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Harry Potter Sock Puppets!

Harry Potter Sock Puppets!

Harry Potter Sock Puppets! by Blade
Harry Potter Sock Puppets! by Blade


This is part of a new series that I am gonig to do. It was inspired by a friends FDR sock puppet (No Idea!, Don't ask!)

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Category Books » Harry Potter series
Date Submitted
Views 4146
Favorites... 11
Vote Score 1
Comments 23
Media Unspecified
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Comments (23)

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Sephora on February 4, 2006, 10:09:45 AM

Sephora on
SephoraI was sitting with my friends who are playing D&D, and I burst out laughing and Eric was like "Seph, your face is completely red..."! Wow. That's awesome. If you've ever played Final Fantasy 7, can you do them as sock puppets?

Blade on October 8, 2006, 12:10:42 AM

Blade on
Bladewoa, I totally just saw this, I think this was when I wasn't getting e-mails about comments. Sure, I'll do that, FFVII rocks all!

Still_Plushieless on August 29, 2005, 2:37:46 PM

Still_Plushieless on

Fuzzymousedemon on August 17, 2005, 2:55:14 PM

Fuzzymousedemon on
FuzzymousedemonOMG! i luv ur sock puppets can you make the scooby doo gang ones i think that would look cool and you are a really good artist

MRZ on August 17, 2005, 2:39:57 PM

MRZ on
MRZread artmis fowl it will change your mind about a 14 year old wizard going to school unless you really like the goody kind of thing

dazduc on July 27, 2005, 4:25:32 AM

dazduc on
dazduchow about pirates of the carrabean sock puppets, i might ask you somewhere else as well because i can see u have alot of requests, now you sot of owe me 2 requests so i can pay you back, plus i need ideas, so it would be a big help,
thankies, lv dazduc ^.^

darth_chichiri on June 8, 2005, 7:06:12 AM

darth_chichiri on
darth_chichiriHA HA! Hagrid looks like Peter Jackson!

NoveB on November 29, 2004, 5:49:57 PM

NoveB on
NoveBThat is some crazy sock puppet therapy!

HoneyPossum on September 11, 2004, 8:19:50 AM

HoneyPossum on
HoneyPossum. . . .that's dirty!!! (not in a sexual way, in a 'oh Jesus christ I can't believe you did this kind of way). In an excellent kind of way. This SO original, AND it's well drawn. This rocks. Nice job.

LilKittyDemon on June 21, 2004, 11:43:52 PM

LilKittyDemon on
LilKittyDemonGAWAAH!! reminds me of da Potter Puppet Pals: Bothering Snape.<br />
<br />
Harry: Hi. I'm Harry Potter<br />
<br />
Ron: *high pitch voice* And I'm Ron<br />
<br />
Harry: Let's go bother Snape!<br />
<br />
Ron: Righto.<br />
<br />
Snape: I am Shnape, the potions master.<br />
<br />
Harry and Ron: *jump on Snape* Bother bother bother bother bother!!!!!

mikoa on June 16, 2004, 4:15:11 AM

mikoa on
mikoaO.O sock puppets!!!!!!!! i love them mehehehehe!