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New pegasus knight looking OC

New pegasus knight looking OC

New pegasus knight looking OC by Andell
New pegasus knight looking OC by Andell


A bit more than three years ago, I submitted this picture:
It was about a character that would draw powers from a gem on her forehead, with a general style of a pegasus knight from Fire Emblem games.

I thought about participating at a Deviantart contest, about how much I got better at drawings over the years.

This shows how far I got these last three years. One drawing after another, I tried new things and worked to get better at what I already knew. I've got some watchers too, which motivated me to continue posting these images for fun.

And I feel I should thank people who have commented on what I did all this time. It truly is a gift every time I get some feedback/appreciation; it keeps the motivation running. ^^

I've also had a couple of requests recently; some I was kind of afraid to do, because it's only natural to wonder if the "requester" will be pleased by the efforts. Still they trusted me to make it, and it feels like they too contributed to my progress.

So, well... Thanks, everyone. I hope I can continue to have your support like I did until now. =^^=

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Fire Emblem series » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 1840
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 2
Comments 7
Media Other digital art
Time Taken Too long to count
Reference None.


Comments (7)

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liggybird on March 18, 2011, 5:39:49 AM

liggybird on
liggybirdI like the changes you've made to this OC over the years Andell. The original is fine and illustrates how (I'm guessing?) an idea emerges in a relatively basic, outline form. By comparison the drawing above is altogether more 'complete'. The costume, its accoutrements, the belt, the sword and the metallised boots (in short, everything, lol!) make your character into a very distinctive and recognisable individual. She really does deserve a name don't you think(?). Well nigh perfect.

Andell on March 18, 2011, 3:14:04 PM

Andell on
AndellRather than a basic concept, the first version was my outmost drawing ability at that time. It held the basic idea, but not a fraction of the ability needed to design it efficiently. ^^'

This said, I sure could use a name for her, but can't seem to think of a fitting one... If you have and idea, I wouldn't mind the inspiration. :)

Thanks for your comment ! ^^ Since I got better since I drew this, feel free to take a look at my more recent creations.

liggybird on March 18, 2011, 8:00:14 PM

liggybird on
liggybirdApologies if it appears I was suggesting that your earlier drawing of this character was in some way a 'less than finished' work Andell. (My use of the words 'relatively' and 'by comparison' were meant to emphasise that it was the differences between the two drawings that I was comparing.)

Before commenting this one I had looked at probably a dozen of your other drawings. I'm quite a fan of anime girls' drawings and there are many among your gallery that I totally love.

Off the top I don't have a name to suggest - though (since I rather like an actress called Jewel Staite) how about Jewel?

Andell on March 21, 2011, 6:37:36 PM

Andell on
AndellAh, I see. ^^ I haven't trained my english much over the last years, so I should apologize for any misunderstanding on my behalf.

The actress, Jewel Staite... Which show do you know her from ? I've personally become a big Firefly fan since two years ago, so I totally understand how you can get attached to her (and the other actors') characters.

Well then, let's call her Jewel.~

liggybird on March 23, 2011, 9:19:49 AM

liggybird on
liggybirdHoly schmoly, am I glad I commented this! (To think I actually got to choose a name for this awesome missy.)

Have you ever thought of selling any of your designs to a game manufacturer or doll maker btw? It's just that I can't help thinking this particular 'design' would make an most attractive subject for, say, an action figure or similar.

I first came across Jewel Staite in the film 'Serenity' (which I bought on DVD for the princely sum of £2 towards the end of last year!) That led me a few days later to ordering myself the complete Firefly series on DVD.

I generally have a mild crush on one or another pretty film star (or video game or animation character). I often feel inclined to draw them if I feel that way, lol. ^^

Andell on March 24, 2011, 5:13:43 PM

Andell on
AndellHa ha, yeah, I can understand. I browsed through your gallery; you have a nice way to draw realistically with pencils. I'd sure love to do the same and draw actresses and the likes, but can't get good results. 'shame to say I wouldn't be able to draw if it wasn't in a manga/semi-realistic style

About selling... absolutely never thought about it. I wouldn't mind, but I'm not one to engage such, um, social procedures. I'd give any rights if it was to see my actual designs being used in such ways (no one would mind some free publicity, right ? :p )

So we've come acroos Ms. Staite from the same place, or almost. My big brother had heard Firefly was an excellent series, and as the film was somewhat recent, he offered to my family the series DVD. Ever since, we've shown it to any friend that didn't know about it. ^^'

It's been a while since I've had such an enthusiastic commenter around; you've put me in a good mood, so I'll offer you a request, if you can think of something you want me to draw. ^^

Tuntun422 on May 2, 2009, 1:43:45 PM

Tuntun422 on
Tuntun422Very attractive art.

Very well designed indeed.