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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 76-100 of 231 results.
Balto at the end.
A poem, mind you, i was in a brooding mood. Hah. Read at will. Its slightly...err...bad. -_-;; no flames thank you very much.
This is for Chris and Rachel (Amaya Asakura and Rachel Robinson) Because I know they're going through hard times. Although they may be fighting I know they still love each other! Please R&R
Elvira Simmons has just been reaquainted with her cousin, and tries to get along with him and his friends.
when u do this, your a real shaman king fanatic.
a random dream i had the day after i beat paper mario
A tale of love, death, sadness and happinesWhy must love be so frail? Secrets are the death of love. Can Emerald save her love in time?
Or will chaos ensue and steal her love away?
A poem dedicated mine and many people's friend, Ashley, other wise known as Rikku Mongonei. We love you, Ashley, wherever you are... And for some reason the format turned out as crap.
It's about the An CAfe band members in school (Don't get mad if they don't act correctly; it's just a story ^^;).
Hao needs money so he opens up a day care, let's see how good he is with kids *evil smile*
It's so sad it made me cry
ok heres the run down : lit story, based on lots of stories, had to do for school, plz comment, give title ^ ^
A Quiz that will tell you how clever your Dad is. Hehe mines a complete Dumbass ¬_¬ surprise surprise
The next chapter n_n
The second chapter in the book i'm writing
Kinda sad
I was feeling down on this day as you can tell-i like The End better than the passing....
This is yet another poem about something that everyone fears so please listen to what I write and I hope u like it R&R ^_^
Its another day at the xiaolin temple for the xiaolin warriors. Its an ordinary sunday..but once again is there love?
I decided to put together some of my favorite Phantom of the Opera quotes. The first 3 are my absolute favs.
^^ A bunch of stuff munched together; such as Naruto, One Piece, Sailor Moon, Matrix, etc... starts off as One Piece then transforms into other things ^^ Well-written, easy to follow. BOO! I SCARED YOU!
-cough- Crack fic I did for a contest in the Naruto Yaoi guild in gaia.
Dammit FAC. wtf mate?! The spaces are to fawking big.
Stupid shootty-ness. D:
Nami x Vivi One-shot. Contains WAFF and Shoujo-ai. Rated: PG-13+

Need to collect ideas :P
We were making fun of Soccer players obviously
Tails invented a cool time machine that could travel both back to the past and foreward to the future. Sonic and Knuckles both said that time travel is a waste of time and stupid. Amy worries about being stuck in time, not getting back and the possibilt