Cheese and Angst Pizza
Cheese and Angst Pizza
Cheese and Angst Pizza by AllisonPO


So...I had this little fling with chibis last week. And emo. 'Cept I couldn't force myslef to draw an emo Dante, though I think I committed a grave sin by making Leon angsty. Maybe he's just sick of Ashley....I'll say that. >_>;;; WHATEVER.
I feel really bad that I couldn't fit Ebony into Dante's picture. ;_; Geez.
And I have no blasted clue what those things are behind Sora. Drive orbs, Shadow eyes? And apparently his keyblade just exploded. No idea, really. X_X
Backgrounds of Leon and Dante drawn in Photoshop, everything else colored by hand during various classes. ^_^
Resident Evil © CAPCOM
Devil May Cry 3 © CAPCOM
Kingdom Hearts II © Squarenix
I feel really bad that I couldn't fit Ebony into Dante's picture. ;_; Geez.
And I have no blasted clue what those things are behind Sora. Drive orbs, Shadow eyes? And apparently his keyblade just exploded. No idea, really. X_X
Backgrounds of Leon and Dante drawn in Photoshop, everything else colored by hand during various classes. ^_^
Resident Evil © CAPCOM
Devil May Cry 3 © CAPCOM
Kingdom Hearts II © Squarenix
General Info
General Info
Media Other drawing
Time Taken Hms. Maybe three hours each?
Reference One for Dante, but no one else.
Media Other drawing
Time Taken Hms. Maybe three hours each?
Reference One for Dante, but no one else.
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Toxicthefox on March 30, 2008, 8:19:10 AM
Toxicthefox on

pikagurlxd on February 28, 2008, 11:13:31 PM
pikagurlxd on
Minda on September 24, 2007, 5:03:37 AM
Minda on
Nemmer on September 9, 2007, 10:56:22 PM
Nemmer on
AllisonPO on September 10, 2007, 11:14:40 AM
AllisonPO on
vampireknight on July 9, 2007, 5:34:05 AM
AllisonPO on July 18, 2007, 10:49:16 PM
AllisonPO on
skitzokitty15 on May 1, 2007, 4:30:38 AM

idky but it drives me nuts! everything you do is absolutely amazing besides that little none important factor ( dont feel bad my noses arent any better and my chicks look like guys)
Keep up the good work! ( and maybe a new style of noses XD)
AllisonPO on May 1, 2007, 6:58:07 AM
AllisonPO on
Trinity_Fire on April 25, 2007, 7:03:53 AM
Trinity_Fire on

Can I eat you now? Please?? You are amazing. :c
I think Leon looks hot when he's angsty. In a good/bad way. :> (<--not good at making sense when she sees good leon fanart, chibi or no)
I love his expression. His sulky sulky expression. You're very good at that, actually. Sulky chibis. X>
Oooh, and the red-eyed Sora. Much love, thank god you're not drawing him with the giant eyes and typical-ness. I like your style, your characters' expressions. :>
Oooh, but once more, I absolutely adore your coloring/shading. It is AMAZING. Like, like, the faces, and the hair, and the shading on Sora's fingers, OMFG LOVE.
And Leon. In general.
(:gasp!: the secret is out! I have a mini-Leon fetish. >>; )
I love it. I wish I could color like you can. D;
AllisonPO on April 27, 2007, 8:35:09 AM
AllisonPO on

It's so hard to draw big-eyed chibi's for me. D: So used to Saiyuki and Mushishi and Air Gear...though a girl in my Chemistry class made me draw one. It was creepy. >_>
I think in the summer when I'm not so busy I'm going to put together some WIP shots of mine to show how I color my pictures, because people seem to like it. Problem is I don't have a set path or anything. D:
Anywhos...thanks for the comment! XD
my on April 25, 2007, 2:51:05 AM
my on
AllisonPO on April 27, 2007, 8:25:22 AM
AllisonPO on
SeaMonkeys on April 25, 2007, 1:36:49 AM
SeaMonkeys on
AllisonPO on April 27, 2007, 8:23:49 AM
AllisonPO on

Dante will never be able to be seperated from pizza in my mind. He would be, like, the best pizza delivery man EVER. (Wow that's a weird image to be in my head).
D: Leon is from Resident Evil 4. Very hot, very awesome. XD Ask Ashley W. who he is if you want some major rantage. <3
hvite_devil on April 24, 2007, 6:33:37 PM
hvite_devil on

I love how you drawed the poses and I love how you shade!
This picture looks so alive! It's incredible!
Oh god, I love how Sora looks!!! SO GOOD!!!! XD
Even though you don't know what's behind Sora, it really fits in there! It looks like drive orbs! XD COOOL!
You draw hair so good!!!!!! *jelous*
*favs!!!* *vote good*
AllisonPO on April 27, 2007, 8:12:42 AM
AllisonPO on

So...I unconsciously drew drive orbs? WOWZ. I think I've been trying to level up Master Form too much lately.
Dante's hair was SO much fun to color! My first successful white hair~!! ::excited:: XD
Thanks for the comment!