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IZ: Soon It Will Be MINE!!

IZ: Soon It Will Be MINE!!

IZ: Soon It Will Be MINE!! by BrokenDeathAngel
IZ: Soon It Will Be MINE!! by BrokenDeathAngel


I love this show unn......*points at teh Invader Zim picture*<---(the only un-anime show I love until my heart ache with joy and pain unn.LOL!XD)

Waaahhh!!!Practicing meh CGing skill unn.Its been since Ive cged anything unn....(hope it turns out ok unn) Got inspired to draw this cause I saw this cool IZ wallpaper unn. I used a lot of reference piccies and teh cool wallpaper for this unn.And let me tell you drawing un-anime stuff ish HARD unn.(but so worth it for IZ unn XD) I now worship teh great Jhonen Vasquez unn*grovels at his feet*.If only I can get my hands on some of his comics like JTHM unn......

Anywho...I LOVE INVADER ZIM with all my filthy human heart unn.DAMNIT UNN!!I didnt get to watch a lot of IZ eps since teh stOOpid Nickelodeon channel canceled this show since god knows a long time ago unn.Now I'm watching it on Youtube unn.But most of teh eps are missing unn!MISSING I TELLS YA UNN?!!WHY??!!WHY ISH THAT UNN?!! *heads asplodes*

Yang: Uhh....did Bda's head just exploded?

Neon: It seems it has.....

Yang and Neon: *applause* SWEET!! XD

*pops back to life* I NEED INVADER ZIM UNN!!Waaahhh!!*rolls on top of a moose* Help somebody unn!!Tell me where can I download/watch all teh eps of IZ unn or I'll kill myself with a raisin muffin unn!!DX

Yang: *pokes Bda with a ham*

*poked* OMG UNN!Ive been ranting nonsense unn!Sorry people can ignore everything I wrote up there if you want to unn.Well...uhhh.....I'm gonna go hibernate for another 2 weeks now unn......*walks away*


Invader Zim belongs to:- Jhonen Vasquez

General Info

General Info

Category Cartoons » Invader Zim
Date Submitted
Views 2775
Favorites... 36
Vote Score 9
Comments 30
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken


Comments (30)

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Ollie_is_da_bomb on December 13, 2006, 6:42:09 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombOMG AMAZING, unn!!! *favs* Absolutely fabulous job, unn! ^o^


LadyUnderwood on December 13, 2006, 6:33:35 AM

LadyUnderwood on
LadyUnderwoodThis is awesome. All of their expressions are just perfect. I can't help feeling sorry for Dib, though.

KingdomHeartShera on December 13, 2006, 4:55:42 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXDDDD ZOMG, I *love* Invader Zim! ^^ This picture's amazing! It looks exactly like the show! <3333 The expressions rock. I miss watching it. :(

hirataitokyo on December 12, 2006, 11:06:28 PM

hirataitokyo on
hirataitokyoawsomeness backround, love it!!!!! awesome job!!!

CreamTheMiniMoose on December 12, 2006, 1:15:47 PM

CreamTheMiniMoose on
CreamTheMiniMooseWow! I really like your style! *faves*

rlkitten on December 12, 2006, 12:56:37 PM

rlkitten on
rlkittenI really wanna see this show!! Theyh showed it on CN for like a month and then stopped!!! I only got to see 5 min of one episode that I don't even remember!! This picture really makes me wanna see it even moooore!!! /\_/\

Manga4ever on December 12, 2006, 12:05:21 PM

Manga4ever on
Manga4ever0o0 WOW!!! that is sooo cool!!!! -adds to faves- good job!!! ^-^

doorknob on December 12, 2006, 11:59:00 AM

doorknob on
doorknobWOAH! Its beautiful
Keep up the great Work

LemurQueen12 on December 12, 2006, 11:57:32 AM

LemurQueen12 on
LemurQueen12lol This is an AWESOME PIC!!!! ^^ Keep up the good work fellow invader zim fan! =D

Elen on December 12, 2006, 11:16:03 AM

Elen on
Elenwow! awesome job!!
I love the background! x3