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Chibi Bubbles (Drawn by Pinkgirl)

Chibi Bubbles (Drawn by Pinkgirl)

Chibi Bubbles (Drawn by Pinkgirl) by Fairygirly
Chibi Bubbles (Drawn by Pinkgirl) by Fairygirly


Um... hi, everyone. ^__^; I'm back. Listen, I'm terribly sorry about that last picture I put up. It was right before Valentines day, and I was being nice by giving one of my friends a valentine I made for him. When he saw it, he said he didn't like it and he told me I should be ashamed of myself. (As you can probably see, we're not friends anymore, heheh.) So that's when I thought, "Well, everyone must hate my drawings! I wasn't meant to draw anyway!" and I took my anger out on everyone. And... I apologize. Hope you guys forgive me. ^^;<br><br><br />
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Anyway, this is a picture that PinkGirl, AKA, Marit, drew. NOT ME! I just colored it with my crappy coloring skills on PSP8. I'm still learning, so don't be too harsh on me. I made the dress and the ribbons in her hair look sparkly, 'cuz I wanted to add some extra decoration to the picture. Comments are welcome! ^____^

General Info

General Info

Category Cartoons » Powerpuff Girls » Bubbles
Date Submitted
Views 3824
Favorites... 21
Vote Score 0
Comments 26
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (26)

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layzcarter on April 4, 2004, 4:49:25 PM

layzcarter on
layzcarteraww. I understand. This one night I stayed up until 3am drawing a picture of my guy... for my guy. When I showed him the next morning... all he said was.. uh.. maybe you should just give up on the whole drawing thing. He didn't even say thankyou.

Allia on April 3, 2004, 11:36:26 AM

Allia on
AlliaThat is so cute! *hugs it* <br />
Again you have gotten so much better. Love your art!

Sk8erPunk on April 3, 2004, 9:03:38 AM

Sk8erPunk on
Sk8erPunkYay!!!!!!!!!!!!! U haven't left! ^_______________^ Ok now I'm all happy! ^^ Welcome Back!!!!<br />
Cute Coloring, great job!

Jaduna on March 31, 2004, 10:28:50 AM

Jaduna on
JadunaYAY! I'm glad you decided to come back!:)<br />

RoCk_On_DuDeS on March 20, 2004, 9:46:24 AM

RoCk_On_DuDeS on
RoCk_On_DuDeSYou're soo good at drawing! So much better than me! lol! That picture above is soo cute!

Neopetgirl on March 12, 2004, 4:47:23 PM

Neopetgirl on
Neopetgirllove the coloring great job i glad your back.saves to favs.

GothRockgrl on March 12, 2004, 12:55:39 PM

GothRockgrl on
GothRockgrlaww thats so kewt.... yay!!!!!!!! your back!!!!!!!!! *tackles n huggs* never go buh bye again!

kayla121 on March 12, 2004, 10:59:52 AM

kayla121 on
kayla121glad to have you back!

DreamOfFire on March 7, 2004, 3:24:04 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFire*sniff*I'm glad you're back!*cry*I was a guest when you left,so I coulden't comment on any of your pics.BUT,YOUR BACK NOW!and hehe,I am no longer a guest!if only my comp didn't run so s...l...o...w...l...y I could comment on them all!<br />
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*cry*why can't I color??great job!and please never leave!oh,yeah,your EX-FRIEND must be a idiot!!!!

DarkAnGel on March 7, 2004, 9:09:50 AM

DarkAnGel on
DarkAnGeli forgive you!!! love the coloring job!!!