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FB'sThe cat headed goddess: Bast

FB'sThe cat headed goddess: Bast

FB'sThe cat headed goddess: Bast by Fluffybunny
FB'sThe cat headed goddess: Bast by Fluffybunny


*Pant pant* i am NEVER going to draw Bast again! Too many patterns! if you look closly you will see that no pattern is on the same colour.*sigh* too sleepy to explain who she is. I'll do it later...

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Mythology » Egyptian Gods
Date Submitted
Views 2494
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 0
Comments 11
Media Watercolor
Time Taken


Comments (11)

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zender23 on November 14, 2007, 5:17:42 AM

zender23 on
zender23 i know who she is i am going to be her for my 6th grade wax museum

Lakarukashuka on February 28, 2006, 4:36:05 AM

Lakarukashuka on
LakarukashukaCool! Bast is my second favourite Eqyption(sp?) god, my first is Anubis. If you havn't already, I think it would be cool if you drew Anubis. ^^

mystic_girl on February 27, 2006, 8:19:40 PM

mystic_girl on

another egyptin god!!




mysticwolf on January 17, 2006, 7:53:31 PM

mysticwolf on
mysticwolfquote:Honestly Of your Egyptian Godesses/Gods this is your best yet. The head is So beautiful, nicely drawn with time. Just like every peice of art needs. =D You are a awesome artist.) I agree. and i like the kitty!

TheifQueenUshiko on January 17, 2006, 10:07:03 AM

TheifQueenUshiko on
TheifQueenUshikohehe me again..Honestly Of your Egyptian Godesses/Gods this is your best yet. The head is So beautiful, nicely drawn with time. Just like every peice of art needs. =D You are a awesome artist.

Jojo_Bakura on November 19, 2005, 1:11:22 AM

Jojo_Bakura on
Jojo_BakuraYay someone who respects the Gods! *praise* Egypt rules!

Ariya_Eretsee on November 6, 2005, 8:15:05 PM

Ariya_Eretsee on
Ariya_Eretseebast is my favourite goddes. but I always saw her with a black kats head. this is still great pic though nice job on the patterns.

shoujoneko on November 6, 2005, 6:02:00 PM

shoujoneko on
shoujonekoBast is so cool (my favourite goddess)! I loves it! *adds to faves*. Hmmm... although it looks AWESOME, it doesn't seem as Egypt as your Sehkmet one. Still good!

Bakura_Lover on October 21, 2005, 1:40:47 AM

Bakura_Lover on
Bakura_Loverit's cool ^-^
Really, i can never draw that! ^^

Silver_flame on October 20, 2005, 11:58:15 PM

Silver_flame on
Silver_flameOMG!! That is absolutely AMAZINGG!! I love it!! the head it looks so.....real and the outfit is perfect!! you can tell that you've tried realy hard!! i adore this pic and its going on my faves!!