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Dorky_Otaku_Fan_Girl Art Trade

Dorky_Otaku_Fan_Girl Art Trade

Dorky_Otaku_Fan_Girl Art Trade by Digitaldreamer
Dorky_Otaku_Fan_Girl Art Trade by Digitaldreamer


I -finally- managed to tear myself away from school work long enough to get one of my art trades done! I'm sorry Plushie, I'll get yours done eventually. ^^;;<br />
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So here's Dorky_Otaku_Fan_Girl's request, she asked for Sanji, so I drew Sanji with a bit of my own flair. I think he looks hot. Hope you like it, Dorky-chan. ^^

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » One Piece » Sanji
Date Submitted
Views 2414
Favorites... 12
Vote Score 0
Comments 15
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (15)

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black_calm on December 14, 2006, 12:38:50 PM

black_calm on
black_calmthat is aweome... *faves*

Shearay752 on November 11, 2006, 9:08:11 AM

Shearay752 on
Shearay752he reminds me of chester bennington with those glasses, that peach fuzz, and the chain earring
nooooooooooooo sanji can't be chester!!!!!
because chester is hot
and by calling chester hot
i am calling SANJI hot

sharingan_sisters125 on August 19, 2006, 1:48:26 PM

sharingan_sisters125 on
sharingan_sisters125*jaw drop* oOo *twitch* ._< *dies* >_> *favs before dying*

WhooGo_Sanji on May 8, 2006, 11:01:36 AM

WhooGo_Sanji on
WhooGo_SanjiI want his clothes for two reasons:
(1) They cool. I love his tie and his creepy yet hawt earring.

(2) He wore them. *snatch*

Sanji: Ahh! My shirt!
Me: Don't worry, Sanji! You look hotter without one!
Sanji: Really?
Nami: Yes!
Sanji: Nami-San!
Me: Nope. In your dreams. That was me. I've mastered ventriliquism.
Snji: *sniffle sniffle* ... *sob sob*

Blaze666 on March 27, 2006, 8:36:11 AM

Blaze666 on
Blaze666emo Sanji.... LOVE IT!!! Awsome job lol gatta love the emo boys lol.

Broken-Heart on February 4, 2006, 5:19:44 AM

Broken-Heart on

Timika_Shuto on November 28, 2005, 10:55:04 AM

Timika_Shuto on
Timika_ShutoSANJI IS MINE!*hugs sanji*

Mrs_Sanji on November 8, 2005, 10:57:07 AM

Mrs_Sanji on
Mrs_Sanji*stare...Stare..STARE!!!!!* *Drool*

mirokuforever on September 3, 2005, 2:09:19 PM

mirokuforever on
mirokuforeveri love hot anime guys with glasses and now Sanji has joined them *runs up to Sanji and tells hims he has awesome giasses and then makes out with him*

kathleen_zoro_lover on August 7, 2005, 8:29:38 PM

kathleen_zoro_lover on
kathleen_zoro_loverIts Great! He looks sooo hot.....Luv it