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Blog Entry: meme

Blog Entry: meme
Posted by: starhero3
Posted: July 17, 2012, 7:18:42 PM
Chose 10 of your OC's. Or ten of your favorite people.(like friends,family,celebreties. Anyone you think is cool.) But you can't chose yourself.

1: Ultragamma
2: Rini or princess peach
3: Wreck it Ralph
4: Don (Taiko drum master)
5: Slithers the snake
6: Finn
7: Sonic
8: Aurora
9: Amy
10: Mario

1) Don invites Wreck it ralph and aurora to dinner at their house. What happens?

mordecai gets rigby to come.

2) Amy tries to get slithers to go to a strip club.

Slithers don't want to go and amy understands.

3) You need to stay at a friends house for the night. Do you chose Ultragammaor Finn?

Ultragamma: Hmmmmm

4) Rini and Sonic are making out. mario walks in...Their reaction?

mario: *Turns away and throws up in a trash can*

5) Wreck it ralph falls in love with Finn's girl flame princess. aurora is jealous. What happens?

aurora tells finn about ralph.

6) Don jumps you in a dark allyway. Who comes to your rescue? mario, Rini or Sonic?

They all saved him

7) Ultragamma decides to start a cooking show. 15 minetes later what is happening?

Secret revealers attack, Ultragamma fight them off while the show goes on and the ratings hit sky high

8) Slithers is in a car crash and is critictly injured. What does Amy do?

koopas came and amy fights them off

9) Wreck it ralph has to marry either Aurora,Don or Amy. Who do they chose?

Don has the ring as big as ralphs ring finger

10) Sonic kidnaps rini and demands something from slither for rini's release. What is it?

11) You get to meet either Ultragamma or Finn. Who do you chose?

Ultragamma says finn has the skills, but we can do it.

12) Mario challenges don to a chariot race. Why?

To see who is the fastest driver

13) Everyone gangs up on Wreck it ralph. Does Wreck it ralph have a chance in hell?

Wreck it ralph: I'm gonna wreck it! *Punches the devils with his giant fists*

14) Everyone is invite to peach and Mario wedding except for Aurora. How do they react?

Aurora: oh no.

15) Why is finn afraid of sonic?

Sonic: cause 7, ate 9.

16) mario gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?

ultragamma: wow.

Aurora: I know.

Rini: that's my favorite.

17) Ultragamma arives late for princess peach and mario's wedding. What happens? And why are they late?

ultragamma: Looks like my watch is off.

18) slithers and amy get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happends?

Oh no, they never should drink

19) Wreck it ralph,aurora,finn and don all go to the zoo for aurora's brithday party. How does it go? What presents do they get aurora?

they all went to the zoo and rini came to say happy birthday to her with a cute smile.

20) Everyone gets together and start protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do?

secret revealer attacks, and i did nothing.

21) amy murders rini's best friend. What does rini do to get back at them?

Rini Prays for her friend

22) finn and ultragamma are in mortal danger. Only one of them can surrvie. Does finn save themself or ultragamma?

Ultragamma made it out and teleports finn out of danger Before it's too late.

23) Which one of them is most likely to fail at life?

no one

24) slithers is trapped in a cave. mario comes to rescue them. What happens?

mario grabs a rock mushroom and become rock mario, and bashes the rocks closed in*

25) wreck it ralph starts a day camp. What happens?

Wreck it ralph Smashed secret revealer camp.

26) Don,Finn, and sonic are doing the Hokey-Pokey. aurora walks in. What happens?

Aurora: *laughs at sonic and records the whole thing*

27) ultragamma starts to write a fan-fiction where amy and mario are going out. What is rini's reaction?

Rini says that it should be better if you say nice things abiout them.

28) sonic makes an apple pie. Is it any good?


29) Aurora and wreck it ralph go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?

Wreck it ralph find food by gathing giant fruits in the forest

30) While they are camping, they run into The Blair Witch. What do they do? (If you haven't seen that movie pretend they ran into the Bogyman or something like that instead.)

aurora hides behind ralph and wreck it ralph talks to the witch telling her that they forgot their food.

31) The quiz is over. What does everyone go to do now?

ultragamma: I think this is good.