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Adandragon!for Adanhen the Great!

Adandragon!for Adanhen the Great!

Adandragon!for Adanhen the Great! by DreamOfFire
Adandragon!for Adanhen the Great! by DreamOfFire


YAY!tis the Adandragon!for Adanhen!<br />
lol,I started making this for you when you first drew me that ADORABLE Hiei and Kurama pic(it's still on my wall!^^)!^^lol,unfortunately I lost it,but thanks to the hurricane I found it again and tis now finished!<br />
*huggles Adanhen*<br />
thanks again for everything!^^<br />
<br />
GO ADANHEN!everyone should love him!for HE IS THE GREATEST!<br />
go Adanhen(love your site by the way!ELF LOVE BABY!)!^^ <br />

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Dragons » Oriental (Eastern) Dragons
Date Submitted
Views 2140
Favorites... 9
Vote Score 0
Comments 13
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (13)

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SxK_YGOfan on April 10, 2006, 12:15:02 AM

SxK_YGOfan on

vixenrath on June 28, 2005, 12:51:11 AM

vixenrath on

Astronamymage on April 16, 2005, 3:29:41 PM

Astronamymage on
AstronamymageI love the details in the scales and the way the fur sticks out. You are a great artist

DreamOfFire on October 30, 2004, 11:18:08 AM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFireawwww!thankies all, for all the nice comments!^^

Meredianna on October 29, 2004, 4:11:07 AM

Meredianna on
MerediannaYea u must have put lotsa effort into those scales of teh dragon .. !! it looks so neat and beautiful! This is very good!!

ShadowOfDarkness on October 10, 2004, 6:17:53 PM

ShadowOfDarkness on
ShadowOfDarknessWOW! 0_0 *stares* that is just... WOW!!!!

Wings_EbonStar on September 29, 2004, 1:38:22 PM

Wings_EbonStar on
Wings_EbonStarI can't think of anything original to say for a comment >o<br />
<br />
But I love it!!! Your dragons are so awesome! Gah, you have such a cute style too. XD Very, very nice!!!

DarkUnicorn on September 29, 2004, 12:47:46 AM

DarkUnicorn on
DarkUnicornIts good to see your back! Thanks for all the comments! THANKIES!!! By the way, awesome piccy! I luv it!

Blade on September 27, 2004, 10:06:03 PM

Blade on
BladeDude, this rules! I love your dragons, they are so cool! Anyway, that is a very cool dragon!

DreamOfFire on September 27, 2004, 2:07:22 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFirethankies,all!^^<br />
yay!Adanhen!!!!!!!!!!*huggles* thou art so sweet!<br />
lol,everyone loves your pics!I have a few on my walls!lol, everyone who sees them agrees with me that you are the greatest!^^<br />
*waves 'GO Adanhen' flag*<br />
^^thank you so much!^^