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Submitted December 6, 2006 Updated December 6, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 1 Size: 2k Words: 497 Comments: 1 Views: 965 Faves: 0 Rating: 0 | Don't ask..the idea occured to me one night while in the shower, I have no idea why. So read it and be amused! δ-δ
Anime/Manga » Pokémon series |
Submitted November 3, 2006 Updated November 3, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 3 Size: 0k Words: 293 Comments: 0 Views: 957 Faves: 0 Rating: 0 | One FREAKISH day I was given the gift of poetry..but only for a day. So I wrote two poems, which is very rare for me. And I feel like adding to the deprived writing section of my gallery. So like..enjoy and whatnot ô-ô...
Miscellaneous » Writing » Poetry |
Submitted September 7, 2006 Updated September 7, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 1 Size: 3k Words: 664 Comments: 1 Views: 884 Faves: 0 Rating: 0 | I've decided to write a story based off of the dreams I've had. It started out as an assignment for school...the teacher lady was like "write a 2 page essay on anything as long as it's school appropriate." Crazy assignment for Biology class, but ok! This is what came of it. And the little `s infront of paragraphs are for just that, indenting paragraphs..because the tab or spacing doesn't work. So enjoy the strangeness :3
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