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I've been tagged!

Blog Entry: I've been tagged!

Blog Entry: I've been tagged!
Posted by: velagirls10
Posted: July 6, 2013, 3:36:32 AM
Mood: Bored

- Pick 7 of your OCs in any order.
- Please link back to the blank.
- Enjoy. ;D


4.Rouge (not Rouge the bat >_<)

1. [1-7] State your names, aliases, et cetera and would you like a donut or milkshake?
Ryder:Name's Ryder.Should go with a donut
London:The Bounty Hunter,London.Guess I prefer donut
Kaname:Kaname and I probably like a donut cause everyone eats one
Rouge:The name's Rouge.I picked none
Callum:My name's Callum.I choose milkshake
Rod:Rod and um...I like a milkshake?
Asuka:I'm Asuka,and I would milkshake cause I like to drink one


2. [3] and [7] decide to bungee jump, but [3]'s cord snaps. What does [7] do?
Asuka:Save him


3. [4] decides to cook dinner. What do they make?


4. [2] and [6] are at an arcade playing DDR. Who wins?
London cause she could be good at it


5. [1] feels bored, so they go to a bar and get drunk, when all of a sudden a liopleurodon shows up. What kind of chaos ensues?

Ryder:What the heck's a liopleurdon?

6. [5] decides to get a perm. Where do they go to show off their amazing, gigantic afro?
At London's place,idk how she's gonna react and guess the others would laugh at him


7. [1] does make-up on [7] while they sleep. [7]'s reaction when they wake up and look in a mirror:

Asuka:You put too many eye shadows on me!!! >_<

8. [4] is hit by cupid's stupid arrows of lurve (temporarily, of course), and falls for [3].  What happens?

Kaname:No!! *grabs London for protecton*

9. [2] and [6] are stuck in a haunted house, with spirits trying to snatch their bodies. What do they do to get out - or do they get out at all? Dun dun duunnnn...

London:Fight the spirits,causes I ain't scare of them

10. [7] is a victim of a crime, and the accused is [4]. What is the crime and what is the verdict?

Asuka:I knocked him out.Don't judge me,it was an accident!!!

11. [5] and [1] enter into a talent show. Do they enter together or separately? And what is their talent?

Ryder:Enter together and our talent is--
Callum:Breakdancing! (idk what that is but it was in the 80s)

12. [2]'s favorite song. If they don't have a favorite song, what genre do they typically listen to?


13. [6] and [3] fight zombie pirate ninjas with Will Smith. What happens? Is it awesome? Or is it awesome?

Kaname:It was awesome,but Rod got bitten by a zombie

14. [7] and [5] go adventuring and discover some valuable once-lost treasure. How do they split it? Or if they don't decide to share - who gets it and how do they get it?

Rouge:I get the treasure and get it through some booby traps
Callum: >_> Really?

15. [1] grows to the size of a skyscraper. [4] shrinks to the size of a marble. What do each of them do with their new size?

Ryder:I can't drive when I'm HUGE
Rouge: O-o I'm small

16. [2] now rules the world (whatever world they are from). What do they do with their newfound power?

London:Control my friends and make them my minions

17. [3], [4], and [7] catch [6] running around naked in the rain. Reactions?

Kaname: *blushes deeply red*
Asuka:Why are you screaming?And why am I wet when it's raining?!
Rod: .-. Must...HIDE!!!!

18. [2], [1], and [5] face a zombie apocolypse. They have little resources left and need to get to a safehouse far away. Who survives all the way to the safe house and how?

Callum.London and Ryder are bitten by zombies

19. [6] and [1] are zapped by the gender-bender. LOL. Making memes is fun.
Rod:I-Im a girl!!!!! O_o
Ryder: X_X I feel uncomfortable



I tag no one