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Legolas and Frodo(very secret diaries humor)

Legolas and Frodo(very secret diaries humor)

Legolas and Frodo(very secret diaries humor) by BloodRoses1619
Legolas and Frodo(very secret diaries humor) by BloodRoses1619


HAHA I did this right after reading ALL of the secret diaries and I especially liked Sam's, Frodo's, Legolas's, Merry's and Pippin's. They were all so cute!!<br />
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I used my inking pen for the lineart and I colored it with Copic Markers. I like how it came out and I hope you all do too!<br />
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There isn't much yaoi but just the "mentioning" of a "pervy hobbit fancier" is kinda...yea...and the heart is a dead giveaway of Legolas's perviness.<br />
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...<br />
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I'm done

General Info

General Info

Category Movies » Lord of the Rings
Date Submitted
Views 6772
Favorites... 58
Vote Score 0
Comments 59
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (59)

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GuardianDemon on May 9, 2004, 12:25:35 PM

GuardianDemon on
GuardianDemonGYAH! This is great! It ought to be on a Tshirt... does Cassie Claire know about this? Eeeee, it just rocks so much. *dies*

BloodRoses1619 on April 27, 2004, 6:31:37 AM

BloodRoses1619 on
BloodRoses1619NYAAA sorry, "nike"...>_< have you never read the very secret diaries??<br />
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oh well...<br />
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but on other grounds, HES STILL THE HOTTEST ELF IN THE WORLD!!! XD

Nike on April 26, 2004, 11:05:12 AM

Nike on
NikeWHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLOOD HOW COULD YOU!!!!!(still GREAT pic)

ren_fan on April 15, 2004, 10:04:39 AM

ren_fan on
ren_fanThat's so funny!! *luv it*

Kerushi on March 25, 2004, 11:06:51 AM

Kerushi on
KerushiHa ha! Love it! I have Orlando Bloom...the ugliness is overpowering! *runs from bloom's fangirls* Legolas looks to much better as an anime chara! Tee hee, I love yaoi!

BloodRoses1619 on March 19, 2004, 2:40:48 AM

BloodRoses1619 on
BloodRoses1619*to elfboy* thorry ;_; <br />
<br />

Elfboy on March 18, 2004, 12:14:03 PM

Elfboy on
ElfboyThis picture is a disgrace to all of us elves!!

kristefur on March 18, 2004, 10:04:07 AM

kristefur on
kristefurHaaahaaa! *falls out of chair laughing so hard* that's cute! Poor Sam though, tee hee! Great job, very cute picture!!!!!!!!!!