poppixie profile
Blog Entry: poppixie profile
Blog Entry: poppixie profile
Posted by: poppixie101
Posted: October 23, 2008, 6:08:54 PM
Mood: ___
Eating: ?
Drinking: blech! what is this junk?
Currently: -_-
Listening To: ??? AH! turn this stuff off!!!
Posted: October 23, 2008, 6:08:54 PM
Mood: ___
Eating: ?
Drinking: blech! what is this junk?
Currently: -_-
Listening To: ??? AH! turn this stuff off!!!
pixie is sorta shy and loves to shop, and realy likes knuckles ;)
but tries not to embaress herself in front of him
(shes not realy good at it XP
and compared to sassy shes pretty darn sane!
And doesnt realy like getting into bloody fights
She has a bow for a weapon with heart shaped arrows of course! ^^ that stuns whom ever they hit in a temporary state of paralyses (probably misspeled XP
and absaloutely does NOT like to run!
but tries not to embaress herself in front of him
(shes not realy good at it XP
and compared to sassy shes pretty darn sane!
And doesnt realy like getting into bloody fights
She has a bow for a weapon with heart shaped arrows of course! ^^ that stuns whom ever they hit in a temporary state of paralyses (probably misspeled XP
and absaloutely does NOT like to run!