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Nim zim RP

Blog Entry: Nim zim RP

Blog Entry: Nim zim RP
Posted by: pixiepumpkin
Posted: July 28, 2010, 8:50:12 AM
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *quite content, despite the Gimp female latched onto him* You know.... I think you're gonna like this place...... just cause of what's there....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: What's there?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *smiling slightly* You'll see....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *continues to walk in silence with Nim, liking that for once, it's quiet. Just, the sounds of footsteps crunching over dead thistles, leaves, rocks....**notices they are getting closer, turns slowly to Nim* Uh.... Do you... want... to close your eyes....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim; *closes them, bouncing eagerly on Zim;s back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *leads Nim through the last of the bushes, coming to the clearing of the waterfall which himself, GIR, Talia and Dib once jumped down, and he got pushed over by a fish**takes a deep breath* Okay, Nim... uh... you can open your eyes....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *opens them, gasping*.........Wow, Zim......
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *rocks slightly on the heels of his feet, smiling a little more at the fact that Nim said his name, and not just Irkem...* Yeah..... it's... quite a sight for Earth.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: reminds me of my home.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *nods slowly* Thought it would... it's just... more green.... *glances down at the dirt* and brown......
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Wow!! *looks at the waterfall* Water!! *dives into the spring*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *steps back to avoid being splashed, mentally scolding himself for forgetting the paste* It... might not be the same as.... Gimp.... hopefully it wont burn you....
<Cryssy-miu>(Oh no, have him have brought paste. I want them to play in the water)
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *does a dolphin flip in the air*
<Vee-Ro>.... (okay... okay... he has the paste... but that doesn't mean he has to enjoy getting splashed.... *
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *watches in... slight amazement* You... really.... like the water... don't you....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Like it? I usually live in it! I'm a gimp of the water and sky. I sometimes sleep in sand beds under water
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *a little astonished with this new, little tidbit info on Nim**shakes his head slowly, looking at her a little closer* Two? You have two elements?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Two, water and sky
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Is that.. some... special privledge?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *twirls one of her curls* technically makes me one of the planet's guardians..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: A guardian.... shouldn't you be back on your planet then!?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Pff.....I did nothing but screw up. *tosses a rock angrily*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *smile falls, moves a little closer towards the edge, sitting down and sticking the tips of his boots into the water* Screw up? That's... a phrase Zim's been hearing.. quite a bit now....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: The planet didn't really want me..I never made a good guardian. I was the odd one out
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *mumbling* That's... not as bad as myself....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: To be considered a ...defective on my planet. yeah.....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stills his kicking legs, letting the water settle back to the quiet little waves**quietly, almost inaudible**staring over Nim's shoulder, not quite at anything though* Defective........
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Yeah, that's what I was. None of the gimps wanted anything to do wit hem
<Cryssy-miu>me *
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *still quiet* Did.... do they want you... terminated?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: no.......Gimp isn't like that at all. It's a very peaceful planet, but they definitely wished I lived somewhere else
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You know... you... lucky your planet isn't like that..... at least.. they tolerated you enough to let you stay there for... a while.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: I don't know much of Irk, I just know that every race is supposed to hate it. ...But how could I hate something I didn't know about?
<Cryssy-miu>I'm forgetting all her meows. but she is talking serious right now
<Vee-Ro>(she's serious... this is like.... serious talk! No meowing!!!! )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It shouldn't matter whether or not you know anything about it..... Irk... is.... a horrible place... with horrible Irkens.... just... be like everyone else, and hate it. Don't try to understand it, just... hate it.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: It's you home, why would you hater it?
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<Cryssy-miu>Did you put anything?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Because.... one can only screw up so many times before they decide to have you terminated. And, if that doesn't work,.... they'll just forbid you from coming anywhere close to your own planet, leaving you stranded on another filthry... dirt... ball....
<Vee-Ro>(just working on that. )
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But earth is so pretty..
<Cryssy-miu>testing testing
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head slowly* That's not the point, whether Earth is pretty or not.... if one can't even come close to their own home planet.... where.... their entire past is.... everything's ugly...... If I can't go back, why should I let this planet stay... I shoul destroy it, conqure it, and show my Tallest that Zim is no defective.... but... then... Dib got in the way.......
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Why qould you want to destroy your friend's home?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Because it's what I was sent here to do! Dib wasn't.. a friend... he was an enemy! I hated him so much....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But he seems to rally care about you now.........
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighing heavily* Yeah... he... he stopped Zim from.... doing something horribe..... to myself......
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *looks at him* Huh?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrugs slightly* After.... the message was.... given that Zim was no longer allowd back near his home planet.... I uh... found myself at the Dib's.... he used to live in a different house across the country.... and...well... he basically stopped Zim from letting the indigenious life here cut him open.. or put him on display in some lab or whatever it is they do....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *hands over her mouth in horror*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *breaths in slowly* If it wasn't for Dib.... I'd be dead for quite a while now....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *puts her hands on his face* But why would you.....want to?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *still staring at the water surface* Because..... at the time... I had nothing left to live for. The entire Empire swore they'd kill me if they caught sight of me. I wasn't welcome back home... I was left on some planet, with the knowledge that I wasn't even sent on a real mission. They just sent me here to get rid of me... and I was so.... thick skulled I couldn't see that.... there was just.... nothing left for me....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: To my knowledge, it seems your little robot loves you..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yeah... now......
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Hasn't he always?
<Cryssy-miu>(Yeah, zim he always has)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrugs* Probably.... but I don't see how.... Zim was... a horrible Irken.... and... quite the idiot..... but... that part hasn't really changed.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: You aren't horrible, you're quite sweet...and funny.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yes, yes Zim's a master of comedy..... *shakes his head slowly* Sweet? Zim... is not labelled as such thing..... *shakes his head quickly* No.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Well, you can be mean, but you're more sweet then you are mean
<Vee-Ro>Zim: And you're insane.
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Not as much as you. *pokes hi in the stomach*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shuffles away from the poke.* Ah...see... Zim may be insane.... but at least I'm smart.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *pokes him again* How so?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *swats her hand away* First of all.. stop poking Zim! Secondly, Zim is smart because I- *doesn't finish, as the bank he's sitting on crumbles from him shuffling closer to the water's edge, sending him into the small pool*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Oh, here we go again! *dives in after him*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *splutters, coming up to the surface, coughing out water from his burning mouth* Ah! Stupid... Earth water! I hate it! *grabs hold onto the side bank with one hand, attempting to get the water out of his mouth with the water* Hate water.... just... gah!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Here, let me help! *punches him in teh stomach*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *bites at his lip from the punch, his grip falling from the side bank, he scrabbles to grab at it and pull himself up onto the grass. Holding his stomach* Ah... my squeedlyspooch...... why... why would... you do that!?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: I was trying to get you to cough the water up
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *huffing* But... I was... done getting water up... it was..... in..... my mouth and I had to get it out or it'd burn!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Oh, okay! *punches his mouth instead*
<Vee-Ro>(good thing Dib isn't here... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(He'd be in hysterics. )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stumbles backward, holding his mouth* What!? You.... *flexes his jaw* Stop hitting Zim! The water is gone okay! Gone!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *turns away, shoulders slumped* I.......was just trying to help
<Cryssy-miu>(You freaking hurt her feeligns XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *bites at his lip, before sighing heavily* Don't... don't do that... weepy thing females do.... just... don't.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: ................
<Vee-Ro>(and to that I say... .LOL! but seriously... Zim... come on.....)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *walks up quickly towards her, grabbing her shoulders* No.... don't.... do that...... don't.....
<Cryssy-miu>(XD, smooooooothe..)
<Vee-Ro>(hey... he's never done this before... and at this moment in time... he doesn't WANT to do this! XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *lets go of Nim* Nim... stop crying... that's... this.... it's worse than GIR......
<Cryssy-miu>(Kiss her, kiss her...)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shifting his weight back and forth from foot to foot, he holds her shoulders lightly once more, getting a little close* Nim... Nim just stop....... please
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *watches Nim closely, waiting for her to have that small moment between her sniffles where she pauses to take a small breath. She takes it, and he takes a small breath of his own before closing his eyes and leaning in, pressing his lips lightly to hers.*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *eyes widen, she just stands there stiff and stunned for a minute*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *moves his hands from her arms, pulling her into a hug. Pulls away from the kiss, keeping his eyes closed and resting his forehead against hers. A little... stunned himself.*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *awkwardly and gently puts her arms aroudn him, relaxing into him*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *opens his eyes slowly, before pulling completely away feeling Nim start to relax. Stands a few feet from her, looking down towards the ground* I... uh.... s-sorry....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Don', it's okay..I...umm...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shaking his head quickly* No... it's... it's not okay... that was... uncalled for.... and.... I don't.... *more to himself than Nim*where did that come from?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *thinking: But I liked it....* It...........*stupidly* is okay..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *taking a deap breath* No.... you... were crying... and I was just trying to get you to be quite...... it worked... and I think we should go back anways....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But......we just got here.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yes.... but it's a long hike here... and a long hike back..... and I don't fancy much for being out here in the dark so.... I'm going back. By all means, if you want to stay, you can. *turns on his heel, starting to walk back down the mountain*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: No, I don't want to be left alone!! *clings to his arm*
<Cryssy-miu>(Being alone is one of her fears)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs heavily, pulling her off of his arm* Then keep up... *sets her down, before starting to walk again*
<Vee-Ro>( aww.)
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *jumps on his back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stops walking, not quite liking any contact at all with the Gimp female right now. the PAK legs come out, and he uses them to pluck Nim off of his back, placing her back on the ground* Nim... stop it......
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But.........why?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Just.... stop..... I want to get back to the house..... and I can't do that quickly, if you're jumping up on my back....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *clings to his arm instead then* Okay
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *contemplates pulling her off his arm as well before sighing and just continuing to walk, trying to ignore everything about the Gimp female. Which was... a loosing battle*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *hums an old Gimp melody in the sweetest of voices*
<Cryssy-miu>(Gimps sing amazing hypnotizingly well XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *relaxes a bit, the sound of the melody just sweeping around his antennae**opens his mouth to say something, but closes it quickly, not exactly sure what to say right now*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *twiddles with his antennae*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *blinks, keeping himself from falling under**bites at his lip* Nim.... d-don't.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But you like it
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I want to have a clear head right now.......
<Vee-Ro>(... he's not denying it....... that's... a start...... isn't it? )
<Cryssy-miu>(It is. And that's how slow a Zim romace woudl go)
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Okay. *hovers backa little, turning on her disguise*
<Vee-Ro>(alright... I seem to have it down pat. for now...... )
<Cryssy-miu>(I can't wait until it get to the romance part in my gallery. XD, because I really want to draw it
<Vee-Ro>( and I can't wait to SEE it!)
<Cryssy-miu>(I have Nim kissing Zim, but now I really want to draw Zim kissing her. )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *walks along quietly, a little glad for the room, and a tad bit..... confused..... but not the usual confused.... this.... this was new..... completely different.... and it had him frowning, and just generally upset*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *floats into the house, smililng*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *follows in behind her, slipping off the disguise*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Hey, was was the trip?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrugs**speaking a little quickly* Fine.... perfectly fine... nothing went to weird... *shakes his head quickly* wrong......
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yes... Dib... great..... it went... great.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:.........Your face is like....beet red. *looks at Nim* Same with you
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It was... hot out......
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:'s not THAT hot out today. And why isn\'t the rest of your bodies red?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Dib... just shut it........
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: fine, just eat your stupid lunch
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You know... I'm not. that hungry... actually... I'm quite content... you can eat your lunch, and... *shrugs slightly, before turning to go down the hallway towards his room*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles, hiding behind the couch, he suddenly leaps at and tackles Zim onto the bed Hiya!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *in an almost state of panick, thinking it's Nim, he tugs GIR off his back, dropping the robot to the floor, before sitting up on the bed, and glaring down* Ni...... GIR!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes watery from the hit to his head, he rubs at it* Ow....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs, leaning forward resting his face in his hands**mumbling* GIR.. I'm sorry... I didn't know that was you.... just... please... don't.... cry or get upset or anything.... Zim's... tired.... very tired.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *rubs the sting, wiping his eyes and sitting on the bed*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Sorry GIR.... Didn't mean... to... just drop you like that.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Well..what did you mean to do?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I don't know... I meant to come in here... and just... go to sleep or something...... didn't think I'd be jump attacked. *the small smile that formed falls quickly*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: You sad?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Uh..... *bites at his lip, before stopping that quickly too* No... just.... confused?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Both
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head slowly* Not sad... just... confused.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *touches his face* bout?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pulls away quickly from GIR, leaning against the wall as calmly as he can* Nothing... GIR, it's just... nothing....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Yes it is....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head quickly* No GIR... it's nothing... and it'll... resolve itself.... slowly and probably painfully.. depends... but you probably wouldn't understand......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.............................. I think Zim likes ya
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *swallows, tapping his fingers on the bed* That's... you're crazy GIR......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: she blushes when she looks at ya!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR......... stop......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But she does, and you do the same
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR... you're not helping.......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But I'm just saying. maybe you should talk to her.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: No.... something might happen where she'll start crying again... and I don't want her to start crying again..... no......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Seh was crying? What'd you do??
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I didn't do anything... she was punching Zim..... and I just told her to stop.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Why'd she punch you?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrug* Fell in the water... I.. I don't know why.... she's.... just.... just...... *sighs, leaning back against the wall* Why am I even talking to you about this? It's stupid.. weird.... touchy feely stuff that's never been here before... and talking about it just makes it come back more.... so... just leave it GIR.... *slouches agains the wall*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *doesn't let it drop of course* .....................I think you like her too
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *taps his fingers against the bed, shifting his gaze from things in the room, keeping it as far from GIR as he can*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I think you do..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR.... drop it...... okay.. just... leave it and... go to sleep or something.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.........It's noon
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Then take a nap.... but just get out of my antennae.... please!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks hurt*................*quietly slides off the bed*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs heavily* GIR.... don't.... I'm sorry for yelling.. just.... *sighs again* You don't have to leave......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks up, a few little tears having gathered*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *frowns a little, before, glancing down at the bed, patting it beside him* Just... come sit.....
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<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *quietly sits in his lap*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I'm not... mad or nothing okay... just.... ever since Nim's come around... things have been... different.... very different.....and weird...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: In a good way?
<Cryssy-miu>I'm chatting with a robot XD, it's cool
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I... I don't.... really know if it's good or bad.... It's just... different......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It's not the greatest... description.... but I honestly don't know how to word it....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I think it's a good thign
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Why>
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Because I think she likes you..and you like her
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *laughs humourlessly* GIR... we're nothing alike... that honestly... can't... be it......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I dooooo...
<Cryssy-miu>This cleverbot is so cool XD
<Vee-Ro>oh I know about cleverbot already. XD
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You do... what?
<Cryssy-miu>It just asked me my name three tiems in a row XD
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Know..
<Cryssy-miu>It just pwned me [link]
<Cryssy-miu>Sent wrong thing
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Know what?
<Cryssy-miu>I mentioned that it already asked my name, and it said that it is polite to reaffirm aquantices
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: That she likes you..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *silent, hugs GIR slightly, resting his chin on the robot's head*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *blinks, confused, he hugs back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *quietly*You know that..... as.... a fact....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mhmm!
<Cryssy-miu>That thing is weird. I said I needed to go, and it said "yes, it is important to align your chakra now and then"
<Vee-Ro>(LOL what!? XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(I don't know. And then it said I was mocking it! But it frikkin pwned me earlier!)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs* How am I supposed to talk to her now? GIR... this is just stupid.....
<Vee-Ro>(LOL. I got pwned by cleverbot too... then I never went back... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(What did it say? )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh, I can get her for you!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: What... no.... No GIR..... no.....
<Cryssy-miu>(Dimming the lights, so typos will be turned on XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Nim!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clamps a hand over GIR's mouth* GIR! Silence!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *pokes her head in* YeS?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *looks up, making sure GIR can't talk* Nothing.... nothing.......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mmph! Mmmmpp! Mmph!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR! Be quiet!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mmph! Mmp! Mmff!! *making motions with his claws*
<Cryssy-miu>nim: *trying to figure out what he's saying
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *reaches around, grabbing GIR's hands, the one covering GIR's mouth slips for a second to long*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Master needs to talk to ya!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Oh, wll okay...why didn't you say so, Zim?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *watches Nim closely, waiting for her to have that small moment between her sniffles where she pauses to take a small breath. She takes it, and he takes a small breath of his own before closing his eyes and leaning in, pressing his lips lightly to hers.*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *eyes widen, she just stands there stiff and stunned for a minute*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *moves his hands from her arms, pulling her into a hug. Pulls away from the kiss, keeping his eyes closed and resting his forehead against hers. A little... stunned himself.*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *awkwardly and gently puts her arms aroudn him, relaxing into him*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *opens his eyes slowly, before pulling completely away feeling Nim start to relax. Stands a few feet from her, looking down towards the ground* I... uh.... s-sorry....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Don', it's okay..I...umm...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shaking his head quickly* No... it's... it's not okay... that was... uncalled for.... and.... I don't.... *more to himself than Nim*where did that come from?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *thinking: But I liked it....* It...........*stupidly* is okay..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *taking a deap breath* No.... you... were crying... and I was just trying to get you to be quite...... it worked... and I think we should go back anways....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But......we just got here.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yes.... but it's a long hike here... and a long hike back..... and I don't fancy much for being out here in the dark so.... I'm going back. By all means, if you want to stay, you can. *turns on his heel, starting to walk back down the mountain*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: No, I don't want to be left alone!! *clings to his arm*
<Cryssy-miu>(Being alone is one of her fears)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs heavily, pulling her off of his arm* Then keep up... *sets her down, before starting to walk again*
<Vee-Ro>( aww.)
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *jumps on his back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stops walking, not quite liking any contact at all with the Gimp female right now. the PAK legs come out, and he uses them to pluck Nim off of his back, placing her back on the ground* Nim... stop it......
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But.........why?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Just.... stop..... I want to get back to the house..... and I can't do that quickly, if you're jumping up on my back....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *clings to his arm instead then* Okay
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *contemplates pulling her off his arm as well before sighing and just continuing to walk, trying to ignore everything about the Gimp female. Which was... a loosing battle*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *hums an old Gimp melody in the sweetest of voices*
<Cryssy-miu>(Gimps sing amazing hypnotizingly well XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *relaxes a bit, the sound of the melody just sweeping around his antennae**opens his mouth to say something, but closes it quickly, not exactly sure what to say right now*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *twiddles with his antennae*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *blinks, keeping himself from falling under**bites at his lip* Nim.... d-don't.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But you like it
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I want to have a clear head right now.......
<Vee-Ro>(... he's not denying it....... that's... a start...... isn't it? )
<Cryssy-miu>(It is. And that's how slow a Zim romace woudl go)
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Okay. *hovers backa little, turning on her disguise*
<Vee-Ro>(alright... I seem to have it down pat. for now...... )
<Cryssy-miu>(I can't wait until it get to the romance part in my gallery. XD, because I really want to draw it
<Vee-Ro>( and I can't wait to SEE it!)
<Cryssy-miu>(I have Nim kissing Zim, but now I really want to draw Zim kissing her. )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *walks along quietly, a little glad for the room, and a tad bit..... confused..... but not the usual confused.... this.... this was new..... completely different.... and it had him frowning, and just generally upset*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *floats into the house, smililng*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *follows in behind her, slipping off the disguise*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Hey, was was the trip?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrugs**speaking a little quickly* Fine.... perfectly fine... nothing went to weird... *shakes his head quickly* wrong......
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yes... Dib... great..... it went... great.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:.........Your face is like....beet red. *looks at Nim* Same with you
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It was... hot out......
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:'s not THAT hot out today. And why isn\'t the rest of your bodies red?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Dib... just shut it........
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: fine, just eat your stupid lunch
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You know... I'm not. that hungry... actually... I'm quite content... you can eat your lunch, and... *shrugs slightly, before turning to go down the hallway towards his room*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles, hiding behind the couch, he suddenly leaps at and tackles Zim onto the bed Hiya!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *in an almost state of panick, thinking it's Nim, he tugs GIR off his back, dropping the robot to the floor, before sitting up on the bed, and glaring down* Ni...... GIR!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes watery from the hit to his head, he rubs at it* Ow....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs, leaning forward resting his face in his hands**mumbling* GIR.. I'm sorry... I didn't know that was you.... just... please... don't.... cry or get upset or anything.... Zim's... tired.... very tired.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *rubs the sting, wiping his eyes and sitting on the bed*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Sorry GIR.... Didn't mean... to... just drop you like that.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Well..what did you mean to do?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I don't know... I meant to come in here... and just... go to sleep or something...... didn't think I'd be jump attacked. *the small smile that formed falls quickly*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: You sad?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Uh..... *bites at his lip, before stopping that quickly too* No... just.... confused?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Both
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head slowly* Not sad... just... confused.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *touches his face* bout?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pulls away quickly from GIR, leaning against the wall as calmly as he can* Nothing... GIR, it's just... nothing....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Yes it is....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head quickly* No GIR... it's nothing... and it'll... resolve itself.... slowly and probably painfully.. depends... but you probably wouldn't understand......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.............................. I think Zim likes ya
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *swallows, tapping his fingers on the bed* That's... you're crazy GIR......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: she blushes when she looks at ya!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR......... stop......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But she does, and you do the same
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR... you're not helping.......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But I'm just saying. maybe you should talk to her.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: No.... something might happen where she'll start crying again... and I don't want her to start crying again..... no......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Seh was crying? What'd you do??
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I didn't do anything... she was punching Zim..... and I just told her to stop.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Why'd she punch you?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrug* Fell in the water... I.. I don't know why.... she's.... just.... just...... *sighs, leaning back against the wall* Why am I even talking to you about this? It's stupid.. weird.... touchy feely stuff that's never been here before... and talking about it just makes it come back more.... so... just leave it GIR.... *slouches agains the wall*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *doesn't let it drop of course* .....................I think you like her too
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *taps his fingers against the bed, shifting his gaze from things in the room, keeping it as far from GIR as he can*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I think you do..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR.... drop it...... okay.. just... leave it and... go to sleep or something.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.........It's noon
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Then take a nap.... but just get out of my antennae.... please!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks hurt*................*quietly slides off the bed*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs heavily* GIR.... don't.... I'm sorry for yelling.. just.... *sighs again* You don't have to leave......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks up, a few little tears having gathered*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *frowns a little, before, glancing down at the bed, patting it beside him* Just... come sit.....
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<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *quietly sits in his lap*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I'm not... mad or nothing okay... just.... ever since Nim's come around... things have been... different.... very different.....and weird...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: In a good way?
<Cryssy-miu>I'm chatting with a robot XD, it's cool
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I... I don't.... really know if it's good or bad.... It's just... different......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It's not the greatest... description.... but I honestly don't know how to word it....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I think it's a good thign
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Why>
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Because I think she likes you..and you like her
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *laughs humourlessly* GIR... we're nothing alike... that honestly... can't... be it......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I dooooo...
<Cryssy-miu>This cleverbot is so cool XD
<Vee-Ro>oh I know about cleverbot already. XD
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You do... what?
<Cryssy-miu>It just asked me my name three tiems in a row XD
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Know..
<Cryssy-miu>It just pwned me [link]
<Cryssy-miu>Sent wrong thing
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Know what?
<Cryssy-miu>I mentioned that it already asked my name, and it said that it is polite to reaffirm aquantices
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: That she likes you..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *silent, hugs GIR slightly, resting his chin on the robot's head*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *blinks, confused, he hugs back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *quietly*You know that..... as.... a fact....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mhmm!
<Cryssy-miu>That thing is weird. I said I needed to go, and it said "yes, it is important to align your chakra now and then"
<Vee-Ro>(LOL what!? XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(I don't know. And then it said I was mocking it! But it frikkin pwned me earlier!)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs* How am I supposed to talk to her now? GIR... this is just stupid.....
<Vee-Ro>(LOL. I got pwned by cleverbot too... then I never went back... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(What did it say? )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh, I can get her for you!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: What... no.... No GIR..... no.....
<Cryssy-miu>(Dimming the lights, so typos will be turned on XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Nim!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clamps a hand over GIR's mouth* GIR! Silence!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *pokes her head in* YeS?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *looks up, making sure GIR can't talk* Nothing.... nothing.......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mmph! Mmmmpp! Mmph!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR! Be quiet!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mmph! Mmp! Mmff!! *making motions with his claws*
<Cryssy-miu>nim: *trying to figure out what he's saying
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *reaches around, grabbing GIR's hands, the one covering GIR's mouth slips for a second to long*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Master needs to talk to ya!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Oh, wll okay...why didn't you say so, Zim?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *watches Nim closely, waiting for her to have that small moment between her sniffles where she pauses to take a small breath. She takes it, and he takes a small breath of his own before closing his eyes and leaning in, pressing his lips lightly to hers.*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *eyes widen, she just stands there stiff and stunned for a minute*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *moves his hands from her arms, pulling her into a hug. Pulls away from the kiss, keeping his eyes closed and resting his forehead against hers. A little... stunned himself.*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *awkwardly and gently puts her arms aroudn him, relaxing into him*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *opens his eyes slowly, before pulling completely away feeling Nim start to relax. Stands a few feet from her, looking down towards the ground* I... uh.... s-sorry....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Don', it's okay..I...umm...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shaking his head quickly* No... it's... it's not okay... that was... uncalled for.... and.... I don't.... *more to himself than Nim*where did that come from?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *thinking: But I liked it....* It...........*stupidly* is okay..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *taking a deap breath* No.... you... were crying... and I was just trying to get you to be quite...... it worked... and I think we should go back anways....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But......we just got here.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yes.... but it's a long hike here... and a long hike back..... and I don't fancy much for being out here in the dark so.... I'm going back. By all means, if you want to stay, you can. *turns on his heel, starting to walk back down the mountain*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: No, I don't want to be left alone!! *clings to his arm*
<Cryssy-miu>(Being alone is one of her fears)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs heavily, pulling her off of his arm* Then keep up... *sets her down, before starting to walk again*
<Vee-Ro>( aww.)
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *jumps on his back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *stops walking, not quite liking any contact at all with the Gimp female right now. the PAK legs come out, and he uses them to pluck Nim off of his back, placing her back on the ground* Nim... stop it......
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But.........why?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Just.... stop..... I want to get back to the house..... and I can't do that quickly, if you're jumping up on my back....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *clings to his arm instead then* Okay
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *contemplates pulling her off his arm as well before sighing and just continuing to walk, trying to ignore everything about the Gimp female. Which was... a loosing battle*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *hums an old Gimp melody in the sweetest of voices*
<Cryssy-miu>(Gimps sing amazing hypnotizingly well XD)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *relaxes a bit, the sound of the melody just sweeping around his antennae**opens his mouth to say something, but closes it quickly, not exactly sure what to say right now*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *twiddles with his antennae*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *blinks, keeping himself from falling under**bites at his lip* Nim.... d-don't.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: But you like it
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I want to have a clear head right now.......
<Vee-Ro>(... he's not denying it....... that's... a start...... isn't it? )
<Cryssy-miu>(It is. And that's how slow a Zim romace woudl go)
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Okay. *hovers backa little, turning on her disguise*
<Vee-Ro>(alright... I seem to have it down pat. for now...... )
<Cryssy-miu>(I can't wait until it get to the romance part in my gallery. XD, because I really want to draw it
<Vee-Ro>( and I can't wait to SEE it!)
<Cryssy-miu>(I have Nim kissing Zim, but now I really want to draw Zim kissing her. )
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *walks along quietly, a little glad for the room, and a tad bit..... confused..... but not the usual confused.... this.... this was new..... completely different.... and it had him frowning, and just generally upset*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *floats into the house, smililng*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *follows in behind her, slipping off the disguise*
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: Hey, was was the trip?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrugs**speaking a little quickly* Fine.... perfectly fine... nothing went to weird... *shakes his head quickly* wrong......
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Yes... Dib... great..... it went... great.
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:.........Your face is like....beet red. *looks at Nim* Same with you
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It was... hot out......
<Cryssy-miu>Dib:'s not THAT hot out today. And why isn\'t the rest of your bodies red?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Dib... just shut it........
<Cryssy-miu>Dib: fine, just eat your stupid lunch
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You know... I'm not. that hungry... actually... I'm quite content... you can eat your lunch, and... *shrugs slightly, before turning to go down the hallway towards his room*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *giggles, hiding behind the couch, he suddenly leaps at and tackles Zim onto the bed Hiya!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *in an almost state of panick, thinking it's Nim, he tugs GIR off his back, dropping the robot to the floor, before sitting up on the bed, and glaring down* Ni...... GIR!?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *eyes watery from the hit to his head, he rubs at it* Ow....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs, leaning forward resting his face in his hands**mumbling* GIR.. I'm sorry... I didn't know that was you.... just... please... don't.... cry or get upset or anything.... Zim's... tired.... very tired.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *rubs the sting, wiping his eyes and sitting on the bed*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Sorry GIR.... Didn't mean... to... just drop you like that.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Well..what did you mean to do?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I don't know... I meant to come in here... and just... go to sleep or something...... didn't think I'd be jump attacked. *the small smile that formed falls quickly*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: You sad?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Uh..... *bites at his lip, before stopping that quickly too* No... just.... confused?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Both
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head slowly* Not sad... just... confused.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *touches his face* bout?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *pulls away quickly from GIR, leaning against the wall as calmly as he can* Nothing... GIR, it's just... nothing....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Yes it is....
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shakes his head quickly* No GIR... it's nothing... and it'll... resolve itself.... slowly and probably painfully.. depends... but you probably wouldn't understand......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.............................. I think Zim likes ya
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *swallows, tapping his fingers on the bed* That's... you're crazy GIR......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: she blushes when she looks at ya!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR......... stop......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But she does, and you do the same
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR... you're not helping.......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: But I'm just saying. maybe you should talk to her.
<Vee-Ro>Zim: No.... something might happen where she'll start crying again... and I don't want her to start crying again..... no......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Seh was crying? What'd you do??
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I didn't do anything... she was punching Zim..... and I just told her to stop.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Why'd she punch you?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *shrug* Fell in the water... I.. I don't know why.... she's.... just.... just...... *sighs, leaning back against the wall* Why am I even talking to you about this? It's stupid.. weird.... touchy feely stuff that's never been here before... and talking about it just makes it come back more.... so... just leave it GIR.... *slouches agains the wall*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *doesn't let it drop of course* .....................I think you like her too
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *taps his fingers against the bed, shifting his gaze from things in the room, keeping it as far from GIR as he can*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I think you do..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR.... drop it...... okay.. just... leave it and... go to sleep or something.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR:.........It's noon
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Then take a nap.... but just get out of my antennae.... please!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks hurt*................*quietly slides off the bed*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs heavily* GIR.... don't.... I'm sorry for yelling.. just.... *sighs again* You don't have to leave......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *looks up, a few little tears having gathered*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *frowns a little, before, glancing down at the bed, patting it beside him* Just... come sit.....
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<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *quietly sits in his lap*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I'm not... mad or nothing okay... just.... ever since Nim's come around... things have been... different.... very different.....and weird...
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: In a good way?
<Cryssy-miu>I'm chatting with a robot XD, it's cool
<Vee-Ro>Zim: I... I don't.... really know if it's good or bad.... It's just... different......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh...
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It's not the greatest... description.... but I honestly don't know how to word it....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I think it's a good thign
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Why>
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Because I think she likes you..and you like her
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *laughs humourlessly* GIR... we're nothing alike... that honestly... can't... be it......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I dooooo...
<Cryssy-miu>This cleverbot is so cool XD
<Vee-Ro>oh I know about cleverbot already. XD
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You do... what?
<Cryssy-miu>It just asked me my name three tiems in a row XD
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Know..
<Cryssy-miu>It just pwned me [link]
<Cryssy-miu>Sent wrong thing
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Know what?
<Cryssy-miu>I mentioned that it already asked my name, and it said that it is polite to reaffirm aquantices
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: That she likes you..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *silent, hugs GIR slightly, resting his chin on the robot's head*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *blinks, confused, he hugs back*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *quietly*You know that..... as.... a fact....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mhmm!
<Cryssy-miu>That thing is weird. I said I needed to go, and it said "yes, it is important to align your chakra now and then"
<Vee-Ro>(LOL what!? XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(I don't know. And then it said I was mocking it! But it frikkin pwned me earlier!)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs* How am I supposed to talk to her now? GIR... this is just stupid.....
<Vee-Ro>(LOL. I got pwned by cleverbot too... then I never went back... XD)
<Cryssy-miu>(What did it say? )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Oh, I can get her for you!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: What... no.... No GIR..... no.....
<Cryssy-miu>(Dimming the lights, so typos will be turned on XD)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Nim!!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clamps a hand over GIR's mouth* GIR! Silence!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *pokes her head in* YeS?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *looks up, making sure GIR can't talk* Nothing.... nothing.......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mmph! Mmmmpp! Mmph!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: GIR! Be quiet!
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mmph! Mmp! Mmff!! *making motions with his claws*
<Cryssy-miu>nim: *trying to figure out what he's saying
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *reaches around, grabbing GIR's hands, the one covering GIR's mouth slips for a second to long*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Master needs to talk to ya!
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Oh, wll okay...why didn't you say so, Zim?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *lets GIR go* Because... I... well... I don't.. really.... GIR's just.... being strange.
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Nooo I'm not! You told me you wanted to talk to her and didn' know how to!
<Cryssy-miu>(XD, he's being such a little brother right now!)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: No..... no I didn't... GIR... *sighs frustrated* Why did I even say anything to you...... you're so...... just.... GIR... could you just.... leave or something.... go bother Dib for a while.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I'm just trying to help! You gotta talk to Nim!
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *clenching his teeth* Alright.. just... go.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Okay! *leaves, closing the foor behind Zim and Nim*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *muttering* Oh.. he was so helpfull.........
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: He's so cute
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glaring past Nim and at the door* And sometimes very annoying.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Mostly cute. He's like a little kid
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Mhmm... he sure is.... *sits back on the bed, leaning into the wall* You can sit if you want.. you know....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *quietly sits beside him* I'm glad....GIR got me..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *glances over at her* You're... happy GIR put us in this.... situation thing?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Well....yeah. I wanted to talk to you, nd didn't know how to come, so..
<Vee-Ro>Zim: You wanted... oh... well.. okay...
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Um...........*shifts awkwardly*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *fingers start tapping the top of the bed again* That... up by the water fall.... wasn't... really.... uh..... you know.... *trails off*
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: Wasn't really what?
<Vee-Ro>Zim: It... wasn't supposed to happen... okay... none of this... should really be going on right now.... at all..... I mean.... we're not even the same..... you're a Gimp... I'm an Irken.... that shouldn't have happened.
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: *seems to deflate a little*.......................................Well, thank you for clarifying......................... *gets up*
<Vee-Ro>(ditto ouuuuuu)
<Vee-Ro>Zim: Irk..... Nim... just.... don't... okay. Don't. Just sit down, and let me finish....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: ......................................*sits down*
** Vee-Rohas left [connection closed]
** Vee-Rohas joined
<Cryssy-miu>Hi LOL
<Vee-Ro>I just lost... Zim;s... rambling... speech..... that.....
<Cryssy-miu>XD rewrite
<Vee-Ro>I can't! I can't even remember how I started it......... *sigh * Okay... give me a minute........... or two......
<Vee-Ro>Zim: What happened by the waterfall, shouldn't have happened.... but it did. And.... I... I don't know how you feel about that, but I.... I don't know how to feel.... Everything is just... suddenly disorted... I don't even know how that happened.... how that... that... kiss at the waterfall happened.... it just... was there... popped into my mind and it just seemed like the right thing to do.....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim:.......................*dumbly*.I liked it
<Vee-Ro>Zim: That's... that's all you have to say..... it's not... strange... or confusing... or.... just... what?
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: I dont',,,,,,,know, but...I liked it *sighs*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *slumps against the wall, glancing down at the bed.* So that's... it.... just... liked it.... and... that's... all there is to say about it....
<Cryssy-miu>Nim: I..I guess

It had been about half a year now that the newest and unexpected addition had joined the small rural residence in the floridian condo, and the gang was still getting used to having her around - especially Zim. Zim had become tolerant of her quirky ways, and somewhat taken a slight liking towards her.......when she wasn't constantly bothering him, that is.