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Air Gear - Of Storm and Fire

Air Gear - Of Storm and Fire

Air Gear - Of Storm and Fire by AllisonPO
Air Gear - Of Storm and Fire by AllisonPO


Title makes me think of Nue and Spitfire more. Maybe I'll draw them soon. <3

Started drawing this when I was sick, and spent today trying to figure out what I was trying to accomplish. >.> Oh well, I like the ending result.

More of my Air Gear obsession, due to the release of the dub (so bad that it's PERFECT) and chapter 131, which led to angsty fanart. Ikki didn't do anything stupid in 131. I was in shock. D:

Yet again there is a massive spoiler in this if you choose to look at it that way, but since very little people on FAC know about Air Gear I'm not even going to really bother about a total warning.

Tablet, Photoshop Elements
Air Gear © Oh!Great

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Air Gear
Date Submitted
Views 1475
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 3
Comments 18
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 5 hours.
Reference Air Gear volume 11.


Comments (18)

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xenosagasora on April 25, 2007, 10:36:01 AM

xenosagasora on
*waves hand*


AllisonPO on April 27, 2007, 8:51:03 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOYou bought it...?...O_O! Akatsuki fangirl?! You found me! XD

I was trying to remember what you'd told me your screenname was and then I gave up beacuse my memory = total crap. XD

Glad to hear from you again, though! =D

I just realized that if you're not who I think you are this is going to be one WEIRD reply. XD

skitzokitty15 on February 20, 2007, 2:27:27 AM

skitzokitty15 on
skitzokitty15I LOVE this! gawsh your amazing no lie. you really need to help me draw this awesmoe. so you drawing in a sketch book alot? hows RSA btw, still awesome? i bet it's lonely with ou tme amd john huh? check out my pic's when you get the chance. you can critisise them >_<

AllisonPO on February 28, 2007, 12:12:35 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThankee~ and yeah, I tend to draw in a sketchbook as of late, though this picure was drawn fully on my computer...

RSA is still amazing, of course. But yeah, it is weird without you and Jon there, especially during Painting. ;_; We only have 7 kids in our class now. >.>;;;

DODE. So didn't know you uploaded anything yet. ^_^ I'll go check them out now...

Thanks for the comment!

texas_luver on February 19, 2007, 3:43:23 AM

texas_luver on
texas_luveri've said it b4 and i'll say it again...

I LOVE SKETCHINESS!!! ^__^ i wish i could draw anime...i'm just not very good at it...

anyways, nice work. as usual ^-^

AllisonPO on February 19, 2007, 10:04:26 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOSketchiness = uber love. <333 Everything's easier and looks better. =D

Sankyuu' very much for the comment! ^_^

SeaMonkeys on February 17, 2007, 2:09:01 AM

SeaMonkeys on
SeaMonkeysYay! You drew Ikki and he looks like Ikki! Yay!

Next time you draw him, you should put his real crow in his hair. >_<

Good Job


AllisonPO on February 17, 2007, 7:39:41 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOIKKI. KUU. Hm. When I draw the Kogarasumaru team picture (pfft, when will THAT get done?), I'll add Kuu in. <3

XD It's so sad how proud I am that I made him look like Ikki. Not really though, since the real Ikki would be doing something extremely stupid. Hm. o.o I should draw kid!Ikki climbing the tower...<3

Or not. XD Thanks for the comment!

vampire_kiss on February 16, 2007, 5:51:44 PM

vampire_kiss on
vampire_kissi hope u feel better now!!!

i watched few episodes of air gear but then somehow switched to bleach..;p

good one..exept the red part guys back head coud have been little bit know..maybe its the hat that doesnt let his hair spred and make head bigger but..still..ohh im babbling too much now...i like it anyways...cant work on photoshop at all!!


v k

AllisonPO on February 17, 2007, 7:34:17 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOI feel much better now, thanks. Tomato soup = amazing. D:

The Air Gear anime is okay, but the manga totally owns it if you feel like diving deeper into the series. <3

About Kazu, I can see what you're saying and I'm pretty sure it's the hat. >.> Not so sure now, though. Hm.

Heh. Thanks for the comment! ^_^

Azazel on February 16, 2007, 2:22:37 PM

Azazel on
AzazelYAAAAAAY~. ^.^

AllisonPO on February 17, 2007, 7:30:09 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOI finished the book. Now I'm watching the anime. D: Gah, so addicting~

But yes. Massive YAYS for Air Gear, of course~<3 =D

my on February 16, 2007, 10:04:30 AM

my on
mycool colours!!! really nice!!!

AllisonPO on February 17, 2007, 7:27:20 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPO=D Thank you very much!

Atashi on February 16, 2007, 9:20:43 AM

Atashi on
AtashiYOu Stupid turd! you were gone and iw as lonely because ashley is no fun anymores =( well thats reall sweet alison your long 5 hours of work were worth it. awesome job

AllisonPO on February 17, 2007, 7:25:47 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOD: My parents wouldn't let me come to school (my mother found out I went to school the day before with a 101.3 degree fever...had 102.3 next day), so I just sat around and watched TeniPuri all day. >.>;;; Sorry. ;_;

See you Tuesday, though. And thanks for the comment~ ^_^

flying_Jone on February 16, 2007, 7:23:16 AM

flying_Jone on
flying_Jonewow!! looks sooo good!! love the colours!! keep up the good work!!


AllisonPO on February 17, 2007, 7:16:06 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThe colors were kinda' last minute, but I think they turned out okay. ^_^

Thanks a ton for the comment and the fav! Means a lot! =D