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How Do You Draw So Good?

How Do You Draw So Good?

How Do You Draw So Good? by AnimeCheeka
How Do You Draw So Good? by AnimeCheeka


I really hate when people say to me, "How do you draw so good?" It is fine to congradulate me on my talents, or praise me, but to ask such an idiotic question is a waste of both my time and yours!

So here are 3 ways I answer such an idiotic question. And since my writing is ill, here it is in text:

Answer 1#

Stranger 1#: How do you draw so good?

Me: If you think I draw so 'well', why don't you think of a more creative word than 'good'?! Isn't your vocabulary big enough?

Answer 2#

Stranger 2#: How do you draw so good?

Me: When a mommy and daddy love each other very much, they...

Answer 3#

Stranger 3#: How do you draw so good?

Me: How do you breathe? God people, it comes NATURALLY! >.<

This is not a bash for anyone of FAC, mostly young kids in my life who are naive and silly. I love you all, really I do, but don't ever ask me that question, hai? Arigatou! :3

General Info

General Info

Category Comics » - Original Comics » - Characters & Fanart
Date Submitted
Views 1725
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 7
Comments 38
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken 10 minutes
Reference none


Comments (38)

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SatomiTakashida on November 27, 2009, 11:33:50 AM

SatomiTakashida on
SatomiTakashidaxp ack! I HATE it when people say that to me! Is that like the only thing people are capable of saying anymore?!?! The only place I can even get MILDLY decent feedback anymore is online*dies* seriously I CAN DRAW LIKE DAT BECUZ I CAN SO STOP [censored] ASKING ME GOOD GOD!!!Dx<

another thing that pisses me off is this:

"One day Lzz was happily doodling on her exam, when a random person walked by and asked her if she was drawing a horse.

"Of course Lzz was heart broken/pissed OFF she was drawing a PERSON not a HORSE."

Yeesh. either some people...

A: are plain jealous of others skillz and PURPOSEFULLY insult it,

B: have vision problems,

C: are total dumbasses,

D: are so unfamiliar with ART let alone the STYLE that they can't tell a rose from a teapot,

E: are both C and D xp

...or it's just me.

srry for wasting all your time ranting xD Hilarious pic!:D

startears on July 1, 2008, 11:20:14 AM

startears on
startearsawesome~i know exactly how you feel~cept usually i tell them to shut up and get over it~:p

AnimeCheeka on May 17, 2009, 6:22:38 AM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaBleh, me too

LoveWrathChan on June 30, 2008, 3:02:07 AM

LoveWrathChan on
LoveWrathChanOMG i hate that! But no way that is anywhere NEAR as annoying as when people say "OMG Whered you lean to draw?!" I'm just like "AAAGH!!! NOOOOOOES!No where...!" I actually yelled that once and the girls were like OMGWTFBBQ?!

AnimeCheeka on May 17, 2009, 6:22:22 AM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaI know right??
Weirdos :D

NAERA on October 27, 2007, 2:38:29 AM

Comment Deleted

AnimeCheeka on October 27, 2007, 4:41:26 AM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaNo, lol. I haven't seen that movie

xEmotional on October 23, 2007, 7:32:55 AM

xEmotional on
xEmotionalaha, that's funny .
cute drawings too :]

AnimeCheeka on October 24, 2007, 6:41:25 AM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaThanks ya ma'am

LiveLaughAnime on October 23, 2007, 6:44:29 AM

LiveLaughAnime on
LiveLaughAnimeI LOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU! this is hilarious!

AnimeCheeka on October 23, 2007, 6:46:20 AM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaDomou arigatou mister roboto heh heh

LiveLaughAnime on October 31, 2007, 1:51:23 PM

LiveLaughAnime on
LiveLaughAnimehaha.'s amazing. :D

TKxKari224 on October 22, 2007, 5:14:52 AM

TKxKari224 on
TKxKari224haha omg! thats great ^^

AnimeCheeka on October 22, 2007, 9:34:23 AM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaThanks, hee hee!

Kimikoprincesspancho on October 19, 2007, 5:56:11 AM

Kimikoprincesspancho on
Kimikoprincesspancholol, that's great, how do you draw so good? jk! I love it!

AnimeCheeka on October 19, 2007, 7:06:33 AM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaThanks, haha! ^.^

jisue22 on October 18, 2007, 11:11:03 AM

jisue22 on
Comment Deleted

AnimeCheeka on October 18, 2007, 12:38:56 PM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaHee hee, thanks! ^.^

rlkitten on October 18, 2007, 9:04:09 AM

rlkitten on
rlkittenOMGsh!!!! FAV! I totally agree!!! I Hate, hate, HATE it when people ask me that!! I don't know what to say most of the time and just cough or something. I hate that!!! "How do you draw so good?" "how do you draw so good?" How do you do that?" "do what?" "DRAW SO GOOD??"
I love the piont proved here- only it's usually random people who are looking over my should (yet another thing i despise) that say it -_-
Lol, I think I'll try using the last one.......or the second one ;3

AnimeCheeka on October 18, 2007, 12:38:41 PM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaHaha, they are good techniques! They work for me! AND OMG! I hate the 'looking over the shoulder Q' SO MUCH! >.< Rawr...

rlkitten on October 19, 2007, 2:03:13 PM

rlkitten on
rlkittenI kno!!! X3 it's like- "Hmm...I  wonder who i should draw for my torurous death scene next...?" muahaha

AnimeCheeka on October 19, 2007, 10:01:54 PM

AnimeCheeka on
AnimeCheekaHaha, deffinetely! ^.^