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Posted by: pixiepumpkin
Posted: June 17, 2010, 9:05:31 AM
Zim: GIR! Fetch the bucket with the lid! The flying germ-y weasels are DONE! Time to rain DOOM upon the filthy hyumans!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>(Excellent! )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *optics are blurred* Nnnn.....right away, Master...
<Cryssy-miu>\(any secondary characters you want to be? Dib, talia, Minimoose?)
<Vee-Ro>hmm.... I can be two!? MiniMoose! I choose YOU!
<Cryssy-miu>Minimoose: Nya! (Yaaaay!)
<Cryssy-miu>And I choose Dib and my Talia I guess. You can be as many as you want.
<Cryssy-miu>It\s stressful to have more than two if you're a rookie.
<Vee-Ro>Lol..... kay. Zim and Minimoose are good enough. XD
<Cryssy-miu> Kays, your turn.
<Cryssy-miu>Oh yes, and you can be both zim and then Minimoose. Like, while it's your turn both can say something.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *watches GIR fetch the bucket* (to himself) GIR seems... odd... usually he's squealing and making those strange crazy noises... *shrugs* Can't worry much about GIR right now.... The weasels need to be sent out amongts the HORRIBLE HYUMANS!!! BAHAHAHA!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *stumbles over to Zim with the bucket and lid*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *snatches the bucket and lid before it drops with GIR's stumbling* Stupid robot. That's BAD GIR, if you drop it the weasels wont be contained properlly! BAD ROBOT! *turns to force the weasels into the box*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *tears quiver in his eyes from the yell and his pain* Sorry...*sits back against the wall to keep from falling*
<Cryssy-miu>BRB, moving my laptop.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *turns back around holding the bucket and weazels* Alright GIR! It is time for us to.... eh... GIR? Why are you leaking? You know that HORRIBLE Angry Monkey is on... at uh... *looks at a digital clock then back to GIR, rotating a free hand* sometime soon... you've got plenty of time to get back and watch it once we send out the WEASELS!!! *raises bucket in a manical way and continues to laugh* HAHAHAHAHA!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes closed* Can we....send 'em out tomorrow? *hopeful*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: WHAT!? Send them out TOMORROW!?!?!?! The DOOM of this PATHETIC dirt ball cannot wait till tomorrow GIR! It has to happen now! *glaring at the robot. Sighs* Fine then... you stay here and eat waffels or whatever... I'll just do it myself. Or maybe take Minimoose along.
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: Nya... (But Master... GIR doesn't seem....)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: SILENENCE Minimoose! GIR is fine, he is probably just upset! Now... obey me and lets go put these weasels out!
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: Don' want waffles......wanna sleep..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Then sleep GIR. *slips on wig and contacts* We'll be back soon.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *weakly waves, eyes closing once more*
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: *looking at Zim who has walked towards the elevator, and then back at GIR* Nya? (Master... GIR seems... oddly coloured......)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *breathing ragged*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pauses* Hmm.... *places bucket down and turns to face GIR once more* GIR.... *shakes head* I told you NOT to eat the filthy hyuman FOODS! It's DISGUSTING and is probably making you all weird like.... just go sleep it off... and don't contaminate the base!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes still closed* It....never made me sik b'fore..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You know.... by the looks of it.... GIR... if your sick, I don't want you to stay here and contaminate anything and make it possible for us to catch it *not knowing that it's Robo Posis* Get up and get off the wall, and follow your master to put the weasels out.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *shrinks down at the idea of walking again8 No-no!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *growls* GIR! I said GET UP! You will OBEY YOUR MASTER! *points to the floor in front of him sharply* I'll give you a warning. Get up NOW, or I will DRAG you out of here!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *growls, it's more so a protecting himself growl* N-no! *shrinks back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim* You DARE disobey ME! *grabs GIR's arm tightly and yanks him upward*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *lets out an ear splitting SHRIEK and wail so loud as his nerve is torn - a few neighbors peek out of their doors*
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *springs from her room* What da-?!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *Drops GIR and covers what he can of his antennae* G-GIR! D... Don't play games with Zim....
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: Sqeak.... (There's something wrong with GIR... I think....)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is wailing and bawling hysterically like an infant, clutching his arm*
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *gasps and runs over* guh!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *grasps at Talia and pulls her away* Don't touch him, Talia! *kneels down in front of GIR, pulling off the contact lenses so he can see better* GIR... you better not be doing anything funny.... *reaches out and tries to pick up GIR's arm and examine the spot he grabbed earlier*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *jerks his arm back. attempting to pull away, frightened. He's still wailing*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *frantic he cluches at his wig and yanks it off* GIR! I'm not going to hurt you! Just... stop crying... *turns to Talia* Tal... do you know if GIR hurt his arm while playing!?
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: Nah.......bu'he was actin' we'id dis mornin'
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is stiall bawling*
<Vee-Ro> Zim: *bites at his lip* Alright.... alright... GIR... stop crying and... and... *reaches forward to try and pull GIR gently from the wall*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *cowers in fear, curling up, doing the "antenna sentinel"*
<Vee-Ro>WAIT... i have to go open up your Antenna communication thingie! hold up!
<Cryssy-miu>(for me, I find with injured children or injured animals expecially, they cower in fear even if someone they love and trust comes up to them.)
<Cryssy-miu>And okay.
<Cryssy-miu>I might have put the wrong gesture...
<Cryssy-miu>Nope it's the right onw
<Vee-Ro>Kay, just a sec... my lapt top is being... not cool... XD
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, antennae sentinel Antennae Sentinel – Irken antennae bend back to the back of their head and the tips curl in until no longer visible. It is the irken's attempt to guard itself from any opposing threat or harm.
<Vee-Ro>Kay.... Vee uses BRAIN JUICE!!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pulls back, eyes wide at GIR's jesture* GIR... I... *clenches had into a fist and turns to Talia and Minimoose* You two, stay here with GIR. Do Not Touch Him! *runs out of the room searching for Dib.* DIB-SMELLY!!!! DiiiiBah!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *bonks into Zim going down the stairs* Ow...what is wrong with GIR? He sounds like a crying infant baby!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rubbing boinked spot and glaring at Dib* That's what I'm coming to ask YOU about! Did he hurt his arm sometime today!? Talia says he's been acting weird this morning.... but GIR's always weird....
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: *floats up behind Zim* Nyanya! (But GIR doesn't look normal like he does when he acts normally weird....)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Now that you mention it...this morning when I came down the stairs he didn't tackle me and scram "hi big head!" and he's just kinda laid limp on the couch the entire day...not e en watching tv!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *grabs at Dib's jacket and turns around, dragging Dib behind him* Well... come and see if you can get GIR to get up and come upstairs.... he wont.... *clenches teeth* he wont let me near him....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Duh, it sounds like you hurt him..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rounds on Dib, pushing him back roughly and letting go of the jacket* I would NEVER hurt GIR you filthy HYUMAN! GIR was being disobediant so I grabbed at his arm to pull him up and he started crying like newborn hyuman smeets...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Maybe he's just feeling a little sick? .........Never mind, he's a robot...
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: Naynya! (what about human computer viruses??)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glares at Minimoose* The very THOUGHT of GIR catching a human computer virus is HIGHLY unlikely Minimoose.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: He might just be tired....or having one of his days where he really acts out?
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *gives a scream from in the lab* BR'MSEEAAAAAAAAAAAAU!!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *antennae shoot up at Talia's cry and bolts down the rest of the stairs* What happened Talia!?
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *is cowering on the floor, covered in oil*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *panting with oil dripping from his mouth*
<Cryssy-miu>(Equivelant to a human throwing up blood.)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *kneels in front of Talia trying to wipe some of it off* What.... *glances at GIR, a pale tone rushes his skin* Oh Tallest... GIR!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *shaking in pain and cold*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *hectic* DIB! I need your jacket! NOW!
<Cryssy-miu>(If he throws up a lot of oil it gets rid of warmth.)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *runs in with his jacket* EW! What is that on the floor?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *snatches the jacket from Dib without a glance or word and steps towards GIR* GIR... this may hurt... but I have to get you off the floor and onto the table... o-okay... *places the jacket onto the floor next to GIR, and reachest to roll GIR gently onto the jacket*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *trembling violently and sobbing, both from zim touching him, and the pain. He twists and tries to get away from Zim*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *antennae consoling - holds down GIR to keep him from rolling off the jacket, despit GIR's sobs - quickly lifts GIR off the ground and places him on a nearby table tying the arms of the jacket together, to keep GIR from rolling off*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *wails from the pain, coughing more oil*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: what's wrong with him, zim?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *cursing under his breath - not glancing at Dib - ignoring the question* Dib... g-get me a list or s-something on Earth viruses that your computers c-catch...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Uh, okay, *runs upstairs*
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *tugs zim's uniform, tears in her eyes* He gonna be okay?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *ignoring Talia as well* Minimoose! *Minimoose jumps to attention* Get Talia upstairs... don't let her come back down....
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *clutches harder* Nah! I wanna be wif Guh!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *grips at Talia's hand and pulls it away from his uniform* No smeet! Obey Zim and GET UPSTAIRS! *Let's her hand go as he pushes her backwards slightly*
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: *catches Talia before she can stumble and fall* Squee.... (Come on Talia... please?)
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *sniffles and follows Minimoose*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *feels suddenly frightened alone with Zim* *shakes intensely*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *ignoring the moose and Talia, his attention is fully back on GIR - regret for being so rough with GIR earlier in the day forms in the pit of his squeedlyspooch* GIR... I'm not going to... to hurt you... can you... talk? Say something anything! A sentence even...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clutching at the side of the table, antennae dropping halfway and start to twitch* GIR... r-reapet after me... I love... w-waffles...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobs quietly* *braks out in a huge coughing fit*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *grips at the table harder, and turns away from GIR, looking up the stairs* DIB! HURRY UP!!! *glances back down at GIR, arms visibly shaking from the force of his grip* Come on GIR! Concentrate... you can do it... just something you say a-all the t-time... I love waffles... I l-love waf-waffles... s-simple GIR...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I love.....I*chokes on oil in his throat*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *breathing unstable, blinking eyes rapidly - pushes GIR as gently as he can to his side so he doesn't choke too much on the oil.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *trembles more, sobbing, oil dripping from behind his eyes*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *runs back down* I got it, I got it!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *still avoiding Dib, he quickly brushes a hand over the bottom of one eye, wiping it dry on his uniform* I don't... I don't need it... Dib... It isn't of a-any u-use to us....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: O_O What do you mean?? Oh, you found out what's wrong? Was it a bad taco? *laughs*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *spins around to glare at Dib* This isn't FUNNY DIB! G-Gir has... GIR h-has... *throws hands up in the air frustrated* Where's a computer's AI when you need it!? Does this house even have one!?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Geez, calm down! O_o I'll boot up my dad's old computer. What do you want me to do?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Just make sure i-it can complete a full bio scan for robotic life.... if you're pathetic hyuman computers can even.... *mumbles off glancing back at GIR*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *sigh* computer, run a bio scan on GIR...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: (thinking - let it be wrong... let it be wrong.)(are you crazy!? GIR's been throwing up oil nonstop... it's cloging the back of his throat for tallest sake! it's coming from behind his eyes! He. Is. In. PAIN!)
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *sneaks back in*...
<Cryssy-miu>Computer: Bio scan: 20% complete..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clasping his hands together, resting his elbows on the edge of the table. Placing his forehead against his hands, he starts to mumble in Irken... shutting his eyes tightly*
<Cryssy-miu>Computer: bio scan: 50% complete...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Z-zim, what is it? Why do you look do...afraid?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *ignoring Dib again - Antennae dropping down, twitching, tips swaying slightly...*
<Cryssy-miu>Computer: bio scan complete. Unkjnown virus present in SIR unit. Research: Robo Posis. Stage: three... Mortality: 100% time of shutdown: Between 2 to 3 weeks.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *muttering, slowly getting louder and louder* No... no no no no No No NO NO NO!!!!! *pushes himself from the table with an unkown sound coming from his lips. His fists clench, and slam down on the table, tear visibly present in his eyes as he stares helplessly at GIR.* D-Dib... scan him again! AGAIN!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *denial* The computers w-wrong! Wrong! GIR does not have Robo POSIS! He doesn't!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *back away from zim in shock and slight fear* Wh-what? zim, this computer is completely acurate! *sees the tears and is shocked*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *starts crying again, frightened by the yelling*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rounding on Dib, snarling* NO DIB! YOUR HYUMAN COMPUTER IS NOT ACURATE! *turning back to GIR, hands clenching in fists* GIR! What did you EAT! Roll in!? Jump off of!? Did somebody attack you again!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *starts crying harder*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Stop it, zim, you're frightening him!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *visibly shaking - leaning heavily on the table* GIR... it's something else... you're not sick... you're not sick... it's something else... isn't it... just tell Zim the truth... just tell Zim if you did somethig... please... I promise I wont get mad... j-just p-please... t-t-tell... y-your n-not si-sick....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *shakes more* I...I didn'...*COUGH**gag* nothin'...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *confusd* It\s a virus, right? Like a cold?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glancing at the monitor, the numbers burning into his memory.* 100% Shutdown 2 to 3 weeks
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks at Zim, gently, cautiously laying a claw on his master's hand*
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *looks tearfully at him* Guh is..sick?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *jumps at the sudden contact - vision obscurred by tears, now streaming freely down his face* G-GIR..
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks at his master, no longer afraid* *attempts to inch closer to him*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:'re........*looks at he tears*.....uhh....are YOU sick?
<Cryssy-miu>(Guess he can't bleiiee zim is crying.)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *holds GIR steady* N-No GIR don't move... d-don't...
<Vee-Ro>Ah, Dib... he's so harsh...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *angrily* No Dib-worm have you never heard of tears before!? Surely you have *getting angrier* Hyumans do it all the time!
<Cryssy-miu>(Hey, I'd think zim is sick too! I mean, it takes a lot to make him cry in my fic.)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: But you, you\re crying!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *growling - wiping madly at his face, getting rid of the tears* There! Happy!? I'm not anymore!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *getting angry himself* No need to get snippy, space boy, I've just never seen you cry before!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *antennae lament - eyes narrowing dangerously at Dib* I'm not snippy
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *getting riled* Look, I'm just saying-!!
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *starts crying* STOP!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *startled Talia was down here* Tal-Talia! *straightens himself up, and glares at the smeet* What. Did. I. Tell. You!? *yelling* Don't come back downstairs!
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *starts bawling* I was sca'wed fuh Guh!!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *sngrily picks the smeet up, glaring at Zim* Leave her alone! you're acting even more of a jerk than usual!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *opens his mouth to say something... but nothing comes - instead, he glares at Dib, hands shaking*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *sighs and hugs Talia* come on, Talia.. let\s let Zim be. *glares at the irken* to cool down.
<Vee-Ro> Zim: *glares harder at Dib - not thinking about word choice.* How can I 'cool' down when GIR is going to DIE!? He's dead! H-He's... going to DIE DIB!
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: Die?!?! *starts bawling again*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *just as shocked* But, it's a vrius!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *frozen in fear at what hsi master said* I...don\ wanna! *starts crying*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: No Dib... it's not just a meesly virus... *places hand on the table, looking down at GIR... - biting his lip as his antennae start to quiver slightly again.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *shaking violently* D-die? I don wa - *COUGH* - wanna!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *is frozen on the spot* Th-then what is it?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Robo Posis... *he sniffles once* like one of your earth computer viruses... only... practically eats away at a SIR units wireing...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *gasps*...O....oh my gosh......
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *sniffles* 'N...he gonna die?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances at Talia, then back at Dib* You should take her upstairs... you know...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Hyuman smeets don't have to listen to this....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *thinks: Then you shouldn't have screamed that...her - brother - is going to die..* Come on, Talia...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sees the despair in Zim's eyes, and gently curls his atennae around his master's*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances at GIR, gives him a weak smile which disappears after seconds.* I... I'm sorry GIR... I'm s-so sorry...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *nuzzles Zim's chest gently* Fer...wh-what?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *gently wraps an arm around GIR's body... cringing at the robots slight whimper of pain before settling* This.... t-the Robo Posis... the yelling... y-you're... *antennae drooping* you're not a bad robot GIR... you don't d-deserve this....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *his own antennae droops* You....'lways..*coughs* made me feel like... I was..*looks sadly at the ground*
<Cryssy-miu>BRB, bathroom
<Vee-Ro> Zim: *choking on a few words* A-and... Zim w-was... I was s-stupid for it....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *smiles a tiny bit*.....But...t'wue...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *straining to understand GIR - afraid GIR's already shutting down*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *coughs, clearing out some oil* T'
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *frantic* True? *straining to keep his voice low to try and not cause GIR more discomfort* But true, what GIR?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: True......that I *cough* am bad...*snifle*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: No! No GIR... you're not bad... Y-you're not... you're... *pauses, biting at his lip, tears forming slightly*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *nuzzles him gently, wiping a tear away*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *holds GIR firmly but carefully - rests his chin on top of the SIR unit's head* You're just... perfect GIR... I wouldn't... I couldn't see myself with any other SIR unit....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But ah'm..a...a....defec...*trying to think of the word*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: (thinking - and now that's coming to an end... there wont be any SIR unit... ever again...) *GIR's words pull him from his thoughts, as more tears spring up into his eyes* That just... Being a def... a little different than the others isn't bad GIR... it g-gives you... personality... you're not just some mindless robot obeying every whim.... GIR... you are y-your own special kind of robot... you feel, think...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: And besides... you're not the only different one... It makes us.. two of a kind, G-GIR...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I wouldn' wanna be...wif any*cough* invader..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *chokes on some words and hugs GIR a little tighter*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *feebly crawls into his master's lap, snuggling him* you......
<Vee-Ro> Zim: *grips at GIR's hand tightly, meshing his claws with the sudden cold almost lifeless feel of GIR's hand - whispers... mouthing the words before saying them* I... I... love... you too... GIR...
<Cryssy-miu>(I'm frikkin crying right now. LOL. In every RP, I cry whenever I hear those three wrods comign from Zim)
<Vee-Ro>(I'm sorry! It's sadness! SADNESS!!!!)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *watching from above the stairs, tears falling* *thinking: So that's it? We're just....going to lose him? GIR - the one that holds us together, will be gone soon?)
<Cryssy-miu>(I love the sadness. )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *looks up from GIR's head and across at the monitors. The scientific beakers catch his attention* GIR... I'm going to have to lay you down again... just... don't worry okay, I wont go far... *slowly and carefully slides GIR off his lap.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sniffles as he leaves the warmth and love of his master*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *slipping off the table, he glances at GIR, biting at the inside of his lip.* Hold on GIR. *he turns from his robot, pulling off his outer uniform. Soon after, he pulls of the soft, stripped under shirt and lays it across GIR's body. Putting back on the outer part of his uniform, he quickly heads over the the beakers, examining them closely, along with the other Earth scientific tools.*
<Vee-Ro>(cause in my mind, Zim wears TWO shirts. XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *blinks* What.....'re you doin?
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, I can see that.)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *picks up a syringe - grimacing* GIR... I'm not going to promise anything... but I wont stop working until you... *Zim chokes on the word and turns to walk towards GIR - he changes the subject* GIR... this may be a little uncomfortable... but I promise... it'll be quick.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sights the needle and tears up* Nnnn! *buries under Zim's shirt that's on him*
>Zim: *grasps at the shirt, pulling it back off of GIR.**He get's closer to GIR's head, near his eyes where the oil is still leaking out.* It may feel a little strange GIR... having the oil sucked from you... but... it wont be long... I can promise this. *he places the tip of the syringe in the oil and works it to under his eye, drawing the thick liquid into the syringe a little difficultly, but getting it done. At the while, the other hand comforting GIR the best he can, rubbing him lightly over the forehead.*
<Cryssy-miu>(What's he doing?? That'll kill him if he takes all his oil!)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *whimpers and squirms, tears streaming*
<Vee-Ro>(No! not all of it... he needs a little bit though... you shall see the fail in all of this... the oh so promising hope and then the crashing burn of failure and dispare! yay.)
<Cryssy-miu>(Oh.....kay? )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pulls the needle out, glancing at the small amount of oil.* (thinking - it's not nearly enough... but I'll have to ration carefully...) *he tucks the shirt back around GIR tightly, and heads back towards the monitors. Glaring at the screen one last time, he restarsts it, pulling beakers and other chemical looking stuff from the cupboards at random.* (thinking - hopefully this works... hopefully... something can change it's course... but I'm not going to just SIT here and watch GIR DIE.)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is pretty confused, loks at the oil* What's...that? *coughs*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *quietly* It's what keeps you running GIR... sort of like The Dib's or my life bloods... *he pulls out a small tube of green liquid from his PAK and twirls it in his hands.* (thinking - maybe if there is some way I can strengthen the nanobots... they could reverse the effect... or if not... hopefully start to repair damaged wires....) Now GIR... just rest... don't talk... j-just... try to stay comfortable.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: 'Kay...*lays back down*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *walks down the stairs*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *working diligently on his new plan. Does not notice the Dib's presence*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *freezes, not expecting Dib's voice. He places the tubes and beakers down carefully, and turns slowly to look at Dib.* Y-yes?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *sigh* I'm sorry I...blew up at you earlier. I didn't understand the severity of things and thought you were just being a jerk,,when you were just...grieving.
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *quietly* I wan' help..*toddles over to zim*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stiffens* Dib... I... Zim does not... *sighs heavily - talks in a whisper and leans closer to Dib so Talia wouldn't catch word* GIR is very sick... Dib... and I'll need... I'll need your brain meats to help me... I... *he sighs heavily again... as much as he and Dib grew to tolerate and even kinda form a friendship... it's still awkward asking you're former enemy for help* I can't do this on my own.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *smiles* you know, GIr is family to me too...I'll help however I can
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances down at Talia* Alright Talia... *picks her up and hugs her tightly *I'm sorry about earlier too...
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *nuzzles him* It's ;kay....will Guh be 'kay?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *nods stiffly placing Talia back down on the ground* Talia... can you go and comfort GIR? Just... talk to him... and stuff... I know it'll make him feel better.
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *goes over ot GIR and picks him up* Guh-
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *lets out a pained wail*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: No NO! Talia! Don't touch him! *rushes over to try and comfort GIR...**looks at Talia, and gives her a sad smile* GIR is really sensative, alright... and he... he hurts a lot, so just talk him through it...
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *nods, gently placing GIR back down* *strokes the SIR's antenna* W'en you g't bettah..we pway in da...watah!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Qith our permission this time..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *smiles at the smeets before turning back to Dib* Alright Dib... I know this is going to sound crazy but... *he walks over to him, pushing him towards the counter and out of hearing range of the smeets* I'm going to try and work on... something... anything that can maybe cure GIR or just make it less painful... I need you to take this *he pulls out another tube of nanobots from his PAK* and try testing it with the other Earth compounds... something here has got to make it stronger... more durable and longer lasting...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Um, okay? What compound do you want it tested on?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *holds in a growl of frustration**jestures violently to the beakers and tubes full of colourful chemicals on the counter* Anything and everything Dib! Any possible combination you can think of... *sounding more desperate* just anything! Something that seems like it'll work, try it! You just have to try.... evn if it seems stupid... just do it!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Alright, alright!
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *still comforting GIR* We go ta' da park..
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: Squee! (I'll help too!) *floats in with a tray strapped to his nubs, and more chemicals from up in the main hows strapped on. Simple things... like baking stuff, or cleaning solutions... seems mad... yes... but you never know.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *touched his farminen (family) is going to such lengths for him*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Uh, your nanobots just killed one substance...
<Cryssy-miu>(Fasminen, I meant)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: uh.. that's new... they don't usually kill.... WAIT! *sudden idea* What was the substance!?
<Vee-Ro>(lol... whatever.... I'll go with it.) XD
<Vee-Ro>Zim: O_o... Tuna!? Wait... was the tuna diseased!? *shoves Dib aside and grabs the shrivled tuna, pushing it under a microscope* Did they kill of the disease!?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Um, well, it killed something!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pushes the microscope out of the way and slumps onto the counter* (thinking - it's hopeless... nothing can stop it........ Robo Posis is a rutheless disease..... No... I can't just sit by and watch GIR die....) *turns towards Dib and stands up... his stance a little slouched* Well, don't just stand there, Dib-monkey! Keep working!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *rushes ro get another substance* This is um....diseased salsa. O_o
<Vee-Ro>Lol.. now you're just getting crazy. XD
<Vee-Ro>alright... I think it's time for a little time jump anyway. Enough of the dark humour... ohohoh it's dark and depressing... time for a time jump to oh... lets say... either... 2 and a half weeks later... or maybe 4 or 5?
<Cryssy-miu>And GIR is better>
<Vee-Ro>Ahaha lol... depends which one you choose. *all saw like - cue the saw music plz. thnkz.* make your choice. XD
<Vee-Ro>But either or... more depression and sadness awaits...
<Vee-Ro>cause I've got an idea for both of them.... would you like to hear them before you choose, or after?
<Cryssy-miu>Maybe they finally found the cure and GIR is nearly dead.
<Cryssy-miu>What is it?
<Vee-Ro>Well... ahem.
<Vee-Ro>2 and a half weeks later, Zim is still working feverently on trying to find a cure. Nothing's working... and there have been few times where he's come close, but not close enough. Dib... was losing the spark to keep going... he could see the truth. GIR wasn't going to make it, no matter how hard they tried. Minimoose saw it too, and even Talia figured something was up. But Zim wouldn't let go of his little hope that GIR will be fine. Stuff happens when Dib tries to crack the truth to Zim and yeah...
<Vee-Ro>4 - 5 weeks later... either or... it would be a sort of little funeral setting......... do I need to say more about that?.......
<Vee-Ro>quite depressing... depressing indeed.....
<Cryssy-miu>Funeral, yeesh...
<Cryssy-miu>Either that or at the last minute he pulls through? LOL, or some sort os spirotual thing with Mala or something, saying it isn't GIR's time . D: Stupid..
<Vee-Ro>yes.... he could....... maybe this is where it ends off. Zim, Dib, and Minimoose working together to try and find a cure... and Talia comforting GIR the best she can...
<Cryssy-miu>You dpn't want to do an actual ending? O+o
<Vee-Ro>well... i do! i want to do the one with 2 and a half weeks later... cause there is lots of emotion that's gonna get thrown in... and I like those rollercoaster rides... tis fun. So... if your up for it... sure...
<Vee-Ro>and not yet tired at my n00b RPing skills. XD
<Cryssy-miu>Pkay, depresseion time
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is not blind*..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *still at the counter, beakers and tubes littering it. Broken glass on the floor, from many pushed off from frustration. His arms and hands have small cuts and burns, some old and some new**muttering darkly to himself* Come on, Zim... there has to be something... something.... this one... and and and.. this one.... *lets out a few manical laughs* I think I've got it this time!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Wh=what is it?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *opens his eyes, though he can't see*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: DIB!!! DIIIIB!!!!! It's AMAZING! It's work... no... it's just... just... *Zim's hands clench, shaking furiously* NO! *slams the mixture away. It hits the monitor and smashes, clear liquid dripping down and onto the floor.*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *puts a gentle hand on his head*........
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *spins around and slaps Dib's hand away* I don't have TIME for condolences, Earth-monkey! Zim has to WORK! He has to find it before it's too late!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Sorry..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *mutters darkly* Sorry's don't get us anywhere, Dib-BEAST! Now... either you start working AGAIN, or GET OUT! If you're just going to stand there, and do nothing, you're wasted space, and in Zim's way!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *quickly get back t owork*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Z-Zim......I know it's hard...but we can't do it..
<Cryssy-miu>That's why we so gotta do a ccheering up one after!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *holds the mouths of two beakers together and pauses- an antenna twitching in annoyance at Dib's distracting words* Silence Dib! Nothing happens if you start believeing you can't do it....
<Vee-Ro>(I agree. promised happy scene after.)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Zim, we have three substances left!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *placing the beakers down on the table with a loud bang**turning to fave Dib, his eyes narrow dangerously* Then ration carefully!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Zim, the likelyhood of these three curing him is low!
<Vee-Ro> Minimoose: Nya.... (Master... Dib is right.... GIR has passed the 2 week expectation.... but it'll soon be 3....)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: It's-it's hard to hear.....but....if it makes you feel any better........he'll be with your mother soon....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: and mine..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *turning away from Minimoose and Dib, his hands grip at the edge of the counter* M...Mameen...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: She'll take care of him....she'll love him....look after him.... And he'll be watching you and loving you from heaven...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *not hearing Dib's words he glances towards his SIR unit* Mameen... why? *his voice gets slightly louder* Why? Why GIR!?
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: Nya? (Master?)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *can't see his master, but he can hear him* *turns to his direction*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: She loves you...and she loves him-!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *turns to Dib, hiding his antennae behind his head* What's earth heaven like, Dib? Would it be like Irk's? Painfree... living in a world of pure content....
<Cryssy-miu>(According to my preminition, it's amazing. BTW, I've had these premonitions all my life. I had a vision of my brother - that he'd be born, and that my Pappa would have a stroke.......sorry. XD)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *smiles8 It\s more than that... It\s valleys, strams, mountains, springs...beautiful flowers..... people to love him.... to take care of him... *grins* And..all the tacos in the universe..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *turns quickly from Dib after hearing 'tacos'. blinks eyes rapidly, and looks towards GIR* So... h-he'll.... he'll l-love it there?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: there's no sadness...just love and safety and happiness...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: but... I won't be there... *confused, Zim looks back at Dib* If everything GIR loves would be there... that would be a lie...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:...*breathes out* a way, will be there. He'll always be able to see you, make you smile, wipe away your tears...whether you can see him or not..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances over at GIR* He's in a lot of p-pain Dib....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: He won't be...if you just let him go...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *his glance turns to a glare, as his mishears what Dib is trying to say* You think that I am KEEPING GIR here... FORCING him to stay in this pain!?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Argh...X______X Just, shut up and listen to me, please!
<Cryssy-miu>BRB, moving laptop
<Cryssy-miu>Still BRB...
<Cryssy-miu>If my responses are spaced it's cause I'm checking my room for ants..
<Vee-Ro>It's totally alright. I've got some weird things going on in the shadows of my room.... lights are placed specifically to keep the shadows away.... long periods without sleep does funny stuff to your mind.... you start to dream while your awake... very scary.....
<Cryssy-miu>you're afraid of the dark too??
<Vee-Ro>not when i have enough sleep. hours upon hours of no sleep makes the dark very frightening...
<Cryssy-miu>My worst dreams are the ones that are repeative. it means it's going to happen very soon. Fortunately for me, one of them was me having a little brother. But that was the only good one that happened.
<Vee-Ro>that sounds horrible....
<Cryssy-miu>Heh, yeah.... I mean, I don't think i'm pyscic or anything...Mom says some people are gifted with abilities to dream things that may happen to them or other people. The worst one that came true was my Pappa's stroke.
<Cryssy-miu>I kept seeing a shadow of a man in a hospital bed before he had his stroke
<Vee-Ro>that's amazing.... and horrible at the same time. I think if I had something like that... i would go insane...
<Cryssy-miu>But the dreams of me and a baby boy brought the best thing in my life. ^^
<Vee-Ro>Ah, i see. It has it's upsides too.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Zim.....what I mean is, at one point all parents need to let go of their child - smeets... whether if it's a good way or not. By you continuously calling to him when he opens his eyes, shouting to is not only a sin against's causing him to stay in such pain..
<Cryssy-miu>Mhmm. ^^ I have something to show you, one second.
<Cryssy-miu>[link] When I had a dream of me, my half sister at these two huge gates. We saw what was behind both doors. One was everything dib described heaven to be, and that's in this description. The other was endless suffering and burning flesh...and demons that were half animal, and fire. When I watched a show called "I was Dead", it showed something called an "out of body experience", where this man was shown heaven. Not one detail in his vision was different from mine. It had everything, from the springs, to the most beeautiful flowers... That's why when people ask me about my dream, i say i believe I was shown heav[link]
<Vee-Ro>Zim: But I.... Zim does.... no..... *bites at his lip and turns away from Dib, looking back at GIR* I'm not doing it.... *voice getting louder* I'm not doing it on purpose! I don't WANT him in PAIN! It's not my fault Dib-BEAST! I can't.... *antennae lament - voice lowers to an almost inaudible whisper* I can't lose him...
<Vee-Ro>(I will see!)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *breathes out* zim.....I think you should shut him down yourself....
<Cryssy-miu>And comment!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: WHAT!? *rounding on Dib* KILL my own ROBOT!
<Vee-Ro>(alright... yeesh.... take a chill pill. )
<Cryssy-miu>(Teher, sorry... )
<Cryssy-miu>I just love your comments!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: If you really love him, don't put him through four more days of pain!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *swallows hard**making sure his voice is low enough so Talia cannot hear* W-what about Talia.... what do w-we tell her? (thinking: hopefully it's not like one of those stupid hyuman broadcasting things, where parents lie to their own smeets about the death of another or pet) Zim does not lie...
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:.....N-neither will I..... We can't just say he died......I'll say what my father said to me: he went to heaven. 9In Dib's case, it was a she.) Where he can't hurt anymore//
<Vee-Ro>Minimoose: Nya! (And that GIR will be happy! And free from pain too!)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *smiles sadly* and comfort her all we can.
<Cryssy-miu>EWWWWWww, ant on my leg!
<Vee-Ro> the HORROR!!!!!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: W-when exactly are we going to tell her? So... so she can have those... goodbye things y-you hyumans d-do....
<Cryssy-miu>This is Zim and Mala's theme, but it's perfect for this minute [link]
<Cryssy-miu>Well, this scene
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: We have to tell her that GIR has to go away..
<Vee-Ro>sorry... my internet is being not cool! .... but.... but that song.... i can't even listen to it without tearing up........
<Cryssy-miu>*chuckles* you're like me, cries to sad stuff easy.
<Cryssy-miu>No offence.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: T-that's lying D-Dib....
<Vee-Ro>none taken.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: It isn't....GIR has to go away..
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: His soul needs to go away..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *mumbling* He can't come back.... she's going to ask when he'll come back....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: She will see him again.....we all will...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: C-could you do it now... *feelings of hopelessness seem to wrap around him, he crosses his arms over his chest, but it's more of a self hugging gesture. his antennae consolling* I... I need to...... need to go... *turns and rushes up the stairs and out of the room*
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *sniffle* Is Guh gonna be 'kay, br'ther D'b?
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *pulling his gaze from teh staircase, back to Talia* Talia.... *Dib walks closer to the table, pulling Talia into a light hug* GIR.... he... he has to go away soon...
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *eyes go wide* Wh-what? Why?
<Cryssy-miu>Oh, you'll love this [link]
<Vee-Ro>Dib: GIR is... really sick Talia. Really sick... and his body can't keep up with the sickness and it's.... the sickness is preventing h-his body to work the way it should...
<Cryssy-miu>Talia; I go' s'ck once....b't ah'm fine..
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *struggling to word it correctly* Talia, it's not the s-same as when you got s-sick. GIR's sickness is a little more... m-mean. And it's going after weak spots in GIR's b-body making it easier for more sickness to get in...
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *tears up* Wel....why he goin'? where he goin'?
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *taking a breath* GIR is going to g-go to a place where he'll feel way better. He'll be like himself a-again, running around, c-chasing squirrels.... e-eating ta-tacos...
<Vee-Ro>Dib: You want GIR to feel better right?
<Cryssy-miu>Talia:...I wan' go wif' him..
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *fighting to find the right words* Talia.... I'm sorry.... b-but you can't go with GIR.... h-he has to do this himself....
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *starts to sob* Don' wan' im ta go!
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *hugs Talia tighter* Talia... listen carefully. GIR is going to go... we can't stop that... he has too.... he... he just has to...
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *sobs hard*
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *tears forming in his eyes from Talia's crying* Talia... GIR wont be gone completely. He'll always be here with us, even if you can't see or hear him. I promise.
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *sobs more* D-don' wan' not see ;im..
<Cryssy-miu>(Putting fic on FF. After changign a few terms and names.)
<Cryssy-miu>Changing Mameen, to Mamin, or Manim.
<Cryssy-miu>What sounds better?
<Vee-Ro>WHA!? But do you have to change terms and names? what's wrong with Mameen?
<Cryssy-miu>Nothing, I just finfally figured out where I got it from. I switched Maneem around, and I forgot where Maneem came from. I don't want my favorite author to think I tried to steal from her.
<Cryssy-miu>So, Manim, or Mamin?
<Cryssy-miu>That should be all that will be changed, relax.
<Vee-Ro>Hmm... try Manim seems to flow a bit more easier. I like Manim
<Cryssy-miu>......It still sounds like Maneem.
<Vee-Ro>Well.... I think... maybe... you can use Maneem and say it belongs to whoever created it. I've used maneem.... (yes.. I'm horrible! but it was only ONCE)... and quite a few people use Maneem as well. So... it's becoming more of a noticed word, that goes with Mother, Mom etc in Irken.
<Cryssy-miu>Then....I'll just use Mameen, instead.
<Cryssy-miu>Or maybe Mamin. I have seven chapters to decide
<Cryssy-miu>Anyhoo, your turn
<Vee-Ro>kay... give me a second
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *blinking back tears of his own* I... I know Talia... it's hard... but GIR has to go... he doesn't have a choice. He... He's hurting Talia... GIR's hurting a lot... and I think he w-wishes it was gone too...
<Cryssy-miu>Talia: *sniff*...........Okay...
<Vee-Ro>Dib: Do you want to say goodbye to him? I'm sure he'd love that...
<Vee-Ro>... oh no...
<Cryssy-miu>What, hun?
<Vee-Ro>i think my brain was eaten by a ghost zombie again....
<Vee-Ro>the light in a corner is out.... there's something there....
<Vee-Ro>*deep breathing... deep breathing.... focus on the RP.... the RP...*
<Cryssy-miu>Hunny, calm down, calm down. It's alright. Nothing is in your room. You're alright
<Vee-Ro>okay.... i'm going to go and get another bulb... gosh... i feel horrible for lagging it a bit.... but I'll be back as quick as I can.
<Vee-Ro>shouldn't take too long... seeing as I have some ready for use next to me on the floor.
<Cryssy-miu>Okay ^^
<Vee-Ro>okay. It's all good now... light and yay.
<Cryssy-miu>Okay, we go to when Zim is.....sayign good bye
<Vee-Ro>alright. --
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *laying limp on the table*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *walks slowly up to the table, placing a hand gently on the side* GIR... can you... h-hear me?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Oh GIR! *leans heavily on the table, resting his forehead on the cold top, next to GIR's stomach**talks into the table* It's g-going to be over s-soon, GIR... soon....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *reaches over and takes a light hold of his master's hand*...
<Cryssy-miu>Um, rating for my IZ fic? K, R,...?
<Vee-Ro>(which fic?
<Cryssy-miu>Never mind, teen
<Vee-Ro>... I usually put mine at teen anyways... just to be saf-er
<Vee-Ro>hmm... hurt/comfort and ............... general maybe.
<Cryssy-miu>Your turn
<Cryssy-miu>CRAP, the stupid thing didn't space my paragrapghs!
<Cryssy-miu>I gotta delete and start over...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *twists his hand around and meshes his claws with GIR's little fingers**takes a deep breath* Will you like that, GIR? You'll be free of... this pain...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shoots a quick glare at the monitor, and area where he'd been working at for 2 and a half weeks straight* I... I c-can't.... I... I c-couldn't f-find... *bites at his lip before looking back at GIR, staring into the lifeless eyes of his robot* I'm s-sorry GIR.... I c-couldn't d-do it...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:...................Den.....wh....wha's...gonna happen...ta me?
<Cryssy-miu>I made teh same mistake and have to do it again. XD
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *takes another deep breath* You're n-not going to s-stay like this... GIR... you're going to... (Zim doesn't lie.... you don't lie......... twist the truth.) *antennae consoling* GIR... you're g-going to.... go to a different place.... a b-better place than'll b-be better th-there.... you w-wont hurt or be in a-anymore p-pain....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:....Will there...too?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *biting at his lip, he looks away. breathing in, preparing to talk, instead, only air comes from his mouth. Different words and phrases could be used, about the truth, and about a lie...**Zim keeps his gaze locked onto the table top beside GIR's shoulder* M-maybe GIR... I-If I... can...
<Cryssy-miu> come?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head quickly, rubbing at an eye with his other hand* GIR... I can't... I c-can't.... it's a special place f-for you.... s-so you'll be all better again.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:........*sighs, sadly, oil streaming over his chin*...........We'll........n'ver...see....'chother again?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: O-of course we will GIR... *Zim grabs the edge of Dib's jacket, and gently wipes at the oil* it just m-may be... a long time...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I'll............mi.....miss you....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clenches his teeth together, aggrivated that the only thing he can do to comfort GIR is hold his hand...**carefully, and lightly, Zim changes his hand's position, so that a finger can just skim GIR's hand, back and forth in a soothing rubbing motion* we'll all miss you... *his antennae droop, his head bowing a bit*.... I'll miss you...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *knows he's going to die* you....*coughs*....................................D....Danem......
<Vee-Ro>wait! not done!
<Vee-Ro>sorry.... i was just... really in the moment and then bam.... not cool. noob plz. *gets shot*
<Cryssy-miu>I weas almost in tears writign that one word
<Cryssy-miu>Read and revieeew...;la: [link]
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *climbs up onto the table next to GIR, slowly and carefully sliding closer to the android. He lays down next to the robot, and tugs at the end of the jacket, slowly pulling GIR towards him. Once, GIR is close enough, he pushes the bunched up coat out of the way, and grasps GIR's body as softly as possible, pulling the little robot close, to his chest. He lays that way, resting his chin upon GIR's head, ignoring the splatters of oil.* *The words are more clear this time, and less hesitant on his tongue* And nobody loves you more than I do GIR... n-nobody.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *nuzzles him*.....No one..................l'
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR? D-do you want to g-go to that special place... now?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *nods....*
<Cryssy-miu>I have a good idea... A very nice one and it's a surprise. After GIr is shut down, we go later in the night, when Zim is attempting to get throug sleep. ....
<Cryssy-miu>You'll love it, and it'll make a good picture
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sharply inhales - he raises a hand and lightly presses on GIR's antenna. It pulls down into the adroids head, and the space opens up, revealing a mess of what used to be in there. Zim didn't pay much attention to that, and instead, went the side of the head that rested between the android's eyes. There, he gingerly gripped at a small chip* GIR... I just want you to know.... t-that you where t-the greatest min... min... friend I've ever had... a-and that y-you really were an a-amazing robot... *Zim blinked rapidly, clearing his vision from obstructing tears* And... and that... I love you.. I wouldn't trade you for all t-the megadoomers in... in the univers.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I wouldn' you...........fer all da tacos......'n da universe.........
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clenches his eyes tightly, gripping the chip harder between two claws.* I... I'll never f-forget you GIR... *one final moment, and Zim quickly pulls the chip out.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *whispers of Danem beome softer and farther apart.....then nothing*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *hand clenched tightly around the chip, he opens his eyes to find his SIR unit's grey ones. bleek, lifeless, free of life... free of pain. the sudden realization of what he's done rushes to him* GIR! *his voice is shrill, wavering as sobs quickly take there place and shake the invader's body. Zim grips at GIR's lifeless ody tightly to his own, and rocks it slowly back and forth* GIR! I... I'm so sor-sorry! I..... I should've worked harder! Zim should've found the cure! I... I'm so sorry GIR! I... I.. f-failed....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *in tears, comes down stairs* Zim...*puts a hand on his back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *unstable, broken down**turns to Dib, not caring that he was his former enemy... not caring that he was letting his former enemy see him like this.... he needed comfort... and GIR's lifeless body was doing the complete opposite.* D...Dib.... D-Dib! He's dead.... he's gone! He's b-been with me s-since the b-beginning! And h-he's GONE!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *very very reluctantly rubs his back* He's with your mother....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *jumps from his position on the bed, and tumbles off the side* Aaaaaah!
<Cryssy-miu>I'm trying internet explorer
<Cryssy-miu>Mala" *laughs* Oops..
<Vee-Ro>lol... i'm always on internet explorer
<Cryssy-miu>Good, I'm trying it!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *claws gripping at the bed sheets, trying to right himself* What.... who.... what... *mumbles incoherent thought*
<Cryssy-miu>Mala: Did I scare you, love?
<Cryssy-miu>Mm, internt explorer not working
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rubs furiously at his eyes* But... it can't..... you can't..... *slaps himself hard on the side of the head* Of course it isn't you! Zim's been talking about you for most of today.... well.. the concept of where you are and I guess a little bit of you..... for GI.... *cuts himself off. his hand fists the bed sheets and he looks up at the figure on the bed* M... Mameen?
<Cryssy-miu>Mala: *wraps her arms around him*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *loosens his tight balled up position, and rests against Mala* B... But how?
<Cryssy-miu>Mala: I needed to see you,,,,,
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *looks up at Mala* But you've had plenty of time to come see Zim.... what makes now so different!?
<Cryssy-miu>Mala: *grins* I brought a friend..
<Cryssy-miu>*high pitched ronotic giggle*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *his antennae pirk* GIR! GIR IS THAT YOU!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *springs up&
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR! *breaks from Mala's hold and this time he jumps at the robot - hugging the android close to his body*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles, wrapping his arms and wings around Zim*
<Cryssy-miu>WOW no typos
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances wide eyed at the wings* GIR.... you.... you can fly now!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Yep! Check DIS out! *flutters into the air, crashing inro the wall*.....Ow..
<Cryssy-miu>Mala: He needs pracricw...
<Vee-Ro>okay... okay... chillax.
<Cryssy-miu>didnt mean to caps. LOL
<Vee-Ro>I'm not stressing about spelling....
<Cryssy-miu>I know, I do though XD
<Vee-Ro>or grammar.... so.... just be cool. be cool and let the ghost zombies lose your scent.
<Cryssy-miu>...........Okay? O________o
<Vee-Ro>yeeaaah..... INSOMNiA!!!! I will tell you about a pretty weird night some time.... but later....
<Cryssy-miu>LOL right now we EP
<Cryssy-miu>for a bit more
<Cryssy-miu>Tis five
<Vee-Ro>tis 1:40 here.... XD
<Vee-Ro>do you have to go?
<Cryssy-miu>No not yet
<Vee-Ro>cause that's cool. great place to end, greater place to start up again.....
<Cryssy-miu>XD your turn GIR just crashed.
<Cryssy-miu>I can for about twenty more minutes
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR! *jumps forward to catch the robot before he crashes to the floor* You're still the clumsy robot from before... you should really get our guidance chip back in soon....
<Vee-Ro>*YOUR! your Zimm... not our.... you.... these characters sometimes right? don't know how to spell or nothing. XD
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *pout* YOU try flyin then! *giggle*
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, yes, the characters.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Like that'll happen any time soon. *flicks at one of the wings*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *tickles Zim with a feathery wing
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *tries to push GIR away* GIR... d-don't. *trying to fight a smile*
<Cryssy-miu>Mala: *laughs* Mm, still sd ticklish as you were when you were a smeet
<Cryssy-miu>Twn more minutes for me
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *chews on his lip, before standing up and walking up to Mala* I've... *without warning, Zim gives Mala a tight hug, gripping his Maneem securily, not wanting to let her go* I've missed you so much Maneem.....
<Vee-Ro>bcha! kay.
<Vee-Ro>... lol. Halo comic books are so funny with their sound affets. FfffffsssSSSSSAAAaaaAAAaaa!
<Cryssy-miu>Mala: *hugs him tightly ,antennae nuzzling him* I've mise you, my smeet...
<Cryssy-miu>LOL ,never heard of it
<Vee-Ro>URGH! No... cry.....
<Vee-Ro>my mind has been stolen.....
<Vee-Ro>it's not thiking.... and I really want to do this but there are no words!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, pause til tomorrow
<Cryssy-miu>I have to get on with you earlier tomotrrow at like 9
<Cryssy-miu>For you
<Vee-Ro>That's cool.
<Vee-Ro>totally fine with me.
<Cryssy-miu>Great. See ypu then!
<Vee-Ro>SQUEE! Can't wait to do this part either! Se