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Nephilim by AllisonPO
Nephilim by AllisonPO


Alas, my counterparts have been redesigned (awhile ago, but who cares?)! Allin (left) and Silanol (right). And at this current moment I have the exact same hairstyle as Allin, even though I redesigned him back in early October. Slightly creepy. They are wearing the same outfit I am currently wearing in the center picture, though mine's quite a bit baggier. <33

Dangit these two are fun. <3

Why 'Nephilim'? Because it's currently playing on my computer. abingdon boys school sings it, for those interested. Awesome song.

Mech pencil for side pics, ballpoint pen for middle
Allin, Silanol © Me

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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 1271
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Vote Score 1
Comments 10
Media Other drawing
Time Taken Mer...
Reference Other pics of them.


Comments (10)

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FullMoonRose on December 26, 2007, 2:10:16 PM

FullMoonRose on
FullMoonRoseAMAZING I LOVE IT the shading is some of the best i have seen and the details r out of this world

AllisonPO on January 2, 2008, 6:16:36 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOWhy thank you~~ Crosshatching is my love. D:

Trinity_Fire on December 11, 2007, 5:25:02 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireShoot, I love you so bad. D: They look amazing, and the pencil/penmanship is AMAZING... I'm still NOT getting over you and your amazing crosshatching/shading skills. D: D: D:

Also, their outfits and hair and designs and... UGH, EVERYTHING. ♥

Atashi on December 10, 2007, 10:14:50 AM

Atashi on
Atashiyou know what pisses me off is that i feel like i really would like to draw counterparts of my own but i cant like do it...............still want to though and these too are amazing to me. as well as your skill

AllisonPO on December 10, 2007, 1:05:05 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOI'll admit it's a lot harder than it looks to make-up alter egos if you actually want to develope them and all. @_@ But keep working on it~!! It's so much fun when you finally get it right. ^_^

Azazel on December 10, 2007, 9:00:25 AM

Azazel on
AzazelMore Abingdon??? Send song please? D= <3 <3 <3
And... I still prefer the older one's slightly. Mostly in the fact that for some reason it firghtens me that silanol's hair is so short o.O And Probably confuses my brain cause now that I think about it didn't he use to have dark bangs and light back to be the reverse of yours?
Also. One more question. WHERE ARE ALLIN'S GLASSES?! D= ::panic::
Anyway, I'll need to adjust, but may need to slap you if Allin remains without glasses. [Don't ask, I'm feeling incredibly OCD about them. Sudden character changes scare me D=]
XD Anyway, I'll shut up now. But, yay! Allin and Silanol!
I really love how you drew them in the center. Something about the slenderness, especially in the legs. It looks really nice =D
Heheh, they're wearing the same clothes. I some how get the impression it annoys Allin a bit.
His hair.... Allin's... it looks like... Sanzo and Hazel's love child... o.O ...No, more like Sanzo and Ukoku's o___O;;;
XD Allison!
Ohkay, time to stop flooding the comments D=

AllisonPO on December 10, 2007, 1:03:03 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOIf I ever go on Gmail again, I'll try to remember (I need to check my email more often @_@).

Meh, I love these ones. But what you have to realize is that this Silanol is no longer my opposite. Both Allin and Silanol are legitimate parts of my so called "alter-ego"; if you combine them, you get me, basically. As this has happened, both have undergone personality shifts. I don't see them as simply halves of myself, but different aspects of my personality blended to see what would happen. I would get contacts if I wasn't both lazy and a coward. Silanol is lazy and Allin is the coward, so both have enough control over themselves to get contacts. Thus, no glasses. Allin wears them sometimes, but Silanol is the type to sleep in his contacts.

And as for the clothes, it'd actually tick off Silanol more. Allin's more apathetic while Silanol wouldn't want to be grouped with others so much.

I could rant about these two forever, it seems. >_>

And any child of Sanzo and Ukoku would be GORGEOUS. *_*

Azazel on December 11, 2007, 9:21:35 AM

Azazel on
AzazelAww, you called yourself gorgeous =D

And yeah that makes sense, but Allin without glasses still creeps me out D= And the coward factor is still more likely to keep him from contacts~ XD And do your glasses bug you? o.o

And you can send things over MSN chat D=

And I agree with ash. Though splitting them could save the problem that if it was entity of my inner head I'd hate the damned thing o.O But I'd fail anyhow, oh weelllz~ XD Much more entertaining to watch yours anyhow =D

And their damnedly gorgeous lanky limbs D= ::is too much in the habit of reading other comments and feels chatty on FAC lately::

TheGhost on December 10, 2007, 8:39:22 AM

TheGhost on
TheGhosti looove their long legs. its like turning me on. :D nice job. i love the sketches.

AllisonPO on December 10, 2007, 12:52:49 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThanks.! I seriously have this obsession with drawing lanky limbs as of late...glad someone enjoys it. XD