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Immoral Flame

Immoral Flame

Immoral Flame by AllisonPO
Immoral Flame by AllisonPO


I seem to have this excellent schedule of existing for about two weeks and then completely vanishing for another two. Sorry about that, for those who minded. A mix of homework, Phoenix Wright, and fanfiction have kept me away. I'll try to stay steady once again...but that never really seems to work out...

SO YES. Guilty Gear is one of my current obsessions, after I bought Accent Core and everything. It feels a tad cliche, but my absolute favorite is Ky, followed closely by Sol. But Sol is sooooooo much more fun to draw. <3 One of the coolest mullets ever~~

DANGIT I WANT TO PLAY OVERTURE. But I don't have a 360...I know someone who does, though... ::plots::

Mech. pencil, color tweaked in Photoshop.
Guilty Gear © Daisuke Ishiwatari, Arc System Works

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Genre » - Fighting games » Guilty Gear series
Date Submitted
Views 1335
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 2
Comments 12
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken ...40 mins?
Reference None. Rather obvious...


Comments (12)

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Radioactive_froggy on December 3, 2007, 11:46:56 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyi instantly recognized him the second i saw this pic great job! :D duuuuuuuuuude i MIGHT get a 360 for x-mas *squeal*...i just need a tv to play it on 0_o ahh well ill figure something out XD

AllisonPO on December 6, 2007, 12:13:26 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOAh! You like Guilty Gear? It's amazing how many people seem to have never heard of it...;_; And if you get an XBox360 (good luck with that, by the way!), you must get Guilty Gear: Overture and tell me if it's any good ::has high hopes::. But you really might wanna' secure a TV first. Mental gaming's fun and all, but it gets a bit repetitive. XD

Trinity_Fire on December 3, 2007, 5:23:00 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Man, you're good at drawing Sol, too. I could never pull off that badass look. D:
It looks awesome! I love the way you did his hair, too~
Mmn, Ky's okay, but I like to play as Testament or Axl Low. 8D; Hell, just about everyone in GG is amazing. *____* (<--still has her unfounded obsession with ABA, lol)

Awesome pic~
And Overture looks AMAZING. (And I suck at fighting games too, lol.)

AllisonPO on December 6, 2007, 12:10:52 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOI want desperately to be able to draw they type of character that Sol is (mainly muscled/imposing sorts of figures) so I figured he's be a good exercise in that aspect.

I almost ALWAYS play as Ky, but I like Anji Moto and Zappa (!!<3) as well. Testament reminds me of one of my favorite JRockers, so I end up laughing whenever I play as him (Asagi from D, if you know him). XD

Trinity_Fire on December 7, 2007, 4:29:50 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireZappa Zappa Zappa XD
He's pretty freakin' crazy, but amazing too.

Atashi on December 2, 2007, 8:29:57 PM

Atashi on
Atashioh..............who knew you would put this up
shakes head*
you disapoint me. but not really
but i think we all know the underlining meaning behind this picture.

and you so know it <3

AllisonPO on December 6, 2007, 12:07:08 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOSol and Ky are talented. They can take on both roles quite nicely.

...shut uuuuup. D:

Atashi on December 9, 2007, 6:53:03 AM

Atashi on

Azazel on December 2, 2007, 1:24:11 PM

Azazel on
And who has a 360? o.O
And I think I should learn more about Guilty Gear with some informational assistance ::cough:: yes? =3
Bah, your crosshatchinging is as lovely as ever <3
And yet, I know you probably shades this in... 15 minutes or so. 25 tops? For my bad sense of time, if that's right, I'm proud of myself.
Nonetheless, excellent. And I love the eyes, they're fantastic <3

AllisonPO on December 6, 2007, 12:06:30 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOMy church and invariably one of the teenage boys in my church. Though I don't know if you're allowed to play T games on it or it? Guilty Gear's kinda' hard to explain (and I honestly don't know much about it >_>;;;).

Shading in...25 minutes, probably. XD I never time these sorts of things, I just go by however long class/the sermon was that day. Not that my memory should be trusted...

subculturalgirl113 on December 2, 2007, 12:43:55 PM

subculturalgirl113 on
subculturalgirl113love the shading hunny ^__^

AllisonPO on December 6, 2007, 12:04:13 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThank you! I have a bit of an addiction to cross-hatching. <333