Tribal Info
Blog Entry: Tribal Info
Blog Entry: Tribal Info
So, there are going to be alot of tribes, ethnic groups and little bands in Natives, But a number of larger tribes are the ones that play big roles.
(Yes I do know that nobody cares, but humor me.)
Iriwani (Ih-ri-wa-nee)
Common features:
-Upturned noses
-Typically brown hair (though variations of blonde and black are common)
-moderateley built frames
Mainly hunter-gatherers, though they do keep animals
Diet Staples:
-Wild berries
Iriwani are known as one of the most powerful tribes, with great warriors. They are also the only tribe to tatoo themselves.
Tokachee (Toe-kah-chee)
Common features:
-Red Hair
-Pointed noses
-Thick, broad frames
Mostly rely on hunting and raiding
Diet Staples:
Extremely war-orriented, make frequent raids, and have little regard for anything or anyone.
Pachio (Pah-chee-oh)
Common features:
-Black Hair
-Downturned noses
-Tan skin
Gather and hunt small game
Diet Staples:
-Prarie chicken
-Wild roots
-Prarie dog
Meek and skittish, they always flee sooner than fight. They are however, the furthest ranging tribe, constantly wandering the Big Empty.
Sekamoiya (Seck-ah-muy-ah)
Common Features:
-Scrawny frames
-Red clay-colored skin
-Never over five feet tall
Hunter Gatherers
Diet Staples:
-Lillypad tubers
-wild fruits
A "Pygmy" tribe that lives in the Kiwallo delta to the east of the plains, they are not forcefull, but are sneaky and devilishly clever.
Shoshonee (Show-shun-nee)
Common features:
-Black Hair
-Tan to dark skin
-Green or blue eyes
-Typically have a higher BMI
Diet staples:
The most advanced tribe, their culture is full of stories and legends, they are the only tribe to farm, and sometimes paint themselves.
Kikachaw (Kick-uh-chaw)
Common features:
-Brown Hair
-Black eyes
-Clay-colored skin
-Angular features
Diet staples:
-Wild berries
The eastern-most known tribe, kickachaw wander in small groups between established camps.
Shiripat (Shee-ree-paht)
Common Features:
-Thin frame
-Blonde hair
-Blue-green eyes
Diet Staples:
-Mountain Goat
A mysterious tribe that lives high in the Great Peaks. Few know where to find them, and fewer still can actually get there.
(Yes I do know that nobody cares, but humor me.)
Iriwani (Ih-ri-wa-nee)
Common features:
-Upturned noses
-Typically brown hair (though variations of blonde and black are common)
-moderateley built frames
Mainly hunter-gatherers, though they do keep animals
Diet Staples:
-Wild berries
Iriwani are known as one of the most powerful tribes, with great warriors. They are also the only tribe to tatoo themselves.
Tokachee (Toe-kah-chee)
Common features:
-Red Hair
-Pointed noses
-Thick, broad frames
Mostly rely on hunting and raiding
Diet Staples:
Extremely war-orriented, make frequent raids, and have little regard for anything or anyone.
Pachio (Pah-chee-oh)
Common features:
-Black Hair
-Downturned noses
-Tan skin
Gather and hunt small game
Diet Staples:
-Prarie chicken
-Wild roots
-Prarie dog
Meek and skittish, they always flee sooner than fight. They are however, the furthest ranging tribe, constantly wandering the Big Empty.
Sekamoiya (Seck-ah-muy-ah)
Common Features:
-Scrawny frames
-Red clay-colored skin
-Never over five feet tall
Hunter Gatherers
Diet Staples:
-Lillypad tubers
-wild fruits
A "Pygmy" tribe that lives in the Kiwallo delta to the east of the plains, they are not forcefull, but are sneaky and devilishly clever.
Shoshonee (Show-shun-nee)
Common features:
-Black Hair
-Tan to dark skin
-Green or blue eyes
-Typically have a higher BMI
Diet staples:
The most advanced tribe, their culture is full of stories and legends, they are the only tribe to farm, and sometimes paint themselves.
Kikachaw (Kick-uh-chaw)
Common features:
-Brown Hair
-Black eyes
-Clay-colored skin
-Angular features
Diet staples:
-Wild berries
The eastern-most known tribe, kickachaw wander in small groups between established camps.
Shiripat (Shee-ree-paht)
Common Features:
-Thin frame
-Blonde hair
-Blue-green eyes
Diet Staples:
-Mountain Goat
A mysterious tribe that lives high in the Great Peaks. Few know where to find them, and fewer still can actually get there.