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Blog Entry: Wonderland

Blog Entry: Wonderland
Posted by: pixiepumpkin
Posted: July 26, 2010, 11:05:00 AM
“So, what exactly is the point to this “amusement park?”........Is it for our amusement?”

“Well, listen to the title,” Dib sighed, rolling his eyes as he tried to figure out different areas of the park on his map.

“Will any of these rides cause organ exploding doom?” the irken questioned out of the blue. Of course, pretty much all of his questions were this random.


“Oh, I was hoping they would..” Zim rubbed his hands together gleefully. “For the hyu-mans, anyways.” He stopped his brief wonderful mental image of human organs exploding everywhere to glance at the strange contraptions that reminded him so much of the many ships that piloted the atmosphere around Irk. There was a space ship! “Whoa!” He turned to Dib. “ I want to ride the spaceship!”

“Yes, Zim, we'll get to that...”

“No, I want to ride it now!” he whined, sounding like a four year old pleaing for a toy truck to his parent at the mall.

Dib closed his eyes. “Zim, please just let me see where we are!”

“But it's a spaceship!</i>”

The map was thrown down in frustration. “It isn't a real</i> spaceship, Zim! That is “jet scream”, and it's just a ride. Everything – no matter how real it looks – is just a ride.”

“.........Oh.” And just like that, his excitement was shot. “...Can we go home now?” There were plenty other things he'd rather be doing than simply sit in a strange contraption and be tossed about all day. “What is the point to these “rides?” I mean, you're not going anywhere, so it's pointless. You'd get the same experience in my old voot, and you'd actually get</i> somewhere!”

“The point,” Dib snapped, flicking his stubborn alien friend in the forehead, “is to have fun. It's to let loose, have a few thrills, and have fun.</i>”


“Not in your vocabulary, is it?”

“....Oh yes, it is. Blowing up humans is fun.”


Everyone went their separate way when Dib had finally figured out the map; Talia and GIR went off with Dib and the baby to the water park, where Zim and Nim stayed in the thrill area, eying the massive structures known as “roller-coasters” and wondering what ones to ride first.

“I like that one,” Nim smiled, eying a strange red contraption that looked like it hadn't even been completely built yet!

“.....Zim doesn't. Take a look at the end of it, it just goes up, and then nothing! It leads you to your doooom!” Zim exclaimed, biting at his fingers. “Can't you pick one that isn't.......death?”

Nim walked around, a pretty orange gleam catching her eye. “Wow, what about that one?”

Zim paled. Oh yeah, trust Nim</i> to choose a ride couldn't even see the top! Zim craned his neck, but it seemed like all he could see was a gleaming orange track leading up into the clouds. “, Nim..I-I don't think...”

“I want to go!” she chirped, causing Zim to feel weak as if he had already ridden the death-defying roller coaster.

“Oh no, no, no, no, noooo!” The irken desperately pulled against her grip, and dug his toes into the gravel. “Nim, no!</i>” He grunted, whimpering as he was pulled closer and closer to the coaster – to the Behemoth. “You insolent female gimp, Zim said no!</i>”

“And Nim says yes,” she said sweetly, flashing her bracelet to the operator, and closing the gate behind them. “Let's sit in the back” As usual, she disregarded everything the irken said, sitting at the back car, and pulling a very distressed irken into the seat next to her.

Zim's whimpers turned to snarls as shoulder pads and buckles were wrapped around him. “Unhand me, you filthy hyu-man!! Get your restraints off me, for I am ZIIIIM! I will not succomb to a death by your-” he glanced at the title - “Be-hemoth'!”

The roller-coaster operator cast Nim a strange look, who only shrugged and mouthed something Zim couldn't hear. The man nodded sympathetically and walked away.

“........What did you just say about me?”

Nim cast him a sweet glance, tickling his face with one of her silver bangs. “Nothing, my irkem kitty. Sit back, the ride is gonna start.”

Zim had long since stopped correcting the Gimp of her pronunciation of the word “irken”, or reminding her that he wasn't an earth feline – it never made a difference. “Nim, seriously, I don't trust this ride! It's going up into the clouds!</i> That has to be dangerous.”

The Gimp flipped her bushy silver hair over his shoulder in a comforting manner and rubbed where his antennae would be if he was out of disguise. “Lighten up. Dib said we're here to have fun, remember?”

Zim sucked in his breath, leaning back against the seat. “I find it hard when I'm about to plummet to my death...”

“You aren't, so just relax.” She gasped happily as the coaster cars gave a sudden jolt and began to move. There was a loud winding sound as something gripped the cars on the track, and led it up a steep, climbing hill.

“Oh Irk!” Zim whimpered, subconsciously flinging his arms around Nim's waist, anticipating what was to happen next. “We're going to die!”

The female Gimp was anything but scared as she anxiously leaned over, watching as the ground and people seemed to get so far away. “Wow, here we gooooo!”

Nothing could quite describe what happened next, and the screams of delight and terror of both little passengers were drowned by the loud roar of the wind as they plummeted hundreds of feet down to the ground.

“We really are going to die!!” Zim screamed as the ground suddenly rushed up to their faces...and just as quickly, a different track swept them back up into the air and through a spiral. “Whoa!” Zim yelped, certainly not expecting that. He peered back at the track, letting out another scream as he and Nim dropped once more down an even steeper hill. Suddenly, it wasn't fear anymore. Zim could feel himself jetting into the air as if he was back in the voot runner, passing by thousands of gleaming stars or earth's trees and city buildings. Very quickly, he found himself laughing out in joy along with Nim, their hands going up into the air to further bring the experience to life.

After about five minutes, the ride came to a halt by the steps, and many frazzled passengers stumbled their way out, gripping onto things to keep themselves standing, while one particular gimp and irken looked at each other and grinned.

“Let's go again!”

Dib was confused. Talia and GIR had gone on the ghostbuster, carousel, and jumping jet, yet they still had deadpan expressions on their faces as they wandered through the park.

“I don't understand you kids! Those are all really fun rides, and you didn't like any of them?”

GIR glared up at Dib with a childish pout. “They were borin'. We both thought so. We wanna go on the reeeeal scary ones!”

It took Dib a few minutes to figure out why the kids didn't like the fun relaxing rides in the little park, but then he realized it: they were irken! Both of them were thrill seeking, dare devil little irken smeets, and wanted something more frightening and cooler than pathetic little carousels and feris wheels. “Well, alright, go ahead and pick what you want to ride.”

Talia and GIR looked thoughtfully at all the rides, the lame carousels beginning to turn into massive coaster rides as they journeyed farther into the thrill part of the park. “That one!”

Dib dreaded the one that both fingers pointed to: the psyclone. “ too sure? It looks a little scary for little ones like the two of you.” He felt a pit form in his stomach as GIR and Talia grinned to each other, then the ride, and grabbed Dib's hand.

“Let's go!”

The boy closed his eyes, feeling beads of sweat begin to form as he was dragged closer and closer to his doom. “Nooo...” As more of the giant swing came into view, so did a silver head of hair and a green head. “Hey!” he exclaimed, surprised. “Zim and Nim!”

Nim's head shot up upon hearing her name, she smiled with her usual kitty face. “Dib, you're going on this one too?”

“Seems like it,” Dib sighed, glancing over at Zim, who was eagerly looking around, kicking up and down some, as he excitedly waited to see what this ride did. “The kids dragged me on it.”

The trio was silenced as the ride suddenly jolted up in a wayward position, making strange whirring noises as it climbed higher into the air. Everyone but Dib was laughing as the massive swing reached an altitude so high, you could see the C-ntower as clearly as if you were simply beside it.

Oh, get me down, get me down..</i> Dib groaned, his secret fear of heights and motion sickness beginning to take over. He clung to the shoulder pads as if his life depended on it, moaning lowly. From beside him, he could hear Zim laughing.

“A little scared are we, Dib worm?” the irken snickered as the swing tilted backwards. “Does the poor little Dib smeet need a bottle?”

“Oh, shut up!” Dib hissed. “I haven't been on a ride like this in a while, okay?”

Zim grinned, going back to enjoying the ride. He peered down at little green specks that appeared to be trees, watching in amusement as the swing whirled past a few of the smaller kid rides. “Oh, My Tallest, am I the only one that thinks this is so relaxing?”

With thrilled screams and laughter his response, it seemed as that were so. If anything, this “psyclone” reminded him more of his old voot than any other ride he and Nim had been on that morning. It wasn't scary to him, though it probably should be, it just wasn't. It was calming, despite the fact they were suspended hundreds of feet into the air, it was just calming and not frightening to him at all.

Nim and Zim wandered the park in silence for a while, listening to the screams of laughter coming