the Dib
<spleeDoodlez>but if there's a part where he and zim are alone, you can be dib..i dun wanna talk to myself XD
<Cryssy-miu>"the dib"
<Cryssy-miu>XD I feel the same way.
<Cryssy-miu> further ado..
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *playign with his piggies in Zim's lab* doom! Doom on da piggies! *bashes pig on the floor and laughs insanely*
<spleeDoodlez>crap..gotta go to the bathroom...brb
<spleeDoodlez>Zim (working on yet another invention): Heheheh...with this device I will finally win the war against those FILTHY earth rabbits keep burrowing in my AMAZING yard!!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *pout* But I like da bunnies....
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: I know Gir, but they keep chewing the wiring for my gnomes...they must leave! You can eat something else....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sighs sadly*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose; what's this device do?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: It uses high frequency waves to take control of their teeny little minds, and will tell them to LEAVE! And get them to attack those kids down the street *chuckles evilly*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *has to laugh at that* you're going to control bunnies?!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *comes over to take a look*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Yess..soon the bunnies will be under the control of ZIIM! ......Gir, don't touch that!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *having put his hand where zim had forgotten one of the parts, and the device crumbles of course*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *watches as pieces fall on the ground*.....
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *eye twitches b/c it's amusing when it happens on the show*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.........Ohh...*backs away a little*

<spleeDoodlez>Dib: *running downstairs* Zim, turn on the weather channe-Ooh....uh, nevermind....*runs back upstairs in a panic*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I'm...sorry... I didn't mean to...*backs up a litle more* I jus' touched it!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *trying to compose himself* Gir...everytime I invent something, you touch it and it breaks...why do you continue to disobey the order of hands off?!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.....You said not ta' touch it AFTEr I touched it..*sheepish smile*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *facepalm, getting pissed* What...culd POSSIBLY compell you to touch it THIS time?
<spleeDoodlez>(that's what he said XP)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: It was pretty... I never meant ta' break it.
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Well.....*raises his voice* is it still pretty now?!?!?!?!!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *falls on his rear, flinching at the outburst* didn't....bulid it right..
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *stares at Gir with huge eyes* You dare question the abilities of ZIM??
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: I have spent WEEKS designing this thing! It was FLAWLESS!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But...ev'ryone makes...mistakes
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: ZIM MAKES NO MISTAKES!
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *is startign to get angry*...N.....not everythin' is MY fault!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *scoffs* And I supposed those genetically enhanced weasels last month just HAPPENED to disppear on their own, right?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *glares at him*.......Nnn..okay, well, I was playin' with 'em, but this wasn't my fault! *is getting really angry*
<Cryssy-miu>minimoose; *is hiding behind a door*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *slams fist onto the table* Like hell this wasn't your fault!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *riled, tears in his eyes* Y-you can make mistakes too, ya know! *sniff*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Oh, so all of a sudden I'M a failure at following simple directions?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Maybe you just build it wrong!!

<spleeDoodlez>Zim *freaked out by the flash of red in Gir's eyes* : O.o
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes go back to normal and he runs up the stairs, past dib, in tears*
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: Uh.....*shakes it off* Zim....I gotta tell you something
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *sighs and snaps* What?
<Cryssy-miu>(you zim or am I right now? )
<spleeDoodlez>(you can be Dib now)
<spleeDoodlez>so ur turn
<Cryssy-miu>dib: I just saw..something freaky on the weather channel
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *monotone* And i just had something freaky run out of here because he doesn't like losing an arguement....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *glares* I heard the were terrible. *shakes his head*.... Didn't you learn your lesson last time?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: What?? All I said was that he isn't perfect when I need him to be! I didn't call him useless like that other time!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: you said it in a much meaner way though!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim *scoffs*: Whatever...anyway, whaddaya want, Dib-monkey? I have to fix this thing
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: The waether is sayign there's been some bad quakes around the next city, and they think we may be next!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: We're being plagued by bad oatmeal?
<spleeDoodlez>(like Quaker oats XD)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Earth quakes, you idiot!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Earthquakes? O.o
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Yes, and they're supposed to be really bad! you gotta get GIR inside, and I need to find Talia!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *growls* Ugh...fine. Come, Minimoose!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib; i saw him run back into the forest. *opens the door*
<Cryssy-miu>Ee, the baby just called me "Jur!"
<Cryssy-miu>'cause my real name is Jorda,
<spleeDoodlez>awwwww XD
<spleeDoodlez>I knows
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *slips into his disguise* Come on the woods!
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: Okay..*looks worriedly at the woods*
<Cryssy-miu>*suddenly, the earth rumbles*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: O.o' Uh...should we split up? We can cover more woods that way....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Yeah, that's a good idea. *starts to go a different path* Taliaaa!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *glances back to his device, but stops and stares for a moment* Hmm....
<Cryssy-miu>dib: what is it?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *looks at the schematics for the device, then back at the device* This wire was coiled wrong...Gir..was...right.... O.o
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose:......*WHACKS Zim with his nubs* He was right?! you JERK!!! I can't believe what you SAID to him, and he was right all along!!!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: .......Oh, lay off! Can youblame me! He breaks everything, and I'm hardly ever wrong anyway!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Now let's go before I get mad again....
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: Psh, I little too late for- *stops when the ground rumbles more*
<Cryssy-miu>*suddenly, the ground cracks underneath them*
<Cryssy-miu>My mom says hi. lolz
<spleeDoodlez>hi mom!
<Cryssy-miu>She does this with all my friends
<spleeDoodlez>aww so does mine XD
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: W-we gotta go...NOW!
<Cryssy-miu>*the ground really begins to crack, and trees start falling like dominos*
<Cryssy-miu>*a tree falls, and there is a loud high pitched yelp far into the forrest*
<spleeDoodlez>*the gang looks to the forest in a panic*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *worried* Gir?
<Cryssy-miu>*there is nothing but silence, but the trees keep falling*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose; GIR!!! *tears up* I-I think a tree fell on him!!!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *runs like mad to the woods* ZIM IS COMING!!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *impressed by the speed* *hurries after him*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *vision is blurred, and his breathing is labored a little* Mas......
<spleeDoodlez>*rumble rumble*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *flits desperately after Zim, praying GIR is still alive*
<spleeDoodlez>*rumble of the ground breaking and stuff XD*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *yelps as the ground starts splitting more under their feet*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Minimoose, we ned to split up if we're gonna find Gir. Beep me if you find him.
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *tearfully8 O-okay, Master! *flies the other directin*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *struggling under the tree*.....
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *stops running when he reaches a fork in the path of the wooods. listens intently* Come on, Gir...let me know where you are....
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *shouting* GIR!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mas........*manages a frail and squeaky cry, tears going down his cheeks
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *an antenna perks up from inside his wig, so he slips the wig off* GIR?!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *his cry is more high pitched, he can't properly cry because the tree is crushing him and his voice box*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *hears Gir and dashes in the direction of the sound, dodging falling trees* I'm coming!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Hel- *gasp* Help! *voice is squeaky*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *narrowly escapes a falling tree and spots Gir* Gir, are you alright?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim:......on second thought, dont bother....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *lights are frighteningly dim*........
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *yelps as a tree scratches him as it falls, letting a bit of his fluff leak out* OW-! *flies over* Master, is he okay?!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Barely.....I have to lift this tree
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *grabs the bottom of the tree closest to the ground and extends his spider legs from his pak*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: B-but how are you goign to lift a tree?!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: You know how human mother can lift earth vehicles to save their smeets? I'm saving my smeet.....
<Cryssy-miu>(................Dude, I almost teared up. no, I have teared up.)
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *is stunned*........
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks at Zim*...........
<spleeDoodlez>(at what? what i wrote?)
<spleeDoodlez>(XD aww )
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *mechanical legs digging into the broken earth and adrenaline fueling Zim's body, he begins to lift*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *helps, shoving desperately against the tree*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *lays limp on the ground, antennae fading from grey to blue*

<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *still lifting, the tree getting lighter with each glance at the little robot*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *thinking* Anything..for..the smeet....
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *watches in awe as the tree is thrown aside*........
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *looks up at him, tears falling*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim:*retracts the metal legs and falls to the ground, clutching his weakened arms, letting out a pained gasp*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *thinking: a danem really does anything for...his smeet......... wow...*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *tries to crawl towards zim*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *opens his eyes and tries to ignore the throbbing pain* Gir..are you alright?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *light fading*........Ah'm........s.........s'rry...
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *sees a significant amount of oil on the ground*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *reaches out with a trembling arm, trying to shake the haze from his eyes* No.....this was my were right...all along
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *oil leaks over his chin* *sniff*'m bad.... *sniff* said.... *tears trickle down his cheeks* 'n I...kicked you..
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *manages to pop a washcloth, a can of oil, and a few trools from out of his pak* I deserved it....*looks to Minimoose* me with this...we have to save him
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *trying not to bawl* O-okay, M-Master... *flies over to him*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobbing from the pain, more oil comes out from his crying*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *barely manages to wipe the oil from Gir, and takes out a communicater to call Dib*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Dib...*cough* are you there?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Yeah, I'm here. I stil can't find Talia! ...What's up? You sound...weird.
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: We...we found Gir....but he's *flinches* hurt.....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Oh-oh no, is it serious?!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *coughs again* Y-yes....find Talia and get over here....I can' him alone...Minimoose is all I have
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: I'll go as fast as I can! I'm not sure where she wandered. I-I'll call you when i find her! Keep her awake, talk to him or something! If you let him fall unconscious, he might not wake up!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *flinching* Okay....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *signs off*
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *eyes beginning to close again*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Girr.....stay with us
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *ignoring the pain in his arm muscles, he opens Gir's chest cavity and analyzes teh damage* Oh, Irk....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes open a little; he's seeing Zim in doubles*
<Cryssy-miu>*it's bad, a lot of circuits are crushed, and oil is spraying everywhere*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes begin to close again..........

<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: What do we do now?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: this can of oil, then help me fix these gears in Gir's chest cavity
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose" *opens it with his nubs*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *Working as quickly as possible, whie taking great care to get the job done right*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is fading frighteningly fast*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: * taps his hand on Gir's cheek* Stay with me, gir! Stay with me!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is trying to as hard as he can*
<Cryssy-miu>(Hm, you know what I realized? Zim hasn't cried at all!)
<spleeDoodlez>is that a hint? O.o
<Cryssy-miu>(Taha, not really, it's just what I realized.)
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *gets zapped by oneof the circuits* OW!!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *whimpers, the circuite hurting him to*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *beginning to lose feeling in the arm that got zapped* *shaking arm*, NO!
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: what- what's wrong?!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *clutching his arm, which is going back and forth between pain and numbness* My arm.....I puled my muscles...and the shock made me lose feeling in it.. I can't fix Gir with only one arm!
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: Well, I got nubs!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes begin to fade to gray*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *tears in eyes* Gir, NO!!!
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *crying, calls through dib's phone* DIB, HELP!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:...............*eyes close*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *grabs Gir by the shoulders* Gir!!!!!! STAY WITH ME!!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>(I got frikkin tear in my eyes, man LOL)
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *looks at his pak* There's one more option....if I connect my pak's mainframe to his, it might be able to fix him. Paks can heal our bodies, it may be able to heal his...
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose:.....But he\s not irken
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: I can try...*a mechanical hose comes out* even if it means further damage to myself....anything for my smeet....*the attachment is made*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: M-master, this may kill you......
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *grins sadly at Minimoose* I never said every one of those stories ended well
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose; *tears up* C-can't you take my energy instead?!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *shakes his head as the Pak energy is sent into Gir, repeairing the circuits and weakening Zim*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: stop it!!! there has to be another way!!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *eyes losing their shine, he puts a shaking hand to Gir's head* Wake up, Gir.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes slowly begin to light up*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim:*gettign weaker by the moment, looks inside Gir's chest to see the circuits beign repaired by the pak's powerful technology* Gir...?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes open*...Mas...ter..!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *smiles weakly at Gir, then cringes and collapses as a surge of energy rushes into Gir's body, finishing the job*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *gasps* Master!! *falls to his knees infront of him* wakey! Don't sleep now!!
<spleeDoodlez>*The connector retracts back into Zim's pak, which computes the energy usage used for Gir*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *ahakes him* Master!!!
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *reaches his hand out to Gir and smiles sadly* Heh...I thought I'd lost you...for a minute there...
<Cryssy-miu>Oh, Dib shouild come in about now. Can you be Dib since zim
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: Guys....I got were right, Zim...I was able to...uh...Zim?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *lost like a little child, figurez zim is sleping* He sleepin' but he not snoring..
<spleeDoodlez>*total pak energy at 20% capacity....reboot commencing...*
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: Wh...what?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: An' he not movin'........
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose; *sobs* He iusn't sleeping
<spleeDoodlez>A spark jets out from Zim's pak and radiates throughout his body.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *backs up, freaked out*
<spleeDoodlez>*Zim's vison phases in and out and he lets out a pained gasp*
<spleeDoodlez>*Pak energy at 45%*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes dart around, totally confused*......Master?
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, poor kid, he sees his parent on the ground, then it looks like he's being struck by lightning!)
<spleeDoodlez>(lol Gir be needing therapy.......)
<Cryssy-miu>(I think he's needed that for a while! LOL)
<spleeDoodlez>*The final surge is emitted as Zim tightly shuts his eyes before going completely limp*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *color coming back to his skin*
<spleeDoodlez>Pak: *reboot complete*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes still darting, with a "wif" just happened look in his face*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *shakily manages to push himself off the ground, then blindly looks at Gir before his vision is restored*......Gir...?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR; Master...? You...okay?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *wipes his forehead and shudders* I will be....a Pak reboot isn't pretty...*puts a hand to Gir's chest* but it's necessary...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *moves into him a little ,cuddling him* what's a pak reboot?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: When a Pak has to use a lot of shuts down, then restarts again. It replenishes the jumper cables to to an earth car's battery.
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Only cars don't feel it.... -.-
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *tears up* Are you...going to be okay?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *wrapping his arms around Gir* Zim will be fine....*looks up to Dib* So you got Talia was it?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *sigh* Her leg is badlky bruised, but that's it.
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: Br\mseau! *scitters over to zim*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Hey...there haven't been any quakes for a while now...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: we need to get back to the house before an aftershock
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *slowly stands up and sways a bit, then regains his composure* Let's go home...*takes Gir's hand*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *worriedly looks around, afraid of more trees falling*
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: Th' wocks twapped meh..
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: Heh..they weren't as heavy as I expected....
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: Tha's no' what you wah sayin' wh'n you went, "oh, may back!"
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose" *bites back a laugh*
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: *just got pwned* -.-'
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: Well.....they couldve been heavier....
<Cryssy-miu>(He got pwned by a toddler!! XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *smiles* Is the shakiness done now, Master?
<spleeDoodlez>Zim *kneels down and presses his palm to the earth, his antennae quivering as they pick up on the earth's vibrations* Not willl be one more...'aftershock' as it's called. We have little time.
<spleeDoodlez>*there will be one more
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *tears up, frightened*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose" We gotta move, NOW!
<spleeDoodlez>*Zim scoops up Gir and Dib scoops up Talia as they make a dash out of the woods*
<Cryssy-miu>*trees fall behind them*
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *buries into zim's uniform with a long frightened wail*
<spleeDoodlez>*they race out into the clearing just as the tremor knocks down a few more trees*
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *throws open the door and shoves them in*
<spleeDoodlez>*Zim and Dib pull Minimoose and the smeets together into a group huddle and they all clsoe thier eyes til the tremors stop*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR and Talia cry into Zim and Dib's shirts*
<spleeDoodlez>*Zim's antenna wraps around Gir's and he digs his claws into Dib's jacket*
<Cryssy-miu>*book shelves and such begin to fall*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *antennae clutches tight to his mater's*
<spleeDoodlez>*Dib smooths Talia's hair as thelast tremor ceases*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR over?
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *peeks up*
<spleeDoodlez>*Zim puts a hand to the floor, his antennae not moving an inch*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *sighs* It's over...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *breathes out,relieved*
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: *rests his head on Talia's head.* Whew....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks at teh damage*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Eh..let's worry about that later.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *looks sadly to twhrer Zim's broken invention has been completely destroyed*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *looks at the invention, then puts a hand on Gir's head* If that earthquake didn't scare away those rabbits...wanna help me rebuild that thing?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *smiles* Yep!! .......*antennae droops* I might brak it again
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: Eh....who cares...
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: And it wasn't even yor fault it broke, GIr. *smirk*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *-.-'* will be Zim's fault if it breaks...
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: *giggles* HE really had built it wrong
<Cryssy-miu>(Now that erything's over, Minimoose would love rubbing it in his face LOL)
<spleeDoodlez>Dib: *snickers*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles at the embrassment on Zim's face*
<spleeDoodlez>Zim: *grumbly* Mm....let's clean up...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *goes and fetches a broom and shovel and stuff*
<spleeDoodlez> mom will kill me if she finds out im still up....
<Cryssy-miu>Tehe, mine too. LOL
<Cryssy-miu>This was really fun. :aw: Can't wait to do it again sometime
<Cryssy-miu>Have a good night, kristen.
<spleeDoodlez>you too
** spleeDoodlez has left [connection closed]