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Gift Dump 001

Gift Dump 001

Gift Dump 001 by AllisonPO
Gift Dump 001 by AllisonPO


THIS IS WHY I HAVEN'T BEEN ON IN SO LONG. Christmas presents~~ which I delivered today, so I shall now place bits of them up here. Smashed together and a bit small, though, because I DID draw these for specific people.

Anywho, we have Ryoma and Karupin (from Prince of Tennis) in the first one. Tried softer shading on this one- kinda' like how it turned out. Used an actual inking pen for the first time in about a year...kiiiiiiiiillled me.

Second, an anime version of Aoi, the vocalist of the Japanese rock band ayabie. He's...too cute for words. D: Seriosuly, just look up a picture of him. Stole Bridget's boots (Guilty Gear), because they were freakin AWESOME.

Third is both Hiruma from Eyeshield 21 and Daikuru, one of my OCs. Hiruma is a sadistic weapons-lover and Daikuru has mental breakdowns whenever he sees blood OR guns. Sounded like an entertaining match...XD

M'experimenting with different shading methods, if you can't tell.

Mech. pencil, ballpoint pen, Faber-Castell inking pen.
All characters © their respective owners
Daikuru © Me

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Crossovers
Date Submitted
Views 1348
Favorites... 0
Vote Score 1
Comments 6
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken 1-2 hours each? Maybe.
Reference For Ryoma and Aoi.


Comments (6)

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Trinity_Fire on December 20, 2007, 9:12:26 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireHOLY shoot AMAZING LINES AND SHADING~ D8 Oh man those are flippin' amazing, seriously... I've done the line-shading before, and it's real fun as long as you're having a good inking day. XD Oh man.
But whoo, gifties~ so pretty~ *______* ♥

Azazel on December 20, 2007, 7:55:58 AM

Azazel on
I'm going to shoot myself.
I-- I thought it was you when Ashley showed me at lunch. And it honestly confused me since that didn't make sense to me and it didn't seem quite like you. @_@
AWWWWW! It all makes sense nooow <333 so cute.
Bah. No Daikuru fangirling, I realize it's kinda creepy, sorryyy ^____^;;;;;;;
Anyhow, hooray. Was the Aoi one for Kelsey? And I know the Ryoma was for Matt... ::never got to see those two::

AllisonPO on December 20, 2007, 8:10:32 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPO...I swear I will NEVER dye my hair like Daikuru's again. D: Add the fact that my hair is now the same length as his... beeeeeeehhhhhhh ::sobs:: And I don't care if you fangirl over him. Anna and Ashley do so enough...

Yeah. Aoi was for Kelsey and Ryoma was for Matt (he seemed a bit disappointed he was wearing so much clothing, though >_>;;;).

Azazel on December 20, 2007, 8:29:49 AM

Azazel on
AzazelD= oh god.
And it's not that you look like Daikuru. It's that I was surprised you drew Daikuru enough to not realize it was a possibility. I forgot Ashley's fangirly-ness over him, so it totally didn't occur to me XD;; Not to mention I only glanced at/quickly read it at lunch D=
And go on gmail. Jon's on. That or we could force him to get MSN. See how well he draws with a mouse X3 But get on D=

FMAforHIRE on December 20, 2007, 7:47:26 AM

FMAforHIREthey all look drugged.... really good, but over drugged. Oh and I use Faber-Castell manga pens, are those the one's you're refering to?

AllisonPO on December 20, 2007, 8:08:01 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOYeah, it's kinda' an odd part of my style; I always end up making characters look high. I'm addicted to bags under people's eyes... thanks, though. XD

And I dunno', really. My friend threw them at me yesterday, Faber-Castell PITT artist pens...? Don't know if they're the same thing or not.