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sasionstrife's Profile

sasionstrife's Profile
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Username sasionstrife Gender Male
Date Joined Location hidden village in Ontario
Last Updated Occupation Ninja
Last visit # Pictures 77
# Comments Given83

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I'm sorry But I can't the request anymore ^_^ but I'll take request after ok I'm just to busy in home. ^_^ Sorry.


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Comments (54)

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khangel04 on February 8, 2007, 4:37:28 AM

khangel04 on
khangel04sure you can be in the contest if you want to, (couples contest, i sent you a PM but i wrote on here anyways) i luv your artwork

DarkFlash on January 26, 2007, 4:56:59 AM

DarkFlash on
DarkFlashi take any kind of request just dont as for things that gush blood and i dont draw grils and if you want a maade up person please be discriptive

nyuu on January 14, 2007, 12:34:44 AM

nyuu on
nyuuWell...a bit late but...yes, wanna be firends!^^ I thought I had already say that, and today I wondered why I hadn't any news from you...sorry! -_-
So...what's up? (can't say nothing!)^^

sasionstrife on January 16, 2007, 7:30:21 PM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifethank you for being my friend ^_^. nothing right now just being bored ^_^ so hows your day.

amyleyland14 on December 26, 2006, 11:43:09 PM

amyleyland14 on
amyleyland14i love what you've done to yoko :)

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on December 26, 2006, 7:51:07 AM

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on
zukosavatarofthesunandmoonOkay thanks for clearing that

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on December 26, 2006, 7:28:43 AM

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on
zukosavatarofthesunandmoonI guess you won't do my other request

sasionstrife on December 26, 2006, 7:30:20 AM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifeI do it soon ok because I'm busy at Home. ^_^

amyleyland14 on December 25, 2006, 10:07:41 PM

amyleyland14 on
amyleyland14my character for you is im my gallery

DarkFlash on December 25, 2006, 3:19:07 PM

DarkFlash on
DarkFlashi finally got a scanner. so i was wondering if you wanted a request, if so please state what you want on my profile.

my on December 23, 2006, 11:52:43 PM

my on
mylove your pictures!!! really awesome style!!!

maxinator on December 15, 2006, 8:10:23 AM

maxinator on
maxinatorCool, thanks. The OC's name is Sai. A picture of his head is at this link:
The clothes are up to you. He's around 15 btw if you need to know body size and such. Eyes are red, hair is silver (same as Kakashi's)

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on December 15, 2006, 4:43:38 AM

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on December 15, 2006, 4:31:06 AM

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on
zukosavatarofthesunandmooncan I have anouher request. if so can  have anouther Oreo/Spicey pic. this time can she have her eyes closed about to kiss him. still in the cave

sasionstrife on December 15, 2006, 4:42:59 AM

sasionstrife on

maxinator on December 15, 2006, 4:07:42 AM

maxinator on
maxinatorIf you are still doing a requests? If so could you draw a Naruto OC of mine? If you accept then I can tell you the details on him, you will be free to choose his costume design.

sasionstrife on December 15, 2006, 4:41:54 AM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifealright I'll take your request

frozen-tundra on December 14, 2006, 5:47:44 AM

frozen-tundra on
frozen-tundrai know u did the pic for me and it was awesome. Could you do a new one of me? u can design my clothes though(fav. colors, black, red, and white i also love fish nets! dont do a dress please.). I have bangs in my eyes, brown hair thats kinda long but you con put it up if u want. blue green eyes, three earrings on my left ear one in my cartlige and two on my right. my eyes kinda slant from my europen ancestery. last i like black eye liner. if u can do that please.

sasionstrife on December 14, 2006, 11:03:18 AM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifeoh never mine ^_^ OK

sasionstrife on December 14, 2006, 11:01:55 AM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifeI can do it but this character is it a boy or a girl

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on December 13, 2006, 8:52:38 PM

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on
zukosavatarofthesunandmoonhey I saw you take requests. could you do a picture for me. the idea came from avatar. can you draw for me my charecter Spicer crying and orochimaru has his back to her and at the top it says "the fire nation took my mother away." and can they be in a crystal lined cave. Spicer looks like Sakura except taller and the hair is black

sasionstrife on December 14, 2006, 5:20:02 AM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifealright I can do it.

frozen-tundra on December 11, 2006, 8:23:39 AM

frozen-tundra on
frozen-tundraawesome picks you have real talent. u should do a pic of hinata and naruto together.

Klancey on December 8, 2006, 6:54:25 AM

Klancey on
Klanceydo ya take requests?

sasionstrife on December 8, 2006, 7:05:08 AM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifedo ya want me to take request

Klancey on December 8, 2006, 7:17:34 AM

Klancey on
Klanceywell yes. if it's ok

1mangalover on December 6, 2006, 9:55:25 AM

1mangalover on
1mangaloverno problem and thanx! But I think your art is so much cooler!!!

ghost_guy on December 3, 2006, 9:34:43 PM

ghost_guy on
ghost_guyNice pics!  You have a great art style!

Klancey on November 24, 2006, 7:13:27 AM

Klancey on
Klanceyim having a very good day thank you. hows is your day?

EX-Buster-wolf on November 23, 2006, 2:58:54 PM

EX-Buster-wolf on
EX-Buster-wolfsasionstrife, do you play gears? (asking cause of your adivatar)

sasionstrife on November 23, 2006, 3:01:35 PM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifeyes I do why?

EX-Buster-wolf on November 29, 2006, 6:14:05 AM

EX-Buster-wolf on
EX-Buster-wolfeh, nothing really, i just saw that chipp zanuf adivatar and assumed.

Klancey on November 21, 2006, 10:38:44 PM

Klancey on
Klanceythx and yay where friends! *gives you a slice of pizza*

Klancey on November 21, 2006, 7:16:39 AM

Klancey on
KlanceyHi! *hugs* please please please oh please be my friend! I'm a hhhhuuggggeee! fan!!!!!! x3

Ryo-Miyazaki-chan on November 19, 2006, 1:25:00 PM

Ryo-Miyazaki-chan on
Ryo-Miyazaki-chanThanks for the I'm trying Uubu from Dragonball....just Dragonball...America added the Z and Toriyama didn't make GT!

Anyways...I'm gonna start doin Dragonball stuff too!

DarkFlash on October 13, 2006, 1:45:51 PM

DarkFlash on
DarkFlashits this manga that takes place in this world were the ANIMA are shunned by society because of there animal transformations and this boy named Cooro is tying to find others like him. the characters are
; Cooro a boy with crow wings ; Husky a boy who has a fish tail and can breath under water ; my fav character Senri an older man who looks like a indian  with a bear claw on his right arm.

DarkFlash on October 13, 2006, 11:30:04 AM

DarkFlash on
DarkFlashdo you read manga and if so have you ever read +ANIMA ?

DarkFlash on September 22, 2006, 10:55:18 AM

DarkFlash on
DarkFlashthanx im happy

Shearay752 on September 22, 2006, 10:44:27 AM

Shearay752 on
Shearay752thankies for the comment!!!
none of my artwork is even a quarter of how great any of your's are
so your comment is much appreciated

DarkFlash on September 22, 2006, 8:32:58 AM

DarkFlash on
DarkFlashhey can we be friends oh yeah and i absolutely love your pictures

saturn13 on August 22, 2006, 5:53:17 PM

saturn13 on
saturn13hi thnx for your comment ^ ^ i appreciates it

GreenNinja on August 20, 2006, 1:10:19 PM

GreenNinja on
GreenNinjaThanks for the comment. I like your Naruto pics. They're cool-lookin'.

cyborg_katyuska on August 17, 2006, 1:51:48 AM

cyborg_katyuska on
cyborg_katyuskaNo problem, your pictures are great, too. ^-^

nocturne_dune on August 15, 2006, 11:14:30 AM

nocturne_dune on
nocturne_dunethanks for the fave. [hugs]

Neji on August 13, 2006, 12:34:58 PM

Neji on
Nejithanks muchs for da comment

Wolfychan on August 13, 2006, 6:00:10 AM

Wolfychan on
Wolfychanthanks and your welcome see you later.

Wolfychan on August 12, 2006, 11:23:48 AM

Wolfychan on
Wolfychanhey your new! welcome to Fac and not to mention your art is awsome to so nice to meet you.*bows*

YuffieTheSwift on August 12, 2006, 4:20:08 AM

YuffieTheSwift on
YuffieTheSwiftThanks for the comment!
I like your pictures, they have lovely coloring!

sasionstrife on August 11, 2006, 5:22:01 PM

sasionstrife on

xFMAbishieFANGIRLx on August 11, 2006, 5:07:40 PM

xFMAbishieFANGIRLx on

sasionstrife on August 9, 2006, 10:25:39 AM

sasionstrife on
sasionstrifethank you for your greeting

PhoenixAshes on August 8, 2006, 12:18:37 AM

PhoenixAshes on
PhoenixAshesWelcome to FAC!



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