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Cat Holding a Jalapeno on a Stick

Cat Holding a Jalapeno on a Stick

Cat Holding a Jalapeno on a Stick by CatWhoHas14Tails
Cat Holding a Jalapeno on a Stick by CatWhoHas14Tails


LOL! Don't ask... If you can't read it, my shirt says "free hugs"...cuz I love hugs. And when you read what Jose is saying...say it with an accent! Be like "My. Name. Jo~se an' I. Am. A. H-h-h-jalepeno un a steeeek."

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Category Miscellaneous » Objects » Food and Drink
Date Submitted
Views 4020
Favorites... 20
Vote Score 0
Comments 23
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Comments (23)

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Fuzzball96 on September 23, 2006, 12:34:36 PM

Fuzzball96 on
Fuzzball96GO JALAPENO!!!!

firefox777 on November 21, 2005, 5:39:58 AM

firefox777 on
firefox777I love Jeff Dunam!!!! He's so funny!!!! My fav puppet was the super hero one! And peanut!!!


Fuzzball96 on September 23, 2006, 12:33:33 PM

Fuzzball96 on
Fuzzball96You mean Melvin? Yeah, he was funny. Jeff: Can you... can you stop a speeding bullet? Melvin: Once. (laughter) Melvin: Shut up! It's catchy!

firefox777 on September 24, 2006, 7:31:49 AM

firefox777 on
firefox777Yeah, that one. I just got Jeff's new DVD and it's sssooo funny!!! But he doesn't have Melvin... Oh well. He does have some new ones though....

RedPaint on November 15, 2005, 8:55:44 AM

RedPaint on
RedPaintLOL!!! This is awesome! and i love the face expressionyou gave yourself! and the jalapeno pepper *faves* so funny!

ShadaCorsair2005 on September 8, 2005, 12:36:06 PM

ShadaCorsair2005 on
ShadaCorsair2005hurr hurr!! oi lurvs thiot groitly!!! ^^ 'tis zo furnny!!!

tripletrouble3 on September 7, 2005, 1:08:57 PM

tripletrouble3 on
tripletrouble3lol!!^_^ can i hug you?

reezi on August 3, 2005, 8:51:48 AM

reezi on
reeziyou rock. i'm not the only one who likes that guy on comedy central. i love your art:)=

Liedetector16 on July 30, 2005, 6:18:17 AM

Liedetector16 on
Liedetector16that's awesome! Awesomely funny! *favs*

Sesshomaru1111 on March 2, 2005, 9:44:13 AM

Sesshomaru1111 on

Talin on October 7, 2004, 1:12:17 PM

Talin on
Talinokay....<br />

InuyashaFanboy on July 31, 2004, 3:11:43 PM

InuyashaFanboy on
InuyashaFanboyLOL!!! I did Jeff Dunham for a Humerous Interp piece for my speech team, he is my fav comedian, next to Pablo Francisco

Magical_Stan on July 19, 2004, 10:05:56 AM

Magical_Stan on

Otaku-Kitsune on July 18, 2004, 7:44:58 AM

Otaku-Kitsune on
Otaku-KitsuneOMG, That's as hilarious as heck!!!!! <br />
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<br />
<br />
MWAHAHAHA!!!!!! Jalapeno's will take over teh world!! *cue evil laughter*

KichigaiNeko-Chan on July 1, 2004, 1:55:00 PM

KichigaiNeko-Chan on
KichigaiNeko-ChanLMAO That jalapeno was on a comedy thingy! It was funyy as hell! XD

SleepingPurpleKitty on July 1, 2004, 1:32:38 PM

SleepingPurpleKitty on
SleepingPurpleKittylololol, i like the little red bubbly thingy-whats-its in the "Hurray for pigtails" sign!! i remember seeing this in 3rd hr. and i remember telling her that Jalapeno has an accent mark on the n, but does she listen, nope. w.e!

Reasira_Hikari on July 1, 2004, 11:09:33 AM

Reasira_Hikari on
Reasira_Hikariwow,i got a good giggle out of this. ^_^ awesome work!

Sesshoumaru_Dbz5 on June 29, 2004, 1:22:34 PM

Sesshoumaru_Dbz5 on
Sesshoumaru_Dbz5LOL!!!!!!!! THE JALAPENO

NightmareShinigami on June 29, 2004, 12:43:31 AM

NightmareShinigami on
NightmareShinigamiOMFG! HOLY ALTER USERS!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*can't stop laughing* god i remember looking at it every day in art and laughing at it! hahahahahahahahahahahaha! *glomps* HUGS! WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA!<br />

Everlasting_Light on June 28, 2004, 4:39:56 PM

Everlasting_Light on
Everlasting_LightOMG, Jeff Dunam is the funniest guy ever! I love Jose and Peanut (the Muppet on Crack) and Walter!! He's so hilarious! I love this picture! *adds to faves* Keep up the great work!<br />
<br />

BakurasGirl on June 28, 2004, 3:42:36 PM

BakurasGirl on
BakurasGirllol thats cute!! **favs**

SleepyShippo on June 28, 2004, 3:29:18 PM

SleepyShippo on
SleepyShippohmm.... jalapenos, huh? Sticks, they're not just for poo anymore! LOL

Dark_Lani on June 28, 2004, 3:21:26 PM

Dark_Lani on
Dark_LaniI LOVE JALAPENOS! That is my camp name this summer! YUMMY!