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See how she sparkles

See how she sparkles

See how she sparkles by Genesis
See how she sparkles by Genesis


It's The Last Unicorn! ^^

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Category Books » By Title » The Last Unicorn
Date Submitted
Views 6492
Favorites... 102
Vote Score 12
Comments 55
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Comments (55)

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SweetxinsanityxSarah on December 26, 2011, 4:30:07 PM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahPoetry in motion. n3n

luckylace222 on July 30, 2011, 8:16:10 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222SO BEAUTIFUL! Look at that elegant hair!

WildLightning on October 20, 2010, 12:09:32 PM

WildLightning on
WildLightningThis is a REALLY good pic!

Peach-Bunny on July 15, 2009, 5:24:40 AM

Peach-Bunny on
Peach-BunnyOoooh, pretty. I love the music in the film.

Waffle on February 26, 2008, 3:35:40 AM

Waffle on
WaffleI've never seen this movie but this is so good. i'm favin this

wolfwhisperer on January 7, 2008, 5:07:30 PM

wolfwhisperer on
wolfwhispererI used to always watch it when I was young and my parents got really annoyed with the movie.

Funkx on December 29, 2007, 5:03:27 AM

Funkx on
Funkxoh wow, i remember watching that movie with my friend was i was like in 2nd grade! i still remember it ^^ haha

Aqua1 on June 26, 2007, 2:36:25 AM

Aqua1 on
Aqua1Sweet, I love the movie the Last Unicorn!

dragonmaniac25 on June 18, 2007, 1:49:05 AM

dragonmaniac25 on
dragonmaniac25i luv that movie!

StrawberryPockyFan on April 16, 2007, 12:00:26 PM

StrawberryPockyFan on
StrawberryPockyFanThis is beautiful! it looks like a screen shot from the movie. ^_^ *hits with magic strawberry fan of goodness*

eeyoreistute on April 15, 2007, 9:34:51 PM

eeyoreistute on
eeyoreistutepretty pic i like it!!! O.o ooh sparkly....

SparkyTheMadDog on April 5, 2007, 11:29:44 AM

SparkyTheMadDog on
SparkyTheMadDogoooooh so pretty!:3 *faves*

sharp-fang on March 17, 2007, 9:50:25 AM

sharp-fang on
sharp-fangWOW!!Unicorns are pretty!!But I like the evil fire one's better!lolz..GREAT PIC!!*faves*

Homegirl on March 16, 2007, 11:29:41 AM

Homegirl on
HomegirlLOVE IT NAH!

FalyneVarger on March 8, 2007, 10:58:08 AM

FalyneVarger on
FalyneVargerwow! i loved this movie sooo much! you should draw the red bull. *nods* yes you must.

blackbird1331 on March 5, 2007, 3:11:05 PM

blackbird1331 on
blackbird1331WOOOOOOWW, this is really pretty *stares* I really love it *faves*

Flyingstar on October 27, 2006, 9:30:43 AM

Flyingstar on
Flyingstari think you could do better

_ren_tao_fan_ on February 2, 2007, 5:06:10 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on

Magnarakku on November 6, 2006, 7:52:55 AM

Magnarakku on
MagnarakkuAmalthea!! i used to love that movie! awesome awesome awesome!

silver_angel on October 28, 2006, 10:44:04 PM

silver_angel on
silver_angelwowzers!!! wow....WOW.....WWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!

I guess I'm done now....oh...wait....


WhiteAngelWolf on October 12, 2006, 9:10:23 AM

WhiteAngelWolf on
WhiteAngelWolfomg this is sooooooooooo pretty!!!!! did u draw it???

Spottedfur on October 9, 2006, 5:32:25 AM

Spottedfur on
SpottedfurButiful!!! *favs*

Centaur4eva14 on September 30, 2006, 2:33:48 AM

Centaur4eva14 on
Centaur4eva14That's cool!!!!!!!!!!!
How did you drawl that?
That is so cool!!!
I wish I could drawl like that.

SilverLiningCloudy on September 26, 2006, 10:54:04 AM

SilverLiningCloudy on
SilverLiningCloudyreally pretty :D

x_Andr0m3da_x on September 23, 2006, 1:44:39 PM

x_Andr0m3da_x on
x_Andr0m3da_xwow!! THATS SO AMaZING!!!
so great pose!! the coloring and the style are so perfect!!!
thats a really amazing work!!! ya must be proud about it!!
ya really capture her cute soul here!!!
really amazing and PERFECT TO!!!

ladyofthecanyon on September 20, 2006, 8:55:37 AM

ladyofthecanyon on
ladyofthecanyonMy FAVORITE movie of all time! I love how you captured the pose! By the way... are you Genesis after the band, or the biblical term? Or something else I am missing? Ah well...

x_Tess_The_Slorg_x on September 10, 2006, 6:21:31 PM

x_Tess_The_Slorg_x on
x_Tess_The_Slorg_xI haven't seen the movie or read the book but the pic is awesome! ^^

Taria on August 29, 2006, 8:11:36 AM

Taria on

PsycoFurubaFan on July 13, 2006, 10:08:57 AM

PsycoFurubaFan on
PsycoFurubaFanit looks just like that one scene in the movie before it acctually starts(in the prolouge)

ScarHeartedBeauty on July 5, 2006, 7:15:36 AM

ScarHeartedBeauty on
ScarHeartedBeautyI have watched that movie ever since I was knee high! I love this picture! *huggles* THANK YOU FOR THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!

Flyinmonkey1010 on July 4, 2006, 11:23:54 AM

Flyinmonkey1010 on

perfectpureblood on June 20, 2006, 8:22:55 PM

perfectpureblood on
perfectpurebloodoh wow this is stunning! so gorgeous and amazing! how did you do that? *fav*

Taria on June 19, 2006, 2:05:27 PM

Taria on
TariaOMG this is beautiful!

MellasFenixxes on June 16, 2006, 12:14:06 PM

MellasFenixxes on
MellasFenixxesI remember this picture from DA. Great job once again!

foxyremix on March 10, 2006, 1:16:20 AM

foxyremix on
foxyremixwoww~that is rellllly BEAUTIFULL!! +favs+

SpiritOfTheHorse on March 7, 2006, 4:21:16 AM

SpiritOfTheHorse on
SpiritOfTheHorseOMG that film/book is the all time greatest ever i love Amalthia/unicorn she's so beautiful

Katomi on March 3, 2006, 1:24:14 AM

Katomi on
KatomiShe's so pretty! XD

Bucket on February 26, 2006, 10:45:26 AM

Bucket on
BucketWow! The Last Unicorn is one of my favorite movies and you have done this soooo well! She is beautiful.

mysticwolf on January 27, 2006, 7:14:51 AM

mysticwolf on
mysticwolfThat is 1 of my favorite movies! *faves*

Bunny36 on January 3, 2006, 7:09:35 AM

Bunny36 on
Bunny36Wow, she's simply jaw-dropping, I loved the movie and you've drawn her beautifully.

Redwall_Artist on December 31, 2005, 8:47:34 AM

Redwall_Artist on
Redwall_ArtistMy sister LOVES that movie! Your picture is AWSOME!!!

Isukaru on December 22, 2005, 4:58:51 AM

Isukaru on
IsukaruIt looks so amazing!!!! +FAVS+

Kittyduck on December 18, 2005, 8:57:08 PM

Kittyduck on
KittyduckThat's freakin' amazing! It looks just like the movie! *favs*

gohstann on December 15, 2005, 10:07:41 AM

gohstann on
gohstannpritty pritty pritty!

ArabianFox on December 12, 2005, 5:20:07 AM

ArabianFox on
ArabianFox...(bug-eyed) Are you sure you aren't one of the designers for the movie? Anyway, absolutely stunning. I wish this had been the cover for the movie (now the book cannot be matched, and I adore the movie, but to be honest, the movie cover was terrible).

hakashar on December 6, 2005, 4:15:41 AM

hakashar on
hakasharHOLY shoot!!!!! *0* this is awesome! evetrything it's so...sparkly! ^^U
*favs artist and pic*

Starlight_Night on November 28, 2005, 7:11:02 AM

Starlight_Night on
Starlight_NightOMG OMG OMG OMG OMG PRETTY!!!!!!!! *adds to favs*

Lady_Skai on November 23, 2005, 10:15:33 AM

Lady_Skai on
Lady_SkaiShe' tear to eye.-

Defiance on September 25, 2005, 4:29:46 AM

Defiance on
DefianceIt looks just like her...

Congratulations, this pic is going into my favs!

queenselphie on September 23, 2005, 5:33:57 AM

queenselphie on
queenselphieprettful to new extremes! Love the movie, love this pic. favs

pookyns-5 on September 22, 2005, 9:11:06 AM

pookyns-5 on
pookyns-5AMAZING! you make her look so much prettier!

fightgirl91 on September 22, 2005, 1:36:53 AM

fightgirl91 on
fightgirl91woow fantastic!
I like it^0^


Noweia on September 21, 2005, 7:52:53 PM

Noweia on
NoweiaI have to agree, absolutely fantastic! It looks just like her! XD

Jenniberry on September 21, 2005, 2:38:59 PM

Jenniberry on
Jenniberrythis is, by far, the best piece of art I've seen in a while ^_^ And I love the movie!!! XD