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Burial of Aerith

Burial of Aerith

Burial of Aerith by FA_Forky
Burial of Aerith by FA_Forky


Wow Aerith really looks dead... ^^() Probably cause she is. This was inspired by the flashback scene in the Advent Children movie. Draw early this year for the fun of making a sparkly picture. This one took me hours to finish. Enjoy!

General Info

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Category Movies » Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Date Submitted
Views 7631
Favorites... 51
Vote Score 2
Comments 43
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (43)

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Lord_Finarfin on October 27, 2004, 5:12:28 PM

Lord_Finarfin on
Lord_Finarfinteehee, Clouds hair asploded!(exploded) I'm sorry, that's just really funny to me.^^ *favs*

kingdomheartsgal on September 10, 2004, 3:26:56 AM

kingdomheartsgal on
kingdomheartsgal*sniff, sniff* I like Sephy and all, but......... and I hate Aerith beyond belief, but.......... WHY DID SEPHY HAVE TO KILL HER???!!! it's just not fair! what did Aerith ever do to Sephy that made him kill her? that's what I want to know. I think he just did it out of spite. I like the detail in the water. the water actually looks like it's sparkling.

Fallen_Angel_Shadow on August 25, 2004, 12:26:17 PM

Fallen_Angel_Shadow on
Fallen_Angel_ShadowHmph. I'll never understand how you people COLOR SO FREAKING WELL!! I LOVE IT!!! >< Ha ha, You almost thought I was gonna insult it, didn't ya?!! Okay, you didn't? I should shut up now? Good idea. YAYYY!!! >< ::Ahem:: I really like Cloud's haiiirrr...

MehgoMeh on August 20, 2004, 12:56:51 AM

MehgoMeh on
MehgoMehWOW!! Your hours of long hard work really paid off!!!

BeautySeeker on August 11, 2004, 10:15:24 PM

BeautySeeker on
BeautySeekerwow, this is very very good! A definant favorite! I want that movie to come out, and I want it to come out NOW! *cries*

Orchira_Drummer_Ryan on August 11, 2004, 12:15:38 AM

Orchira_Drummer_Ryan on
Orchira_Drummer_RyanOMG Aeris is really gonna die? (crumples up in trauma) i actually got her to be good on FFVII!!! oh well at least its not Tifa

Spirit99 on July 25, 2004, 1:07:39 PM

Spirit99 on
Spirit99*Sniff sniff* .. *Wipese a tear* Thats so sad ;_; I remember that part of the game.. This is beautiful, and just breath takeing. (>_o That was so corny)

Manda_Kay on July 18, 2004, 1:35:32 PM

Manda_Kay on
Manda_KayLove it. I love fanart depicting emotional scenes like this the best, and you did a good job.<br />
But one small little thing that I noticed, and I hope you wont hate me, but...<br />
I kind of looks like Cloud is staring at her boobs. Maybe it's just me.

FA_Forky on July 10, 2004, 3:13:09 AM

FA_Forky on
FA_ForkyThankies! This one took me a long LONG time.<br />
Aerith is her name in the Japanese version of the game, no matter what game/movie she is in. Square officially changed her name in the States to what it is in Japan. She is Aerith in Japan so they changed it to her normal name. Dunno why they made it Aeris in the first place, not much of a change from Aerith. ^^() They had a memo out on their site that the name change was permanent in the States to Aerith. It was also in tons of magazines here.

NoaTogi on July 9, 2004, 11:21:37 AM

NoaTogi on
NoaTogiw00t! That's really really spiffy. xD<br />
However wasn't Aerith just her name in Kingdom Hearts?<br />
Her name in the Final Fantasy movie and game was Aeris. :o<br />
But it's still really awesome. xD