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Famir - Time Covenant

Famir - Time Covenant

Famir - Time Covenant by AllisonPO
Famir - Time Covenant by AllisonPO


AllisonPO, hi? So...that previous comment about trying to update more was OBVIOUSLY a lie. ...yeah.

So, I drew this a while's somewhat in the middle of my last sketchbook, so I'd say early October/late September picture. Don't really remember.

Famir is numero 6 of my primary warlocks, bearer of Time. I, personally, think he's the second strongest (top being Serine, who controls mind magick), because he can manipulate the time fields around other elemental attacks to send them back to the caster. Doesn't really work on primaries, though...

And I so copped out by doing a profile. XD The other side of his face is covered in markings - indicating his plethora of summon keys. And there are tons of cuts along his arm because when he offers his blood he's allowed to fully take control of his summons. WHEE ranting about him is weird. >_>

Mech. pencil, color tweaked in Photoshop
Famir © Me

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Male » Young Adult (19-29)
Date Submitted
Views 1312
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 1
Comments 8
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken No idea
Reference Nope


Comments (8)

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Radioactive_froggy on November 2, 2007, 2:52:02 PM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggythat is so freakin cool XD feeling a lil oblivious to the whole magick thing but ya know what? this pics rad so ill just stick with that XD

AllisonPO on November 3, 2007, 10:55:16 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOHeh, thanks! And don't worry, I make up the whole magick thing as I go along. Too lazy to actually plot it out and too unmotivated to attempt something brilliant. XD

Thanks for the comment!

Azazel on November 1, 2007, 3:07:59 PM

Azazel on
AzazelFAMIR! <3
Profile's are copping out? D= Then again, with all those markings, maybe so
Ooo, I like when you rant in your comments ^_^
You need to tell me more about the warlocks D=
Wait, wait, gotta see if I can name 'em D=
Plix - Fire, Myket - Wind/air, Serine - MindStuffs, Famir - Time, Makumé - Ice, K.. ur... Earth is... Kei.. Something with a K D= Crap, my memory died. Other elements leave Water, the white magicks[the two girls, yeah?] and Barrier?
Aw, I suck TT__TT|||

AllisonPO on November 2, 2007, 2:16:58 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOKeitis-Earth, Rodma-Water, Dontel-Barrier, Thymal-Holy, Kite-Gravity. But you've finally got Makumé down, so kudos to that. XD And the girls are Rodma and Thymal.

And don't want me to rant about my primaries. D: Oh God I could probably go on forever...

Azazel on November 3, 2007, 4:22:22 AM

Azazel on
Azazel=D I'd like that. Go on, start ranting.
But I need to remember the primary warlocks D= Keitis, Dontel, Rodma, Thymal, and, of course, Kite.
The cute little kid with an axe ::twitch:
GAH! x___x

Trinity_Fire on November 2, 2007, 8:09:41 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireOoooh, sweet~ I totally love this profile, though. >>; And I adore his design and the way you draw wings~ the flare and flow~ *______*
And as usual, your cross-hatching/shading is just amazing. Oooh, goodness, please post more, even if it's old stuff, hahaha.

...Have you ever read Demon Ororon?? >>; Your style is starting to remind me of it... haha...

AllisonPO on November 2, 2007, 2:12:51 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOD: I absolutely adore Hakase Mizuki's works, so yes, I've read Demon Ororon (...multiple times...) though my favorite by her is Ba_ku. <333 But I honestly can't say I've ever had my style be compared to hers...though I do adore it. XD

And God...wings...D: Glad you like them, because I never have any idea what I'm doing with them. >_>;

I'm going to try to update more, if my horrible time-management skills allow it, anyway. XD Thanks for the comment!

Trinity_Fire on November 3, 2007, 1:22:41 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireI just noticed for the first time. XD; And, haha, I figured.
I really like Demon Ororon... are any of her other works published in english? *______*
(I was 90% sure you'd read it, soo~ haha~)