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Squireal by CRwixey
Squireal by CRwixey


The last of the five-strong Squirrisu chain (
The name's derived from the words Squirrel and Surreal.

Drawn with a 0.3 mechanical pencil, inked with a 0.3 drawing pen, coloured with felt tips. Background added using Microsoft Photo Editor and Microsoft Paint. Comments welcome! :)

This slightly mad squirrel thinks it’s a magician. So much so, it’s even made itself a cloak, top hat and wand out of origami paper. It seems to work, too: despite its flimsiness, it can cast some pretty mean spells with that wand.
Squireal have a lot of brains but don’t have much going for them in the muscle department, so they rely purely on their wits. When they’re not trying to ruin other critters' days, Squireal spend countless hours in their dark woodland home, trying to conjure origami rabbits out of their hats.

Squireal (c) CRwixey.

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Creatures
Date Submitted
Views 1390
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 4
Comments 32
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken Around two and a half hours.
Reference None.


Comments (32)

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TheHexGirls on January 25, 2009, 10:00:56 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlso.O *inches away from the creepy looking squirrel-thing* kinda cute, but pretty freaky looking.

CRwixey on January 26, 2009, 7:23:50 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySquireal: *inches a litle closer to you and goes "Neeheeheeheeee..."

Er... don't mind him, he's a bit disturbed... o_o''
Thanks for the comment! :)

TheHexGirls on January 26, 2009, 7:49:16 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsEEK! *throws a pokeball* GO AKA! *A Normal looking Arbok comes out and ends up on top of me and all you can see is a hand sticking out from under one of the coils* Get off!
Aka: <3 ^-^

CRwixey on January 29, 2009, 3:53:32 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySquireal: *points and laughs at the Arbok*.

Me: You won't be laughing it it uses Sludge Bomb on you, matey...

TheHexGirls on January 29, 2009, 4:02:33 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsAka: *has me coiled up and is rubbing my face in bliss*

Me: *has an annoyed look on my face* I should have known better then to send you out in battle. *holds up a pokeball* return. *puts Aka back in it's Pokeball* *holds up another Pokeball* GO SHADOW! *out comes an Absol*

Shadow: Sol! *looking at Squireal with disdain*

CRwixey on January 29, 2009, 4:19:23 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySquireal: "Hah?"

*Snarls and points wand right at Shadow's nose*

TheHexGirls on January 29, 2009, 4:21:24 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsShadow: *blinks and raises an eyebrow* *opens it's mouth and lets out a flamethrower that's burns some of the origami paper it uses*

CRwixey on January 29, 2009, 4:42:21 AM

CRwixey on

*Spends the next few minutes rushing round in circles in a blind panic until before throwing its hat on the ground and stomping on it to extinguish the flames*
Realising its wand is too charred to cast spells, Squireal uses Destiny Bond in an attempt to take its foe down with it. Squireal looks smug. "Squiiirr..."*

TheHexGirls on January 29, 2009, 4:51:09 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsShadow: *uses Taunt to irritate Squireal*

CRwixey on January 30, 2009, 8:15:35 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySquireal: "Grrrrr..." *Repeatedly uses Dark Pulse as it's the only move he has that can do any real damage to other Dark Types.*

TheHexGirls on January 30, 2009, 8:24:26 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsShadow: *snickers as it dodges every Dark Pulse attack with impressive speed*

Me: *laughs* Shadows one of my top three Pokemon, best of the best.

CRwixey on January 30, 2009, 8:30:44 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyHmmm... no Pokemon should be able to evade that many moves... what should we do, Squireal?

*Squireal runs up a very tall tree, pops his head out of the top layer of leaves and starts pulling faces at Shadow.*

Looks like he's taken the cowardly way out. He thinks you canlt reach him up there...

TheHexGirls on January 30, 2009, 8:32:41 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsShadow: *looks unimpressed and uses flamethrower to set the tree on fire*

Me: *sweatdrop*

CRwixey on January 30, 2009, 8:43:35 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySquireal: "Gaah!"

*Whips out a large piece of origami paper seemingly from nowhere and makes itself a nifty parachute. It then leaps from the tree and drifts slowly down towars the earth, landing gracefully on its feet.*

Squireal: "Ta-daaa!"

*Lets go of the parachute, which floats gently onto the fire that's merrily burning away in the background and combusts instantly.*

Squireal "Awwwwww...." *sweatdrops*

TheHexGirls on January 30, 2009, 8:47:55 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsShadow: *snorts and rolls his eyes*

CRwixey on February 1, 2009, 7:19:29 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySquireal: "Grrrrrnnnnn!!"

*Flies into a rage and kicks some of the burning parachute pieces onto Shadow's nose.*

TheHexGirls on February 1, 2009, 8:06:17 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsShadow: *simply puts his paw on the flame and extinguishes it*

Tora: one of the reasons that he's the best is because he rarely freaks out in battle, he responds to every situation calmly. and this irritates his opponents to no end.

Gadoink on January 26, 2009, 8:41:59 AM

Gadoink on
Gadoinkim guessing that "Neeheeheeheeee" is his cry, yea? you should go back and record a cry for all the pokemon youve made so far and link to them. have fun ^^


CRwixey on January 29, 2009, 3:57:17 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySomething like that. I've thought about doing Pokemon cries before, but it's difficult to come up with enough different noises. I don't want them all sounding the same... can you upload sound samples on this site?

Gadoink on January 29, 2009, 8:59:44 AM

Gadoink on
Gadoinkdont think so, but you could upload them somewhere else and link to them.

Gadoink on January 25, 2009, 12:28:00 PM

Gadoink on
GadoinkYeah. NOT someone you want to run into in a dark alley...

CRwixey on January 26, 2009, 7:25:33 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyOr a brightly lit alley, for that matter...

Gadoink on January 26, 2009, 8:42:36 AM

Gadoink on
Gadoinknaw, im a bright one youd just be all 'eww, wtf?' and walk away.

is there such as thing as a brightly lit alley?

CRwixey on January 29, 2009, 3:59:58 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyAn alley you walk down in broad daylight, I guess.

Easy to say Squireal's not scary in the daytime, but you still wouldn't want that thing using its Dark Pulse move on you...

TheHexGirls on January 25, 2009, 1:04:27 PM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsyeah, Kinda like my Shadow. (Absol) I'm really the only one he likes. XD (I have a poke OC who is a master, >> I actully have yet to get started on her story from Kanto to Sinnoh XD and whatever other generation they've got)

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on January 26, 2009, 2:22:53 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskO.o.... so the creepy squirrel things return! lol, JK, I LOOOVE IT! GREAT JOB! Keep up the fantastically creepy, but good, work...

CRwixey on January 26, 2009, 7:20:20 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyThanks Leo, I'm glad you like him, even if he is creepy... ^^''
Did you see the Pisceon pic, by the way?

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on January 30, 2009, 11:57:40 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskpisceon??? wats that? u draw it???

CRwixey on January 31, 2009, 12:24:30 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyYeah, it's the final Zodiac Eeveelution. Here's the link:


Tuntun422 on January 28, 2009, 8:00:37 AM

Tuntun422 on
Tuntun422Nice cape

All & all a great drawing.

Kirbyluva11 on January 25, 2009, 9:19:12 AM

Kirbyluva11 on
Kirbyluva11YAY FIRST TO COMMENT!! *dances* ehm.

great pic! he does look like a magistan. (spelling sucks)


CRwixey on January 25, 2009, 9:27:53 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyAs long as he looks like what he's supposed to, then I'm happy. Thanks for the comment! :)