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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 101-125 of 186 results.
A series of solutions all themed to make the world greater place (originaly posted on my site:
Sonic has never felt anything towards Amy before , until she acts differently.....
A story about knuckles and sonic who get left alone to take care of all the little chao.....
What goes on in GIR's little head when he is asleep? This small songfic answers all your questions.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons for humans are crunchy. And taste good with ketchup.
The story so far: In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. Sesshoumaru is one of those people.
Vol.2 of my Sonic Characters.
When a mysterious pink-haired girl stole Link's master sword, Link has to go on a hilarious dimension traveling journey to get it back... or does he?
This is a chapter about Tails and his lover Tulip the hedgehog. She sniffs a posionous rose while trying to get flowers for Tails and now Tails must travel through Ice Cap's Mountains to find these berries that should cure here sickness
Sonic and his friend have a sleepover but unexpected things can happen !!!
This is a description of a few Character I've created in different series of Comics I made. This might should help you better understand who's who and all of the series there is.
This is my 3rd series I've ever drawn of Sonic.Since I have no scanner I'll have to just write. This is a story about a newly made creation, Metal Shadow!
Songfic to Godsmack's "I Stand Alone". The story of the fall of one of my oldest characters, Queen Loupe the 1st.
This tutorial explains on how to make lineart using the program opencavas.
“You think that stress ball I got her for Christmas is working?” Fanney asked. “I don’t think so.” Imma said.

its a story about Sonic meeting a girl named Angel. Hope you like it! ^_^ please comment!!
This is a series of Invader ZIM songfics.

Dib has discovered that ZIM will finally take over the world, and it is much too late to stop him. Poor earth!

Now it is up to Dib and his older cousin Jez to defeat ZIM and save the world!
Heh, this is just a silly fic I made up about Yuri Hyuga and Alice Elliot, from Shadow Hearts. Don't ask me why I drew that pic 'Baby Snatcher' to accompany this! I just felt like doing something unsual! Uru/Urmnaf is Yuri's name in Japanese version.
Harry's life is a totall mess. Can it get worse? Ofcourse! Follow Harry and friends on their hilarious, dramatic and just plain wierd adventures! (chapters are very short)
A story told in first person by the one and only Yami Atemu! I got the idea from the song i named it after. It's not very long, but different for a change. Enjoy!
[ONESHOT] It's Saint White Day, and Winry asks for something sweet. But to Ed, a box of chocolates just isn't sweet enough ... EdxWinry, of course. Who else? I worship EdxWinry. YEA BABY. XDDD
*This was a project I had to do my freshman year about a human changing into something.*
The continued adventures of the Happy Lesson gang. This time, it centers mostly around Hazuki and her new boyfriend.
Two young girls get taken to a magical place where they have to take on the roles of their other selves. But what really awaits them in this land called Arasya? The story you've all been waiting for! Read and tell me if I should continue!
My weird-o past, plans for World domination, hate of Bush ect. *insanit warning* XD