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On Phones

On Phones

On Phones by AllisonPO
On Phones by AllisonPO


Drew this awhile ago in church.

Me (right) and my character Josiah (left), who's basically a mishmash of a few of my friends.

If you can't read my tiny print...
Josiah: You could, you know, just call me, for a change…
Me: I’m afraid this conversation has reached a realm of utter hatred on my part. I’ll have to cease it immediately.
Me: What?
Josiah: You’re, like, weirder than me.
Me: O_O!!
Josiah: Wait, that’s not possible, is it?

Josiah's a kandi kid vampire, by the way. ^_^

Josiah © AllisonPO

General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Self
Date Submitted
Views 1552
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 0
Comments 21
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken An hour, maybe
Reference No


Comments (21)

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Azazel on March 29, 2008, 12:48:23 PM

Azazel on
AzazelLiar. XD

Atashi on December 6, 2006, 6:49:03 AM

Atashi on
Atashiim geting angrey again...i have saved to my made me laugh way more than it should have. even in black and white....

AllisonPO on December 6, 2006, 1:24:14 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOIt's funny? o_o Wow...this has to be my only funny picture EVER, then (I do angst, not humor).

And yes, Josiah's oddness doesn't really get across in a black and white picture, does it? I really should upload that other one sometime...too lazy now. =D

Azazel on October 27, 2006, 4:36:18 AM

Azazel on
AzazelYay! I did all the comments without making the typo "assinate"!

AllisonPO on October 27, 2006, 4:38:42 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOHeh, good for you. XD
And I don't really have that many stories about him (that and they're on somebody else's computer), yet. ;_; He's my newest character (besides Isryae), after all.

Azazel on November 19, 2006, 4:17:53 AM

Azazel on
AzazelI just noticed in the description.. o.o
Who is he a mishmash of??

Azazel on October 27, 2006, 4:34:52 AM

Azazel on
AzazelJOSIAH! The Pink Haired Vampire!
I need stories about him too ^._.^ ::A tad addicted::

Azazel on October 5, 2006, 10:31:29 AM

Azazel on
Oh, Oh! Who's this Josiah person?? I LIKE 'EM! XD

AllisonPO on October 5, 2006, 11:05:15 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOJosiah is a recent vampire addicted to parties. He's also a vegetarian, and has a really low pain tolerance. ^_^

sisaTao on October 5, 2006, 10:16:10 AM

sisaTao on
sisaTaoWow, you are REALLY good.^_^
This looks perfect, really the details, shading, body shape everything.
I love the way they are standing too, it looks very cool.^^
So very awesome job.^_^
You most keep this up.=D

AllisonPO on October 5, 2006, 11:03:21 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOUm, thank you! You really give me far too much credit, but I appreciate it all the same. ^_^
The poses: I've really been working on more natural, relaxed poses, so I'm glad you liked them. ^_^
And I'll try to keep it up, thanks. =D

truthxxdare on September 30, 2006, 3:07:16 AM

truthxxdare on
truthxxdareWow, sounds familiar.
Conversations like this between me you and Bethany.

AllisonPO on September 30, 2006, 3:57:43 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOYesh. ^_^ I could so do a comic series of all the wacked-out conversations we've ever had...That'd be entertaining.
Thanks for the comment. =D

vampire_kiss on September 29, 2006, 4:18:31 AM

vampire_kiss on
vampire_kisswhoa whoa whoa!!!!
this is what you should do girl!!!this technic is AWSOME!!!
so many lines so messy but still still whoa!!!!
love the poses!!!
sore wa sukeee!!!

AllisonPO on September 29, 2006, 7:34:48 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThanks! ^_^ Your comments always make me smile.
This is actually the techinque I use most often, but it's normally just for doodles, or stuff like that. I just really love cross-hatching. =D
Thanks a ton again!

SeaMonkeys on September 28, 2006, 11:02:16 PM

SeaMonkeys on
Sorry that was a tad over the top. >_< Anywho, I've told you this already, but I'll say it again. I LOVE IT. ::SQUEL::(I don't think that I spelt that right)
One more thing. Who is Josiah a mixture of? I really can't tell. I'm thinking maybe like Azazel and... Gerbil? Maybe? Well see ya.

AllisonPO on September 29, 2006, 7:18:55 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOWho said anything about being alive...? X_X
Josiah's a mix of Uliaj, Azazel, and Gerbil, yeah. A bit of Matt, too.
Thanks for ze' comment, though. ^_^ I'm gonna' watch Avatar tonight.

texas_luver on September 28, 2006, 12:52:43 PM

texas_luver on
texas_luverhey awesome! =D i love pencil sketchies ^____^ its funny too! i've actually said somethin like that b4...that its not possible to be weirder than friends usually agree x]....nice work ^-^

AllisonPO on September 28, 2006, 10:13:18 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThanks for the comment. ^_^
Most of my friends are a trifle...odder than me, but I'm probably more insane altogether. =D
Thanks again!

RalphDaHobo on September 28, 2006, 12:07:59 PM

RalphDaHobo on
RalphDaHobothats cool =D

AllisonPO on September 28, 2006, 12:10:42 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThanks. ^_^