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Kana by Chibi_Sorceress


Okay, I'm on a computer in a public building, and I'm sending something. I MUST be hyper....... yes m teacher made tacos for us and I'm hyper. And I wanted to put up a pic of Kana up. But, I suck at drawing her on Ms paint!!!!! and the had NO tablet pen, either. -3-

I hope you guys like it!!!!!!!

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female » Teenagers (13-18)
Date Submitted
Views 5011
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 2
Comments 475
Media MS Paint
Time Taken 10 minutes????
Reference None?????


Comments (475)

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Ollie_is_da_bomb on June 2, 2007, 4:45:20 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombYay!!!! AND Yuki!!!! XDXDXD

Yuki: Myesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =3 *dances*

>W< Gotta luff 'em all!!! XD


Chibi_Sorceress on June 2, 2007, 4:55:22 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressYup, all true!!!!!!!! ^^

Wait!!!!! Also Kimi and Haruko!!!!! *Hugs em*
Kimi: :D YAY!!!!!!!!!!
Haruko:...... :D (she's only 8 months!!!!!! >w<)


Ollie_is_da_bomb on June 2, 2007, 4:44:38 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombByakuya: Yay!!! :D *huggles Chibi Ana*
Me: >W< *steals Byakuya's camera and takes picture*
Byakuya: :D


Chibi_Sorceress on June 2, 2007, 4:53:36 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressMe:WHOOOOOT!!!!!! XD *runs around room* WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD


Ollie_is_da_bomb on June 2, 2007, 4:10:25 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombMe: >W< Chibi Tenshi is ADORABLE!!!
Machi: AHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >________________________>
Me: >W< And so are you, Machi!! *glomps*
Machi: :D Yay!


Chibi_Sorceress on June 2, 2007, 4:42:27 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressVery true, and Haruhi!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
Haruhi:Yayz!!!!!!!! :3


Ollie_is_da_bomb on June 2, 2007, 4:09:30 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bomboo Yeah That'd work too!!! XD Now all I need ish a tablet, and I'm good!! =D *dances* Lol

Byakuya: ><+ She's making me do this.
Karolek: You'll live.
Hidan: Girly-man!!! XD *never going to let Byakuya live it down XD*
Byakuya: ><+++++++++++++++++++


Chibi_Sorceress on June 2, 2007, 4:41:43 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressAwwwwwwwwwww *give Bya-nii Ana chibi*

Ollie_is_da_bomb on June 1, 2007, 6:24:12 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombMe: N'Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~!!!! >W<
Byakuya: *taking pictures* >:3


Chibi_Sorceress on June 1, 2007, 8:06:05 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressKana:AHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >________________________>
Chibi Tenshi: :D?


Ollie_is_da_bomb on June 1, 2007, 6:23:37 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombNu problem!! =D *hugs* Myesh >:3 I'm planning on doing Karolek and Byakuya singing to "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better" XD Byakuya gets the girl voice ROFL X3;;; I've been planning on it for a LOONG time lol

oo Lol!!


Chibi_Sorceress on June 1, 2007, 8:04:24 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressOMG ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD I thought it would also work with Ace and Katara, before Katara got pregnant!!!! XD But I CANNOT wait for this!!!!!!! :D Poor Byakyua!!!!! XD


Ollie_is_da_bomb on May 31, 2007, 9:00:36 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombOooooooooooooooooooh BTW......*throws CHIBI Tenshi at her* >:3 Bwahahaa!!! lol


Chibi_Sorceress on May 31, 2007, 9:55:16 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressKana: O/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O Uhhhhhhhhh........
Chibi Censhi: :3


Ollie_is_da_bomb on May 31, 2007, 8:59:42 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombWow!!! *favs* Awesome job!! =D You didn't use your tablet???? O___O Wow that must've been hard!!!! *pokes Kana* I wanna tablet reeeeeeeeeeeally badly!!! >< If I get one, I'm planning on doing a video staring Byakuya and Karolek XDXDXD But I needs a tablet to do it, 'cuz I can't draw it all by hand XD lol Anywho awesome job!! =D *hugs*


Chibi_Sorceress on May 31, 2007, 9:54:11 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressThank yous!!!!!! Ooooooo really?????? What would it be about????? :D Oh boy it'll be fun!!!!!! =D It was hard. I was not at home when I drew it I was at a homework club and stuff. XD lol
