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Blog Entry: dhasyha

Blog Entry: dhasyha
Posted by: pixiepumpkin
Posted: June 23, 2010, 9:51:12 AM
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *after a few minutes, comes up the stairs with Talia and GIR*
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, I know that. you don't know my sarcasm yet
<Vee-Ro>I do.... but... ugh... sarcasm... not one of my strong points..... XD
<Cryssy-miu>Oh, I'll TRY to simmer it for your sake XD
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances over at the three, quickly averting his gaze from GIR, looking back out the window of the living room*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *very gently sets teh bandaged robot down*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *swallows thickly, twitching an antennae at the sound of movement, glancing quickly for a once over at his robot, before back out the window* I... I see... he's... looking... better....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Not emotionally. I don't know what you did, Zim, but it totally shattered him He hasn't spoken a word since he woke up
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rolls his eyes at Dib's statement, before lowering them to the ground underneath the window**mumbles* Punishment.... that... that was all....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Your punishment was to nearly let him die...... that's worse than the kind of punishemnts TALIA got at the SEN!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *antennae lower at the mention of the SEN, but bounce back to the neutral state quickly**tries to come up with something to say about GIR's punishment, his reasoning behind it, but he comes up blank, instead, his mouth opens and closes a few times before he just shuts it, sinking lower into the back of the couch*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *sighs* I need to go make dinner..... *takes little Talia's hand and they go to the kitchen*
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *in the corner*..............
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *breaths deeply, glancing once at GIR, averting his gaze once more, not liking the robot's position**once again, tries to come up with something to say to GIR, only a frustrated single laugh leaves his lips in a quick breath, before he's silent again*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *backs up into the corner fearfully, as Zim merely makes a sound*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *his antennae catch sound of GIR's scrambling action and they droop slightly, once again, returning to the neutral, emotionless position**whispers just above a breath* G... GIR?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *cringes in fear with a violent tremble*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *quickly leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, pressing his fisted hands to his forehead**cringing himself at the sound of GIR's movements*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *antenna sentinel*
<Vee-Ro>.... brb... sorry....
<Vee-Ro>okay... i'm good... sorry for that. ahem...
<Cryssy-miu>XD your turn
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *takes another glance at GIR, drooping his own antennae at GIR's antenna position**whispers once more* You... you think I'm.... a... thr... *his voice trails off completely at the word.*
<Cryssy-miu>(I think GIR feels if Zim cared so less of him that he almost literally let him die on the table, he thinks he'd hurt him too.)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *gives a shaky nod, backing up more in to the wall, tears of fright pooling in his eyes*
<Vee-Ro>(I agree... and I feel horrible about it, but yes, I agree completly. If Zim was able to leave him to die, then to GIR, Zim would be capable of hurting him without a second thought as well)
<Cryssy-miu>(*nods sadly* Dib wasn't being melodramatic when he said Zim destroyed him)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *leans back against the couch, not taking his gaze off of GIR, watching as the robot silently cried and shook at just the sight of.... him...- his antennae droop even more at the realization, that GIR was absolutely terrified of his very presense*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobs quietly in pure devastation that he thinks Zim hates him so much, and out of fear*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *fists clench at his sides**mumbles incoherently* No... GIR.... no....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *very fearfully looks up*...?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stands up slowly, facing the robot, his hands are still clenched* Zim... Zim isn't... a th-threat, GIR....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *cries become much louder as zim comes near, and he's shaking so hard his metal is clanking*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *getting a little frustrated with GIR's response**his voice is still quiet, but more steady* GIR. Stop it... stop your shaking.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *obeys, for he's afraid to disobey*
<Cryssy-miu>(zim, had you...doen this a long time ago. GIR would never DISOBEY..)
<Vee-Ro>(that's not good though..... obeying out of fear......)
<Vee-Ro>(that's horrible.....)
<Cryssy-miu>(I know, I'm just pointing it out)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances at GIR, slightly confused at the robot's sudden... obeyal of his order* That's... better... I guess... *sighs deeply, glancing at the kitchen, before back at GIR - thinking things are alright now he takes a step forward, reaching out a hand* Are you hungry?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *shakes head quickly, eyes squinted in fear, and his antenna still doing the sentinel gesture*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *retraces his step, still confused at GIR's actions. He's obeying.... yet... still sees him as a threat? It made no sense to Zim* GIR, you must be hungry. Don't... don't lie and say that you aren't, after an ordeal like that.... coming back pretty much from the dead.... get in the kitchen.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *in a snap, races to the kitchen at that order*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *watches after GIR for a second, before following - muttering to himself* That's... more.... like it?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *yelps as GIR crashes into him* 8looks down at him* Oh hey GIR.....hungry? *blinks* You....look scared to death
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *raises an eye at GIR**muttering* stupid robot *glances at Dib* What are you making, Dib-beast?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Tacos. *grins down at GIR* Eh, buddy? Your favorite!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *doesn't seem to care*...........
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *swings hands at his sides* Uh.. that's unusual... GIR... why don't you... just go... sit next to Talia at the table....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *scurries quickly over to Talia and sits down*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Interesting........seems like he's finally following orders. But look at the reason; it's out of fear..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances from GIR to Dib, narrowing his eyes at Dib - in denial* Nonsense, Dib... GIR's just... finally.... figured it out.... *turns to GIR* Isn't that right, GIR?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *starts to shake as Zim speaks to him*...*nods rapidly*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Yes, because he ALWAYS shakes when you speak to him..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clenches his fists once more at Dib's commentary, turning to face the human* Zim does not need you to comment on EVERYTHING you're stupid eyeballs SEE!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *yelps and starts sobbing as Zim raises his voice*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *turning to face GIR, oblivious to his actions* GIR! Silence! Stop sobbing and crying already!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *yelps ans fears zim is about to beat him, BOLTS from the room*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: You don't get it, do you??!? Are you just....THAT stupid?!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *gives out a frustrated groan**turning to face Dib* Zim is not stupid.... GIR's just... not disciplined....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shouts after GIR* GIR! Get back here! Now!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *slaps him HARD out of frustration* I....don't believe you!! That poor kid! Why-why do you have to be his master?! Why can't you see?! He thinks you HATE him! and why? All the evidence is THERE! You left him - you - you didn't care if we would have DIED on the table!!
<Vee-Ro>(would you like me to be Talia for a bit as well?)
<Vee-Ro>(and he's getting slapped... yet again............)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *comes back quickly, trembling violently and looking as if he saw a Wapatho*
<Cryssy-miu>(XD.........I would have slapped him if I was dib.)
<Cryssy-miu>(Ou yes, please do)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stumbles back, gripping onto the side of the table for support** quickly pushing himself of the table, he lowers his hand, clenching it in a fist, glaring at Dib* Get this through your thick skull hyuman! Zim DID NOT leave GIR to die! Zim does not leave servents to DIE! It was extended punishment! GIR knows this, it's in his hard drive. Of course, all these years on this filthy planet..... *starts poking and shoving at Dib, forcing him to step back* You Earth-en-oids are so PATHETIC! No wonder everyone disobeys everyone! There is no discipline, no PUNISHMENT!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: YOU THINK THAT IS A PUNISHMENT?!?! Is that what your own loving mother would have done to you? Because you ran off - if you were dying, she - she's LEAVE you THERE?!?!!?!?!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *gives Dib a rough shove**getting right into his face* DO NOT bring Mala into this! What she and I are... we are different Dib! *Zim's beyond anger now, just shouting out the first things that come to mind**not even giving Mala proper respect by using Mameen* There's a reason why Irkens abandoned Mala's ways! They were useless, they didn't work! Look at what happens when love and EMOTION get's involved! *he points at GIR, shaking his finger at the robot* THAT is what happens! *can't come up with much else to say, he just furiously points at GIR* THAT! Robot's and smeets like him are created!
<Vee-Ro>Talia: *trembling at the table, she is tearing up at the shouting, and GIR's crying and shaking, sinking out of the chair, she runs over to GIR to hug him tightly*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *shakes his head, tears beggingg to form*............I wish you'd realize..... he's a kid....he may be a SIR, a robot that shouldn't feel, but he does! He has a child's mentality! He has a child's heart! He may be defective, but he loves you more than anyone else could or would!*yanks at his hair*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is limps against Talia's embrace*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: And your mother is probably crying right now..
<Vee-Ro> Zim: *at the second mention of Mala, Zim pulls his hand back and brings it harshly across Dib's face, his gloved claws digging as much as they can into his skin**his breathing his eratic out of anger, and he storms out of the kitchen, mindlessly shoving GIR and Talia out of the way*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *stumbles hard into the wall, and coughs out oil; his body is already terribly frail*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *wipes the blood, then quickly rights talia and picks GIR up*
<Vee-Ro>Talia: *stumbles back with GIR, , loosing grip on him as she falls back, and watches him fall into the wall.*
<Vee-Ro>Talia: *sniffling, watching GIR and Dib* Why.... why's Z-Zim m...m...mad?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *breathes out shakily* I-I need to open you up and fix you again, GIR..*looks at Talia* I........I.....he just can't accept the fact he made a huge mistake..
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *coughs more oil, than shakes his head. He doesn't want to be fixed*...........
<Vee-Ro>Talia: But... But.... *she starts to tug at Dib's coat* He's... hur'ing GUR! He's hur'ing him!!!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: and he doesn't realize it. *wipes his tears* GIR doesn't even want me to fix him.... *looks at the SIR unit* If I don't fix that new oil leak in you, you'll die...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *only shakes his head again*
<Vee-Ro>Talia: *looks up at GIR, tears in her eyes, she grips the table, trying to pull herself up next to him* GUR! Pwease! Lwep Dib fix you! *she grips at his hand, tightly, tears streaming down her face* I... I love you GUR... even... even if Z.....Z.... he doe'nt.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *shakes his head again*...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *shakes his head again*...
<Vee-Ro>Talia: *shakes her head roughly* GUR! pwease!! * she tugs lightly at his arm, trying to get him to change his mind.**she looks hopelessly up at Dib**her words getting caught in her throat* try... talk - hic - to Zim.... pw-hic-pwease....
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *breathes out* I have.....a better idea.. *goes out into the living room, gently lays him on the couch beside Zim* *whispers to Talia* If he cares about him at all....he'll eralize..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glares at Dib, after he sets GIR down beside him**doesn't offer the robot any glance at all, turning away, and shuffling closer to the edge of the couch*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *tries to scramble off the couch, but futilely collapses and coughs out more oil*..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *his antennae twitch, before going back to the slightest of swaying**clears his throat lightly* You're... leaking again... *turns to face the robot, grimacing at the sight of the oil*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *quietly and in a broken hearted and for once sane response* If you don' care...........why should I?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clenches and unclenches his hand, it was still stinging slightly from the slap he gave Dib* I... GIR.... *he sighs heavily* GIR.. just... let me fix you up, you're scaring Talia with this stunt...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *growls* I's not a stunt...i's the *coughs* truth......
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *bites back his own growl of frustration* But GIR.... *he rubs at his forehead harshly, trying to figure out how to word his emotions. Or how he could say it now, after everything that's happened... it seemed kind of pointless and stupid to Zim* GIR... I... see.... there.... *trails off, mumbling incoherently, before stopping all together*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks up; a hositle look on his face* What? *coughs out more oil with a violent shudder*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *frustrated, he does growl, jerking his hands up before bringing them back down* I don't know, GIR! Okay!? I don't.... but you can't just... *he lets out another frustrated growl, only, this is more like a cry. Pulling his legs up tightly, he places his forehead against them**his voice dropping* I don't know, GIR.... I feel.... just.... stupid okay. Zim feels stupid.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *growls out* I though' you said ah'm the stupid one...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pulling his head up, he rests the side of his cheek on his knees, facing away from GIR**ignoring the small comment by the robot* It was just water... just flooding.... Zim coud have cleaned it up no problem... and given.... proper... discipline... like... like... Mameen would.... GIR.... I was... I was being stupid okay.... I wasn't thinking.... I said things.... *his antennae quiver slightly more violently before going back to the lgiht swaying*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks over at him, his menacing look fading slightly* ......................*growls* You st-still....lef' me on da table.... *coughs out more oil, his life clock begins dropping*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *hearing the cough, he trembles slightly, blinking away the small bit of tears that formed - he looks at GIR slowly* GIR... just... just let me fix you okay.... I'll... I'll talk later... you're dying... and you can't... I won't... *he pauses, swallowing deeply* GIR you can't die....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *growls more* It n'ver seemed ta' bothah you b'fore..
<Cryssy-miu>(Hey, I wouldn't drop the fact someone I loved would have left me to die...)
<Vee-Ro>(i know... I wouldn't either, and Zim's trying... he really is... trust me... I'm a wreck over here.....)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *gives out a sigh, sounding defeated* I don't know... GIR... I can't... there's... there's no explination... no ex-excuse for why I... I... *there is a slight quiver to his voice* f-for why I left you... I can't... I can't explain myself... just... I... *trails off, as a small sob is mixed in with mumbling words*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *blinks at teh sound of the sob, and his antenna goes back in a slight concerned way* *coughs out a frightening amount of oil*
<Cryssy-miu>*life clock: four*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *his voice quivers some more* GIR! *he takes hold of the robot, not caring if GIR would resent it, pulling the android closer, rocking him in a slow motion, almost to sooth himself, more than GIR* GIR... You have too.... just... please... let me... f-fix you....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *after a while, silently nods*...........
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *cries out slightly, shakily, placing GIR on the coffee table, knowing that he won't have time to get down to the lab. He searches around blindly in in PAK for the instrument needed to patch GIR's internal wounds, and opens GIR's chest, looking for the cause of the leaking. Though, it takes him much longer to find it than wanted, since, he was constantly trying to clear his vision which was fillling again and again with tears.**afer a short while, he's able to mend the break, and he closes GIR back up, slumping back to the couch, still shuddering, the odd tremble running through his body*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is limp in zim's arms, his life clock slowly going back up*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *holds GIR tighter, pulling him closer to his chest* Z-Zim's not g-going to l-lose the l-last thing he h-has to a close f-f-family... He.... I... already.... lost M-Mameen... Zim's not going to l-lose you too.... especially..... b-because of.... m-me...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *breathes out painfully* You s-said I was'perty...
<Cryssy-miu>*his life clock goes to seven 7/10, but it stays at 7*
<Cryssy-miu>(He's still pretty injured)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *tears finding their way back to his eyes, he shakes his head, beginning to rock slowly back and forth* N-no..... I... I can't..... th-that's it.... Z-Zim ruined it.... like always.... e-everything.... Z-Zim ruins... I cant'... I can't do any-anything right..... c-can I?. It just... get's... destroyed....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks up, concerned* Th....true
<Cryssy-miu>that not true*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pauses at GIR's statement, shaking his head* Z-Zim is trying GIR..... n-not to... hate.... and... s-so far... it's... n-not working.... i-is it........
<Vee-Ro>( no... not the ants again.....)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sighs* I still love you...
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: Jus' didn' did
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *breaths out heavily, a sound between a hysterical laugh and sob mixing with the sigh* Zim... I'll always.... l-love you GIR... no.. no matter w-what. And.. even... I know that I'll m-mess it up... j-just like... everything e-else....
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: R.....really?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Talia an' me love you......we jus' can be mean
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *laughs, one or two sobs mixing in with it as well* I... I can't... help it.... GIR... the... the things Zim was t-taught... f-forced through.... it's... it's who I a-am now....
<Vee-Ro>( ANTS!!!!)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: what about your Ma...Mameen?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I though' she taught you to be nice...
<Cryssy-miu>Hey, you watch the show Friends?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It....... Zim was punished GIR... when-whenever he tried to do what Mameen t-taught.... it just got.... pushed away... and it's... it's hard to get it b-back....
<Vee-Ro>(OMG YESSSSS!!!!!! Possible a fav show!!! )
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *looks asdly at him8 Why is mean?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head slowly, resting it gently on GIR's head* I.... I don't know... GIR... I... b-but... I guess... I'm glad th-that I can't g-go back.... I don't ever... ever want to see that planet again.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Really? I though' you ta' be irken...
<Vee-Ro>(OMG!!!!! Dude.... I honestly don't know which character I love the most......... I just love them all! I want them ALL SMOOSHED TOGETHER IN A TIGHT HUG!!!! )
<Cryssy-miu>(OMG ME TOOOOOO!! But...I love chandler the most. XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(BTW, remember my Bunians? I'm thinking of making one of them sweet on GIR XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *breaths in deeply, trying to steady his voice* I am... just not the type that the military is forcing out..... more... like... Mameen....
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *smiles* Yer proud she raise' you?
<Vee-Ro>(OMG! WANT!!!! They are so cute.... and I guess..... hmm.... Joey always seems to have good information at points, but is stil funny at times! ah, the pair of them, Chandler and Joey... it's like you can't have one without the other! XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(My thoughts exactly XD Every one of them reminds me of a family guy character)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *smiles too, sniffling a bit* Y-yeah.... yeah... but Zim isn't proud.... I'm... I'm grateful she raised me... I'm lost beyond words why she even s-saved me....
<Cryssy-miu>(ShouldI change Binge to a female? Because I can't think of any more cute names..)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: 'Cause she lovded you...
<Vee-Ro>(uh............. if you want.... Binge is your character, you can change him/her/it whenever you see fit... I think....)
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, I know, I as just asking your opinion XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(I think I'll keep him a boy and just raelly think hard at a cute girly name)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *breathing out slowly* Yeah.... b-but I doubt.... I doubt she would... after... what Zim... what I d-did to... y-you....
<Vee-Ro>(what if GIR just calls it Taco?)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: she yer mommy, she'd love you no matter what...... Even I still love you 'fter t'night..
<Cryssy-miu>(FFFFFF thatd make sense. Or cupcake.)
<Cryssy-miu>9Or burito)
<Cryssy-miu>Think I'll just call her Binn......maybe
<Vee-Ro>Zim: See... I... i still don't understand the... love.... it's.... confusing... *glances around the room, before back at GIR* why.... you should... you should hate me... I... I hate myself for d-doing that....
<Vee-Ro>(or Classic Poop.... then he'd nickname her Classy or something. XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles a little* Welllllll....w'en you love some one, you'd love 'em no matter what dey do
<Cryssy-miu>(I like cupcake. One: he loves cupcakes. Two: it's sweet for a girl. But her name will be Binn,)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *smiles slightly* I... I guess? *the look leaves his face, replaces by something more somber* but... I don't... I don't know if I'l ever... r-really forgive myself f-for tonight.... I can't.... GIR... I'm just... so s-sorry...
<Vee-Ro>(I like them too. )
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: Ya can't stay mad at yerself...
<Cryssy-miu>( Perfect. I'll start her sketch and your picture tonight.)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: W-why not? It's... it's easier... and the.. the Dib...... he's just going to..... *he clenches the same fist he used to slap the boy, feeling the last feelings of the sting* He's not... not... going to let Zim forget th-that....
<Vee-Ro>(Eeee! )
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *chuckles at the door* Even I don't like holding grudges...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pales, forcing himself to stay seated and not jump 50 ft into the air and evidently, through the ceiling* D... Dib!? How... long.... standing...... door......
<Vee-Ro>(light green eyes, and I want Zim to be running from the cuteness!!! And tickleness!!!!!)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *laughs* That wasn't even a sentece... Not too long, don't worry...
<Cryssy-miu>(XD, nice...nice... Poor zim. but it's his fault for being grouchy.)
<Vee-Ro>(I feel a little better now too..... ah... went from being pissed angry at Dib... crazy sad with GIR and now... relief... feels good.... it's like free therapy!!! )
<Cryssy-miu>Angry at Dib?? Do you mean at Zim??
<Vee-Ro>(uh... yeah.... lol )
<Cryssy-miu>(XD, I was gonna say, whuuuuuuuuut? and it is like therapy.)
<Vee-Ro>I like RPs even more now!
<Vee-Ro>ahem, anyway
<Cryssy-miu>RPS are so much fun. it's a great way to play with the characters you love, and get feelings out on paper....screen.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *looks away from Dib, back towards the same window he was glaring at near the beginning of the night* It's... it's getting late.... and.... you... you guys still have to eat those tacos.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *squeals* TACOS!!!
<Vee-Ro>Talia: *pokes head around the corner* I'm hungry too!
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *laughs and brings out the tacos* Food time then
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *feels his squeedlyspooch clench at the sight of earth food**slides GIR off his lap* I'm going... too... go... out and... do that hyuman walk thinking thing for a bit.... I'll... see you guys later tonight....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is in a clingy mood to zim right now (Thank god) *clings to him* I wanna go tooooo!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *smiles sadly down at the GIR unit**pulls him off* No... GIR... not tonight.... umm... you finish eating....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks sadly up at him* But....
<Cryssy-miu>(Is he okay? )
<Cryssy-miu>(Doeshe need another Mala moment? XD)
<Vee-Ro>(ahem... possibly.... and plus with his sudden realization that he can't do much right... looking at his past, he needs some time to just think... you know.. alone time)
<Vee-Ro>(but... I had another idea...)
<Cryssy-miu>(Aw.....poor baby. .....)
<Cryssy-miu>(What? )
<Vee-Ro>(uh... almost like GIR running away, only... Zim breaks the small thing he added after he said he was going to go out, which was that he was going to come back... only... he leaves for a bit... cause he doesn't want to screw things up even more... but just by him leaving, is screwing things up and yeah... but I don't know how it would work... so....)
<Cryssy-miu>(*is confused* What? LOL)
<Cryssy-miu>(*is confused* What? LOL)
<Vee-Ro>(exactly. almost... hmm... Zim leaves for lets say... a few days, - a week, and GIR's all upset and all and yeah... don't look at the hungover person....... ) So, I;ll just send him out to the beach for alittle bit, GIR and Talia and Dib can finish eating their tacos and he'll come back again, not the one to be over melodramatic and all, and maybe go back to the stupid hard shell that he is, but with a soft spot that is increasingly getting more attention.
<Cryssy-miu>(I likey.)
<Cryssy-miu>The beach one.
<Cryssy-miu>oops. caps on lol
<Vee-Ro>lol.. Zim's not gonna leave... he's to scared to go out into the florida city without GIR... of course, he wont admit that bu..... *gets dragged off to the side by Zim, cause I just told what he wouldn't admit* Anyways... yeah... XD Insomnia! woo!
<Vee-Ro>Any surprises you may have waiting out on the beach?????
<Cryssy-miu>Okay soooooo.....! Oh, your idea with an added one of mine)
<Vee-Ro>sure okay.
<Vee-Ro>uh... yeah.
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL....not really. i can only thing of Mala........and a talking fish, but that is all)
<Vee-Ro>O_o talking fish??? That'll scare the bajeebuz out of Zim.
<Cryssy-miu>(Okay, Zim is out for a long time, and GIr gest worried and goes outto look for him.)
<Cryssy-miu>(Insomnia is a joy..)
<Vee-Ro>Alright... so you start then?
<Cryssy-miu>*quite a while later, Talia is in bed, and GIr is at the window waiting for Zim*
<Vee-Ro>*the house is silent..... *i don't know what to put here*........ there is no noise or indication that Zim is coming back any time soon, even though he promised (but he still is, GIR's just worried)*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *frowns and opens the door, heading out* Masterrrr!
<Vee-Ro>*Setting: the backyard is empty, even the beach looks desolate of life, besides the noise and shape of the lapping water, the is no indication that there is a form of life... but... on closer inspection, one can see that, even though the tide has risen quite a bit, there are footprints leading towards a more isolated part of the beach*
<Vee-Ro>lol... "Come on son! Let's go play in the toilet!!" -Robo Dad
<Vee-Ro>Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars
<Vee-Ro> :la::la::dummy:
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *follows the footprints* Master!
<Cryssy-miu>(IDEA! How about GIR runs into those horrible drugees again, but this time Zim hears his cries and saves him! )
<Vee-Ro>( is it possible to love your brain meats even more??)
<Cryssy-miu>(And, nice setting detail)
<Vee-Ro>your welcome.
<Cryssy-miu>( I don't know; I just totally love fluff! Especially with those two.)
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: *running over the hills* Masterrr!
<Vee-Ro>O_o...... okaaaay......
<Cryssy-miu>I'm trying to get in my jammies, and my buttons are being unfriendly..
<Vee-Ro>Sounds hot and all..... but come on Cryssy... we are in the middle of a RP............................. lololol. XD
<Cryssy-miu>ROFl. you totally sounded like my friend Allie just then
<Vee-Ro>...... yay! I sound like people!!!
<Vee-Ro>anyway. you get your jammies on, and I'll call out my multiple personalities, only to have them beaten back by the amazing Zim!
<Cryssy-miu>.......The more I think about it. the more I realize how you two are alike! XD
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, yes
<Cryssy-miu>I believe it is your turn anyways
<Vee-Ro>P2: Hey! Look at that... what is that shiney thing running!?
<Vee-Ro>P1: Ah man... you are so high... there is nothing runn.... oh my god.. it just went over the hill!
<Vee-Ro>P3: Should we go after it?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *keeps running* Masterr! Don't be lost! Come out!
<Vee-Ro>P1: What kind of question is that!? Hell yess we go after it!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *groans and comes to a stop* Where is 'e....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sitting infront of a sun bleached log, farther up in the distance, his antennae pick up the sounds of running. Only, it's not just one, it's a bunch. Looking over, back towards teh house, he sees a glint of metal in the distance.* GIR? *he stands up slowly, watching the robot come up and over the hill, only to be followed by three figures.* GIR!
<Vee-Ro>P2: Hey! Little, shining kid!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is abruptly swiped up by one of the figures* Hey! *GASP* Not you again!!!!! *starts fraking out*&
<Vee-Ro>P3: *laughs, holding GIR by the antenna* look at it... what the heck!?
<Vee-Ro>P2: Oh my god... it's a robot!
<Vee-Ro>P1: No way.. it's some kid in a costume.. and he's all bandaged!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *whimpers tearfully* C-come on, you guys were already mean ta' me! *STRUGGLES*
<Vee-Ro>P3: Awe, look at the wittle robot kid....
<Vee-Ro>P2: It's... taking!? is it that green dog from before!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobs* Let goooo!!
<Vee-Ro>P1: No.... that thing before was green... and a dog.... this is grey and a kid in a costu- *doesn't finish, as something pushes him to the side, a slicing sound heard, before silence from the figure*
<Cryssy-miu>Dimming laptop brightness, so my typos may get real bad LOL
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is sobbing in fear*
<Vee-Ro>P3: What the... *he catches site of a metalic looking spider leg that retracted from the body of P1, leading his gaze back towards a small, green looking thing standing quite fiercly, metalic spider legs extended from it's back, one dripping with blood already*
<Cryssy-miu>(Blood? Holy crap, Zim!)
<Vee-Ro>P2: Oh my god... what is that! *tries to run, but trips over the body of P1, falling face first into the sand*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *trembling and sobbing*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *darts after the second figure, jumping at him, and letting out a yell. Only, it wasn't earth like at all, and contained clicks from the back of his throat. He was screaming, and yelling things in Irken at the pathetic hyuman, before the hyuman laid limp with a cracking sound.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *is still cowering on the ground, but manages to look up(
<Vee-Ro>P3: *drops GIR to the sand, backing away slowly, raising his hands in the air* l... look man... I don't know what you are... but... this thing... is... *he gives GIR a shove towards Zim* is yours... take it... *he turns and starts running down the beach, the way Zim came from*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *clings to Zim, sobbing*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances down at GIR, helping the robot sit up quickly, before, glaring back up at the hyumans retreating form* Don't move, GIR. *he runs after the hyuman, extending his spider legs to carry him faster, and he soon over takes the hyuman, landing onto of the figure. P3 stumbles, reaching up trying to scratch and punch at the Irken on his shoulders. He manages to get one good scratch at Zim, before he stops moving, jerking in an odd fashion he falls to the ground, Zim leaping off his back easily, landing a few feet away.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *watches, stunned*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glares down at the hyuman, making the strange clicking and hissing noises again. He grips at the hyumans leg, using the spider legs to help him drag the body to the ocean. hoisting himself up onto them, he pulls the hyuman out, as far as he can get without himself touching the water, and he throws the body far into the distance, it lands with a splash and Zim hurries back to the beach, kicking sand over the puddle of blood that formed when a PAK leg stabbed through the figures back and through to his chest*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *scuries over again, clinging to Zim and sobbing*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pulls GIR up off the ground, carrying him back towards the other bodies.* GIR... it's... it's okay... they're gone.... they're gone. *he sets GIR down, disposing of the other two bodies in the same manner. Reaching in to grab a cleansing chalk from his PAK, he starts to clean off the spider legs, making sure there is no trace left of the hyumans blood on them. When he's finished, he grabs GIR and pulls him into a tight hug again, running a hand over the robot's head*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *buries in and clings, sobbing* Th-they hu-hurt me b'fpre!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rubbing at GIR's head, he quickly inspects the antenna, looking for any possible damage* They did? The same filthy hyumans!? *he laughs darkly, looking out at the ocean* Well... then they got what they deserved... *glancing back down at GIR, his gaze softened, turning back towards the house, he started walking back home**his voice purely curious* Why;d you come out anyways?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I was worried 'bout ypu...i's been hours..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Has it really? I'm sorry, GIR, I didn't mean to be out for so long... just... *he hugs GIR tighter* You didn't think I'd abandon you... did you?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: No...i though' the mean guys founded you..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *bites at his lip as e sets GIR down on the porch of the house* The... the SEN?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *nods rapidly*
<Cryssy-miu>(He actually meant the drugees, but that makes more senes XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *he reaches out and pulls GIR into another hug* I don't think they'd find us so easily.... the Dib said they didn't know about this place they had in Florida... not many people do...
<Vee-Ro>(lol... Zim would have just killed teh druggies... like he just did........... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *nuzzles in* So..we're safe?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *smiles, and flicks at GIR's antenna playfully* Yes.... for now.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles, climbing up Zim's head* Let's play then!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs* Can we play tomorrow... Zim is... really tired.... and.... *sighs again, catching GIR's pleading look* Alright... alright. *he grabs at GIR, setting him down on the porche* then.... you're it! *he tapped GIR's shoulder, before taking off down the beach*
<Cryssy-miu>(Wow, finally happy stuff LOL)
<Vee-Ro>(it's about time! )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *blinks startled, he grins slyly and takes off, running almost as fast ad Zim*
<Cryssy-miu>(I was beginning to think that sad stuff was all we were capable of LOL)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances over his shoulder, and grins* Oh no you don't! *the spider legs come back out of his PAK, and he uses them to help increase his speed*
<Vee-Ro>(lol... there's a bit of happiness... deep down inside... beneith all the angst... that's just it.... we gotta dig through the angst first. and get it all out. XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh yeah? *grins and gets out his jet packs*
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, my watchesrs are going to think that anfst stuff is all we do, cause I usually draw off it)
<Cryssy-miu>(I may draw them playing on the beach though. LS)
<Cryssy-miu> *
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *he freezes, antennae dropping in surprise. Before he can get started again, he feels GIR catapault into his squeedlyspooch, which sends them both toppling down to the beach*
<Vee-Ro>(lol.... it's adorable! )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *goes "wheeeeeeee" as they roll down the hill*
<Vee-Ro>(nice XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(I DO ned to practice drawinf water...(
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *laughing* GIR! I think... I think you just.... imploded my organs!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: YAAAAAAAY for imploded organs!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rolls his eyes* But GIR... it's not tuesday. and it's not intenstines of war either.
<Vee-Ro>(where did the tuesday come from........ O_o)
<Cryssy-miu>( wrote it)
<Vee-Ro>i know! I guess tuesday is organ imploding day or something............ weird....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh noes! They okay?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs* Well.... I think they're not okay.... but that's fine. *grins* Let's go make the Dib's orgains not okay too.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: YAAAAAAY! Can I eat 'em??
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Of course you can. But first....* He grabs GIR's arm before the robot could back a dash for the house and pulls him down to the sand again. From there, he then starts to tickle the sides of GIR's stomach.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *SQUEALS from the sudden attack, then starts giggling like crazy* HEY! *retaliates with a fierce tickle to his master's stomach*
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL....I've noticed something. In every RP I've done - not just with you - there is always some tickle bout in there XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stops his tickling cause of his super ultra sensative stomach XD and jumps back, holding his arms to his sides and across his stomach protectivy* Oh no... not this time. Zim get's tickled TOO much!
<Vee-Ro>(lol... cause tickling is fun! XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, it is one of the best way to bond, and making someone so grouchy laugh is fun XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *smirks* Dats what YOU think!
<Vee-Ro>(It IS!!!! )
<Cryssy-miu>One of the reasons I made Bunians XD
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *nods slowly* Yes, yes. *catches sight of the moon, hanging lower in the sky* Hey GIR.... remember a long time ago.... very long ago... I promised something?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: The mooooooon? *looks at it*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yeah.... *looks down at GIR* I'm going to figure out a way to get us there, so you can stick whatever flag you want where in the place of the spot where the hyumans put their flag. Some day...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *claps* I heard ot\s made'a CHEESE!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrugs**playing along with GIR* I don't know... it could be. You'll have to go out and inspect it though. Maybe you can invade the planet too, and take it over.
<Cryssy-miu>(You'er the most fun \rp partner I ever had, and one that attempts conversation in between)
<Vee-Ro>(YAY! cause I like to talk!!!! XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles maniacally* Invader GIR!
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL. with others I'm like "how are you?: :fine: :How was your day?" "fine"....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *reaches out to grab GIR, trapping the robot around the neck, holding him lightly* Like they did to the new Irkens in Invader's training, I herby name you the new member to the group. *with that, he gave GIR a noogie*
<Vee-Ro>(lol.... that's like talking to people at the cash register.... they're all robotic.... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Yay!..Eek! *giggles at teh noogie and antenna grapples with Zim*
<Cryssy-miu>(IMG, I find thta too! You may as well TALK to the cash register!)
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, daylight..
** Vee-Ro has left [timed out]
** Vee-Ro has joined
<Cryssy-miu>LOL hi
<Vee-Ro>lol... hi. XD
<Cryssy-miu>You post anything?
<Vee-Ro>no lol.. did you?
<Cryssy-miu>Only that it as daylight and you may as well talk to the cash register
<Cryssy-miu>Oh, but I put GIR's resposen
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Yay!..Eek! *giggles at teh noogie and antenna grapples with Zim*
<Vee-Ro>ah, I see. I do talk to the cash register... cause it talks back now. "Thank-you for shopping at [insert place here].
<Cryssy-miu>LOL!!!!! Society now scare me
<Cryssy-miu>I should make a stamp that says "remember when you just used phones to CALL someone?"
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Oh no you don't! *he lets go of GIR, pulling away from his antenna grapple, and running towards the house. He attempts to jump the three stairs leading up to the porch, only to have his foot catch with the last one. That causes him to go flying above the porch, headbanging mid air with the door. Eventually, he slids down to the ground, landing upside down, and in a dizzy.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *lands on his stomach with a manical gigle*
<Vee-Ro>(OMG! I know..... that's all I ever use mine for anyways... I don't really like texting people.... cause if you don't reply for a long time, they get all mad and huffy.... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(Now...I honestly don't think people call people anymore! LOL)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rubs at hsi head as he tries to rightent himself* Ah... ooh.... sensative.... *he jumps up on his feet, rubbing the sore spot on his head. He points at the door and narrows his eyes, before shouting at it.* I will DESTROY YOU Earth DOOR!!!
<Vee-Ro>(I still call people! XD And... old habits die hard, huh, Zim. XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggle* After I "destroy" YOU! *starts tickling Zim like crazy*
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, I cn vouch for thta)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *slumps against the door, scrabbling his hands against it, trying to get away from GIR's tickling* N-n-no GIR! Sto-ahahaha-stop! *the rest of what he says is lost in a mix of ha ha's and he he's.*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Nyeeeeeeeeeh! *goes faster* you started it on da beacj!
<Vee-Ro>(GIR... what is a beacj? Is it a beagle of some sorts? XD )
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, I told you I dimmed the laptop! XD .......But maybe it's Mexican one LOL!! )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *slids down the door, still laughing, starting to gasp for air as well* N-n-nooooo! I'm - ahahahaha - I'm melt-ahahaha-melting!!!!!
<Vee-Ro>(WoooO! Mexican beagles!!!! XD
<Cryssy-miu>"I'm melting.."
<Cryssy-miu>(I gotta draw that...XDO)
<Vee-Ro>Do it!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Nooooooo yer not! *laughs, tickling his dies and underarms harder*
<Cryssy-miu>MAN! XD
<Cryssy-miu>(It will have a sumbreo LOL)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *tears starting to form, he's doing something between laughing and..... blubbering in Irken* GIR! ah.... my.... ahahahaha... my SPOOCH!!!! Aahahaha! Mameen!!! Hel.... wait.... *he struggles against GIR to get out, but to no use, and continues laughing* Mameen'll hahahaha, GIR! Stop!!!! *laughing some more* Mameen'll amke it.... ahaha worse!!! GIR....!!!!
<Vee-Ro>(I feel like drawing GIR and his mexican beagle.... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *is laughing as he pokes his head out* Okay, kids, Talia is sleeping!
<Cryssy-miu>( DO IT)
<Cryssy-miu>(You should draw tthem playing on the beach. That's be soooooo cute..)
<Vee-Ro>(maybe..... but the mexican beagle will be first.... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(SD, typos benifit)
<Vee-Ro>(HUZZAH for typos!!!!)
<Cryssy-miu>LOL yer turn. Zim is close to exploding
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances up at Dib, as GIR stops tickling slowly* Zim is no kid Dib worm. infact, I think Zim is more adult than you!
<Vee-Ro>ah.... I dun want Zimmeh to explode though.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles a little* One more thing. *for the finale, tickles him with his ANTENNA, oh noXD*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *laughs* You two look liek a couple of smeets.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *bites his lips together, as he tries to keep in his laughter. It doesn't work, and he bursts out laughing, rolling around on the porch, trying to escape from GIR. He'd get Dib later for his comment.*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *watches in pure amusement*
<Cryssy-miu>GIr: Nyeeeh! *keeps it up for a minute more*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Ahaha! Dib! I will - ahahaha- Des-ahaha-roy-roy-ahahaha you! GIR! Stop!! ! stop! My spooch!!!! My - ahahahaha - spooooooch!!!!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *rolls back laughing, and stops*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *lies on his back, gasping for air, and trying to calm his breathing* Hey.... hey Dib-wo..... Dib?
<Cryssy-miu>(LOL, so cute when he lasughs like that; itm akes no senes!)
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *still laughing* Yes?
<Cryssy-miu>(.......Talk about making no sense.)
<Vee-Ro>YOU'RE not making sense, Cryssy! LOL Typos.... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>LOL, oh geez
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *gasps one last time before sitting up slowly* Where can I build a spaceship to last long enough to get GIR and myself to the the moon?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: And of course back again, cause you'll miss us.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: *chuckles* My dad's lab
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Who said I'd miss YOU? *winks and smirks* It's be sooooo mcuh quieter, never have to hear you again..and another thing *wink sooooo boring without you
<Vee-Ro>Zim: (thinking: puppies seem to have this down pat Prepare yourself Zim... for... humiliation..... but it may work with having the Dib confessed that he would in fact miss the mighty Zim.) *Zim coughed once, sitting himself so that he was facing Dib. He let his antennae hang limp at the sides of his head, making his eyes go all big and round, blinking a few times to get them a little shiney with a little bit of tears. He then, jutted his bottom lip out a bit, pouting at Dib* You wouldn't miss...... Zim?
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: O______________________O *stares at him* *laughs* My life would be so boring I'd want to SHOOT myself if you werent arround!
<Cryssy-miu>(Somewhere out there Mala's head exploded)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *jumps up, brushing off his uniform and straightening it out like that never happened**clears his through* Yes, yes... you'd miss Zim so much you'd shoot yourself. *he looks at GIR* Come GIR! Let us go down to the lab and build a space ship so you can go invade the moon!
<Vee-Ro>( )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: YAAAAAY!