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Sawbyss by CRwixey
Sawbyss by CRwixey


The last of the alternative Clamperl/Huntail/Gorebyss evolution chain... this one's the Steel equivalent of Gorebyss.

Drawn with a 0.3 mechanical pencil, inked with a 0.3 drawing pen, coloured with felt tips. Background added using Microsoft Photo Editor and Microsoft Paint. Comments welcome! :)


Attacks: Standard:Aqua Jet.
Lv 8 – Iron Defence
Lv 15 – Cut
Lv 22 – Slash
Lv 29 – Swords Dance
Lv 36 – Spike Cannon
Lv 43 – Double-Edge
Lv 50 – Guillotine

Evolution Level:n/a (Sawbyss can only be obtained by trading a Clamax that’s holding the Deepseascale item).
Evolved Forms:n/a
Description:Like its cousin Hacktail, Sawbyss is highly dangerous, so it’s probably for the best that they don’t appear in the wild either. While it’s not quite as brutal as Hacktail (personality wise, at any rate), Trainers still have to wear protective gloves when handling them so they don’t bleed to death by accidentally getting their wrists slashed.
Apparently, Sawfish have very unusual tastes when it comes to food, one of their favourites being raw Qwilfish.

Pokemon (c) Nintendo/Game Freak.
Sawbyss (c) CRwixey.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Pokémon series » Pokédex (Pokémon types) » - Original (fan-made) Pokémon
Date Submitted
Views 1364
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 4
Comments 15
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken About two and a half hours.
Reference Ken Sugimori's official artwork of Gorebyss.


Comments (15)

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Tuntun422 on May 29, 2009, 4:33:13 AM

Tuntun422 on

CRwixey on May 29, 2009, 9:37:35 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyThanks! :)

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on March 30, 2009, 6:26:43 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Masklol I have decided.... I will be making an intire team of pirates who's only battle companions are these little sawfish xD

CRwixey on March 30, 2009, 8:25:21 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyWhat an interesting coincidence... I've been trying out some Gym Leader designs lately (I don't know if you were planning on using Gym Leaders, or something similar, please let me know), and one of the ideas I came up with was a pirate... maybe he could use one of these...

TheHexGirls on March 14, 2009, 11:38:12 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsnow, this one, I wouldn't mind training, or, trying at least, but, like the Clamperl evolutionary trio it would be a no train since I really have no one that is close to trade with. :P if I did, then I would be training Clamperl and Clamax, just for Gorebyss and Sawbyss. :3

CRwixey on March 17, 2009, 9:28:11 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyThanks! :)

I know what you mean, I always wanted a Gorebyss in my team but had no one to trade with, so never got one. :(

TheHexGirls on March 17, 2009, 9:34:40 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsyeah. WAH! I hate the trades! thats why I was happy when D/P came out :D I could catch a stealix and Gengar without having to trade. :3 but really, the only trades I ever wanted was Gorebyss, Kingdra, and Gengar. :P

CRwixey on March 17, 2009, 9:45:06 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySame here. So, you can catch Genger in D/P... I've never been able to find one. I can still remember getting angry over that rubbish, rubbish, rubbish trainer in D/P who gives you a Haunter that's holding an Everstone so it doesnlt eveole. Just to make life tough for you... grrr... >:(

TheHexGirls on March 17, 2009, 10:14:17 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlslawl, yeah, my sister and I curse her out. XD then plot her death with a baseball bat with tons of rusty nails in it. >XD as for gengar, you to wait till night (in your Game, 8:00 :P) then you have to go to the Old Chetue. (I suck at spelling XD) then to into the room that has the picture of eyes on the wall, and wander around in it for a while, but it's between 10-16 so bring quick ball or dark balls and low level poke's. :P you can also catch Rotom in the TV, but, I bet you already knew that. XD

CRwixey on March 19, 2009, 2:12:29 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeySo that's where Gengar's hiding... thanks for that. :)
I already caught Rotom, but he's never done anything other than sit in the PC box...

TheHexGirls on March 19, 2009, 2:24:17 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlsyes, yes. it took me 45 minutes to find one. caught it on the spot, and my Rotom is also sittin' in the PC box's on both D/P :P except in Pearl I trained him to 20. :P

Gadoink on March 15, 2009, 7:12:09 AM

Gadoink on

CRwixey on March 17, 2009, 9:26:26 AM

CRwixey on

Kirbyluva11 on March 15, 2009, 1:54:20 PM

Kirbyluva11 on
Kirbyluva11wow. I wouldn't want to stand near it's face, or tail... well, near it.
though it would be cool to be it's trainer... *ponders*

CRwixey on March 17, 2009, 9:24:58 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyWell, you could train one, but you'd probably need to wear a suit of armour to avoid accidentally getting your hands sawn off... maybe it's not worth it. :s

Thanks for the comment! :)